Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 05, 1977, Image 20

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    —Lancaster Farming, Saturday. March 5. 1977
F arm Calendar
[Continued from Page Io[
continues through
Second meeting on
reproductive efficiency
in dairy cattle, 7:30 p.m.
at the Farm and Home
Center, Lancaster. Dr.
Robert Gutzweller,
whose practice is limited
to dairy cattle
reproduction, will be
guest speaker.
Manor Township supervisors
meet to discuss issue of
John Barley Farm vs.
Lancaster Landfill.
Backyard vegetable growers
seminar, 1 p.m. and 7
p.m. at the York Mall
Community Room
Elm-Penryn Community 4-H
Club organizational
meeting, 7:30 p.m. at the
Penryn Fire Hall.
Tuesday, March 8
Annual meeting of the
Lebanon County Ex
tension Service, Mt. Zion
Fire Hall, 7 p.m.
Penn State seminar in
gardening, at the Farm
and Home Center,
Lancaster, 7:30 p.m.
Cooperative Leaders
Seminar, Embers
Restaurant, 1700
Harrisburg Pike,
Carlisle, 9:30 am.
Private pesticide applicators
certification, 9 am. at
the Cumberland County
Extension office in
Lancaster County DHIA
workshop, 7:30 pm. at
the Extension Ctr.
Dover Young Farmers
annual banquet, Dover
Fire Hall, 7 pm.
Red Lion Area Young
Farmers annual
banquet, Red Lion High
School, 7 p.m.
Wednesday, March 9
Anybody interested in
supporting John Barley
in his bid to keep his
farm, meet at 10 a.m. at
his farm, near Miller
sville-Busloads of state
senators and
representatives will be
there too.
Penn State seminar in
gardening at the Farm
and Home Center,
Lancaster, 7:30 p.m.
York County fruit growers
meet: Production Credit
Office, 10 am
Penna. Hereford Association
meets at the Billy Budd
Restaurant, Holiday Inn,
York. 7 pm.
Lebanon County Con
servation District board
of directors meets at 8
p.m. at the Lebanon
County Municipal Bldg.,
Room 207.
Horse meeting for interested
persons in Hunterdon
County, N.J. at the
Extension Center, 8 pm.
Lancaster Extension holds
meetings on commercial
pesticide certification, 9
am. to 3 p.m.
ELCO FFA chapter holds
annual banquet, 7 pm. in
the ELCO Middle School
cafeteria, Myerstown.
Elizabethtown Young
Farmers play volleyball
at the high school, 7-9
Thursday, March 10
Leadership Forum spon
sored by the Extension
Services of Adams,
Cumberland and
Franklin Counties, 7:45
pm. at the Cumberland
County Extension
Building, Claremont Rd.,
Inter-State Milk Producers
District 5 holds annual
meeting at Meadow Hills,
south of New Danville.
Farm transfer
arrangements discussed
at educational Extension
meeting, 7:30 p.m. at the
Farm and Home Center.
S.E. Pa. Milking School, 10
a.m. Bechtelsville Fire
Hall, about 8 miles north
of Pottstown.
Tree fruit meeting, Lan
caster Farm and Home
Center, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
York County DHIA
What's new
Patz Company brings a
new twist to manure
movement with its 200
compressed air Manure
Mover. Slurry is added to
below ground 1700 gallon
(U.S.) inches steel
pressure vessel through a
top hatch. A few twists above
workshop, 10 a.m. at
Avalong Dairy Bar.
Penn Manor FFA banquet
6:30 p.m. in high school
Friday, March 11
Pennsylvania Egg
Marketing Association
meets, 7 p.m. at the
north of Lancaster on Rt.
272. Penn State ag
economist Dr. Anthony
Stemberger will speak.
S.E. Pa. Milking School
continues (see above).
Manheim FFA annual
Affirmation of Farming
Event, Laurelville,
registration today, ac
tivities continue through
the weekend.
New Holland FFA banquet,
6:45 p.m. at Garden Spot
High School cafeteria.
Saturday, March 12
Area 6 Grange meeting,
Valley Grange Hall,
Lewisberry, 7:30 p.m.
Deadline is today for signing
up for the Lancaster
County Holstein Club’s
tour to Centre County. If
interested, contact Ken
Rutt at 717-786-3591
ground closes the hatch.
Added compressed air from
as small as a one horse
power compressor pushes
slurry out through an un
derground 12 inches PVC
pipe to holding facility up to
150 feet away. Hatch
mechanism and back flow
prevention valves at tank
bottom and in holding
facility are the only moving
parts...all accessible without
concrete breakup. Relief
valve is provided for
pressure release. More in
formation is available by
contacting Patz Company,
Pound, Wis. 54161.
Yes, and it is very important to know the difference.
It is not nearly as important to know how much a ton of feed costs as
it is to know the profit per cow per day over total feed cost, because
that is what you have left to take to the bank.
Many farmers today have been tricked into buying something
without even knowing if they need it. There is only one way to get the
most profit per head of livestock and that is to test what you feed and
feed accordingly. With today’s rising feed costs the dairyman cannot
afford to feed by guesswork any longer. He must know what is in his
silage, hay and grain and make the grain ration according to these
tests, properly balancing the protein & energy, calcium & phosphorus,
vitamins & trace minerals, so that they meet the requirements of
today's cow with high levels of production.
If you would like to know more about the Agri-King way of feeding
cows, please contact your nearest serviceman or wirte to George
Delong, 225 w. Woods Drive, Lititz, Pa. 17543.
Southeastern Penna
iff George F. Delong
iff Regional Manager
iff 225 West Woods Drive
PT Lititz. PA 17543
W Call Collect 717 626 0261 „ u .
ipjr Souttieasti
Eastern Lancaster Co
Melvin Herr
RD2 New Holland PA 17557
Ph 717 354 5977
North Western Lancaster Co
fno B i< G '? der dr nnc Roger Heller
RD2 Manheim PA 17545 RDI Robesoma PA
Phone 717 665 3126 Phone 215 683 6160
Southern Lancaster Co
James L Yoder
Chester Co Regional Manager
RD2 Box 69 William Windle 250 Edwards Ave
Peach Bottom PA 17563 ROl Atglen PA 19310 Chambersburg PA 17201
Phone 717 5483471 Phone 2155936143 Call Colled 717 264 9321
Southwestern Lancaster Co
Lebanon Co
Ben Greenawait Marvin Meyer
RD2 Conestoga PA 17516 RD2, Box 157
Phone 717 872 5686 Annville. PA 17003
Phone 717-867 1445
Aldus R King
RDI Box 67A
Atglen PA 19310
Phone 215 593 5952
Northeast Berks Co
Thomas Heist
Mam Street
Alburtis PA 18101
Phone 215-965 5124
South Central Penna
iton Co
& Northimi