Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 05, 1977, Image 144
— Lancaster.Farnling^Saturday, Marchrs.-i977 ; 144 BURK—LEA FARM, CHAMBERSBURG, PA. Stanley and Wilbur Bmkholder in tfaeir milking parlor. Wilbur and Stanley Burkholder operate fills 84 -cow dairy herd and have this to say about Purina. ‘'We have been on Purina Cow Chow 38 Percent B for some time and have been very happy with the results, however, when we switched to High Octane 36 Percent B in July, I have seen an increase of .3 percent in my butterfat test. No. of Pound* of Milk Cow* Per Cow 86 42.8 84 50.9 Before Hi-0 36 Percent B 4 months after INCREASE «:i pounds of milk Their roughage program consists of corn silage, haylage and hay. Purina Test Cow 18 Percent B is fed in a magnetic feeder to the early lactating and high producing cows. This allows for a better feeding procram in their freestall operation. Milk production is up and our cows really have an appetite. UPSTREAM FARM, EASTON, PA. S* * Hie attractive Upstream Farm MQk Store, which is always busy. Upstream Farm is a family corporation where everyone is involved, including the wives, who play a major part in the total operation The 200 cows are managed in a free-stall four group system with a rotary milking parlor Each group is fed ac cording to their protein and energy needs based on production requirements. Upstream Farm began feeding Purina in April 1976, prior to that they fed a soybean-premix Since that time they have had a tremendous increase in milk production They are a Puma Program Feeder and rely heavily on our recom mendations Because of their confidence in Puma products, they changed to Hi-0 % Percent B in September. DHIA PRODUCTION RECORD No. of Lbs. Percent Lbs. Cows Milk Fat Fat April 1976 220.6 12,397 3 9 481 December 1976 194 6 14.100 3.8 526 High Bros. John B. Kurtz PHONE: 354-0301 PHONE 354-4616 GORDONVILLE 665-6023 RD3, EPHRATA Franklin Feed and Supply Co. PHONE: 717-264-6141 Chambersburc, Pa. McCracken's Feed Mill, Inc. 2 NEW CHARLOTTE ST.. MANHEIN PHONE; 717-665-2146 Ira B. Landis Wenger’s Feed Mill Inc. PHONE: 665-324 S PHONE: 367-1195 BOX 276, MANHEIM RD3 RHEEMS PENNA. DAIRYMEN ACHIEVE GREATER MLK PRODUCTION WITH PORINA’S “NEW" HHI COW CHOW 36 Paul and Betty Bishop review their DHIA records on a monthly basis. Paul and Betty Bishop began feeding Purina in April 1974. Since that time the Bishop family has'made considerable increases in milk production. In August 1974, they switched 1 from Purina Cow Chow 38 Percent B to NEW Mi-038 Percent B The reason for the change? Paul comments, Purina District Manager Ike Yates suggested IQ-0 38 Percent B would give me more milk than I was getting. Having reached 600 pounds of butterfat, I decided my cows needed something extra to keep climbing. As you can see, they continued their climb. DHIA PRODUCTION RECORD No. of Percent Us. Lb*; Percent Cows Milking Milk BF B.F. August’76 55.4 93.4 15142 593 3.9 December 1978 61.9 89.1 16235 837 3.9 The records show the improvement and a new stepping stone for the Bishops’ toward higher production per cow. DHIA records are a major tool for this dairyman, David Paul. David operates a dairy farm just north of Bath. David’s situation is a little different than most dairymen today; he had little farm experience prior to going into business In fact, David grew up in Philadelphia and went on to teaching before he decided to enter the dairy business. He has had his problems as all dairymen do, however, he doesn’t let them get him down but keeps pushing, aßways trying to do better An example of this is a small blackboard at one end of the barn which list the cows that are open. David says this stares at him everytime he goes in the barn and as a result he watches those cows a little closer. July 1976 January 1977 DHIA Production Record* Lb*. Percent Lb* Milk Fat Fat 13,624 3.7 498 15,378 3.7 565 West Willow Farmers Assn., Inc. PHONE: 4*4-3431 WEST WILLOW Umberger’s, Inc. Umberger’s Mill PHONE: 717-166-2324 PHONE: 717-K75161 RICHLAND, PA 17017 FONTANA PA. 17042 W. L Manifold Lehman & Sons Feed Store PHONE: 717-382-4*05 PHONE: 717-521-4151 FAWN GROVE, PA 17321 York Spring, Pa. Two brother*, Herman and Water Biahop, aparata a i« dairy cow (arm Just north of Dayiaatawn. Mon faattep Purina inllay itn, thafar grata rattan era rfnnlrtiin mial ritamln mi—nl aaii Thai Iwi never ted Purina bate* that tea. , Whan aakad why thay changed la Purina, Hama ranted, “In tfaa pat fiva yanr* ww hnd haan an a paatetten alatara and JuaUatata’taamaffit. Altar Nate** la whntParira had taollar it hated nailliMtaPareawtßaataiMpw. MIA PRODUCTION MCMUM *-75-10-75 avaraganradtetiaaMrenw tutiMA MWJJ av^prateette.l pe*u JU»!S Ail Incrsanomp—adsa»cownsr«sy. 4tBnM»M««vBiiisnnwjitw|iwi9|ih(fi9Hi.i peresnt ' ’ Carl Hartman and Bill Stoner frorri Sfi'TfibilQaa, PA operate a US cow dairy farm. One of the things which they are pleased with is the fact that 36 first calf heifers are in the bilking lineup. The heifers were raised on the Purin- D & H Program. , Today their feeding program consists of corn silage, haylage, high moisture corn and Hi-0 36 Percent B con centrate. After switching to Purina Cow Chow 38 Percent B from soybean meal, they had an excellent increase in production and switched to Purina Hi-0 when the opportunity to make more milk was shown to them. No. of Cows Before Purina Hi-0 ■ U 4 One month after lie Three months after 115 We are very pleased with Purina Hi-0 36 Percent. John J. Hess, 11, Inc. PHONE: 442-4632 PARADISE ' • ■> *, i- >* '-I - Pounds of Milk Per Cow 42.8 44.8 49.0