now Wherethe Activities Will Be? lead the Farm Women Calendar. FARMERSVILLE AUCTION Tuesday, March 8,1977 6:00 P.M. In Farmersville, 3 mi. east of Brownstown. Lancaster Co., PA. Early American cberry bedroom suite; high book case; hutch, like new; pr. vdvet side chairs; grey living room suite; box springs & mattresses; refrigerator; maple chest of drawers; rocker rediner; oak dresser; new sofa bed and rockers; new bedding; etc., etc. We Sell Oa Commission. Call JOHN i. RUTT 717-354-5095 Consignments being accepted for our March 29 Antique Sale. CONSIGNMENT SALE FARM MACHINERY SATURDAY, MARCH 12 r 1977 10:00 A.M. On route 313 S.E. of Quakertown turn onto Ridge Road for 1 mile. Watch for sale signs. Oliver 88, Oliver Super 77,960 Ford, Ferguson 30,9 N Ford, AC “C”, Ford 800 w/loader, AC “D” 15, MF 35 turf, MP 35 Diesel, MF skid steer, Pittsburg 12’ transport disc, 10’AC disc, 10%’ Int. offset disc, PLOWS: 10’ Brady chisel pull type, 3 B. Ford, JDS B, JD2Btrail, Int. 2 B fast hitch, AC 782 forage harvester w/3 beads, 2 AC choppers, New MF 52 crop blower, MF IS grinder mixer, JD29O2R. corn planter, Oliver 2 R. culitivator, 3 pt, JD grain drill, MCI PR corn busker, Woods MC 80 rotary, AC 7’ mower, Oliver PTO manure spreader. Lawn equip., MF7bp. tide mower. Snapper 5% hp. mower, MFSbp. mower. Atlas rotary mown*, hog troughs, wheels, poultry equip., and many other items. Sale held rain or shine. ri James W. Mohr, Auct BUYING OR SELLING REGISTERED & GRADE HOLSTEINS? THINK OF SMOKETOWN QUALITY DAIRY SALES. Located East of Rt. 30 along Rt 340 near Rt 896. Regular monthly sales held in our state ap- FIRST ANNUAL Conditionsby, KELLER BROS. 215*257*5698 215*257*5864 Sale reports A Public Auction of farm equipment and feeder cattle was held Feb. 26 by Isaac B. Good, located west of Ephrata, Lane. Co., Pa. There were 365 registered buyers attending the sale. Prices were as follows: J.D. 4030 Tractor $11,075, J.D. 1530 Tractor with No. 48 loader $9650, J.D. 336 Baler $3950, NJL Grinder - mixer 12045, N.H. Haybine $2600, J.D. Cultimulcher $1375, 2 bale Wagons $lOOO each, cedar wardrobe $7O, cedar chest $67.50, Ist cutting alfalfa Hay $7B per ton, 2nd & 3rd cutting alfalfa bay $87.50 per ton. Animals solid as follows: Angus Steers $37.35 cwt, Herford and Charolais Steers $35.50 cwt. and 6 yr. old Quarter Horse $360. John E. and Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers. Lloyd Forry Sale Monday, Feb. 28,1977 JD 4430 Tractor $18,500; JD disc $2875; Internationale bottom plow $2850; Int. 1960 trade, 5 ton $1900; JD 300 Riding mower $2000; 70 Ford Pickup track $2000; Grain dryer $5200; Liquid spreader tank $6000; New Holland spreader $1350; JD Grain drill $1950; JD corn shelter $1425 & Grain wagon with auger $lOOO. SECHRIST SALES COMPANY, INC. LIVESTOCK AUCTION Stewartstown, Pa. Feb. 28,1977 CATTLE 87 Steers - High Choice and Prime absent, sss SAVE sss PUBLIC AUCTIOIt EVERY WEDNESDAY, 6:00 PM Full line of furniture, antiques 'and misc. & collectibles. BARR'S AUCTION & EXCHANGE Rt. 322 just east of new Rt. 222 Ephrata, Pa. 717-733-9694 717-733-9695 New Furniture Outlet Open 9-8 Daily Orthopedic box springs and mattresses, bedroom and living room suites. 20, 30 & 40 per cent cash discounts. “Estate Specialists” BLACK & WHITE HOLSTEIN FARM 2220 DAIRY ROAD LANCASTER. PA NEXT COW SALE - FRI MAR. 18 • 8 P.M. Owner CHARLES C. MYERS »«-= ninv tIVCCC /l/'W^lOo or 717.56^6800 ►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Good Choice 36.00-37.85, Good 35.00-35.75, Standard Good 34.00-38.85, Holsteins Good 32.00-33.50, Standard to Good 27.00-31.00. Heifers - High Choice and Prime 35.00- 36.50, Good to Choice 34.00- 34.75, Good 32.00-33.00, Standard Good 30.00-31.00, Holsteins Good 29.00-29.75, Standard Good 25.00-28.00. Feeder Steers - Good and Choice absent, Standard good 35.00-37.00, Utility 28.00- 32.00. Bulls • Good and Choice Commercial 34.25- 35.50, Standard to Good 32.00- 33.50, Utility to Standard 30.00-31.00. Cows - High Yearling Commercial 30.00- 30.85, Cutters 29.00-29.75, Canners Low Cutters 27.00- 28.50, Shells 15.00-25.50. CALVES iO9 Calves - Choice and Prime 75.00- 78.00, Good and Choice 70.00- 74.00, Standard and Good 60.00-65.00, Utility to Good 110-140 lbs. 50.00-58.00, Utility 90-110 lbs. 35.00-45.00, Culls 22.00-34.00. HOGS 352 Hogs - U.S. No. 1 and 2,190-220 lbs. 40.25-50 50, U.S. No. 1 and 3,190-230 lbs. 40.00- U.S. No. 1 and 3, 180-250 lbs. 38150-38.75. Sows - 250-375 lbs. 29.00-31.00, 400- 500 lbs. 28.00-28.75. Boars - 300-500 lbs. 22.00-25.00 SHEEP 14 Lambs -Good to Choice 50.00-60.00, Medium and Good 35.00-45.00 Ewes 8.00- Private Treaty Fat Hogs, Select No. 1 and 2, 200-215 lbs. 40.00-40.50 Private Treaty Fat Hogs, No. 1 and 2,190-220 lbs. 39.75- 40.00 Private Treaty Fat Hogs, No. 1 and 3,190-220 lbs. 39.25- 39.50 A public sale was held at Clarence Rider farm at Kughesville on Saturday, February 26. A large crowd of about 350 attended. There was very spirited bidding. A- C 160 diesel tractor and loader - 65400; Oliver 550 diesel and loader $2750; A-C WC tractor and cultivator $410; Mayrath elevator $885; Ontario drill $805; gravity bin wagon $510; A-C 60 combine $200; A-C combine motor $300; dump truck $650; wagon seat $3l; railroad lantern $2O; Max Fraley and Son, auctioneers. The fifth production sale of Leon, Lawrence, and Thomas Arnold was held on February 25 at the Lebanon 'Fairgrounds. Sold were Yorkshires and Durocs with Lancaster Farming. Saturday, March 5.1977—143 the following results: 29 * or ***?, ? a \ e - 9 ne hundred Yorkshire ‘ bred—giltr," annuals were sold average C7O; 16 Duroc bred with the top cow, Jobnsholm gilts, average $250; 13 ** j 0, H . se ? ng Yorkshire open gilts, BMOO.OO and the top calf, average open, which was^ only two weeks gilts average, SI6(T; ' 12" B ° mS $1,550.00. The Yorkshire boars, average average price per animal $315; 10 Duroc boars, was tt. 07500 - Tb®™ were average $321; 15 commercial ? ve f 300 in A 4 ’ open gflts, average $l2O. tendance. The herd went to Average per head-$230; new owners in Pennsylvania Total sale, $24,385. Total of and Ohio - Tb® total for the 106 head sold? Harry Bach- sal ® brought just under man, auctioneer. $113,000.00. JOHNSHOLM DISPERSAL Jan. 20,1977 Joseph Johns V held a complete dispersal sale for his Holstein herd after 30 years of successful farming. Six generations of the family have farmed here since 1806. Joseph Johns V bad built up the fourth highest milk producing herd .In the state, the highest in Somerset County, for several years. In 1976, the herd averaged 20,300 pounds of milk and 762 pounds of butterfat for each of his 51 producing cows. Merle Mishler of Hollsopple R 2, Pa.,*and J. O. Fenstermaker of Homer viUe, Ohio were the auc tioneer and sales managers Directory Whistle while you work a JOHN H. COOPER Manheim, PA AUCTIONEER Livestock, Farm Equipment, Household Goods & Estates WE DO IT ALL! CALL 717-665-5839 SERVICE CALL JOHN I. MARTIN RDI, Duriacfa Road, Ephrata 73M511 or PAUL E. MARTIN StevewßDLßoxSU 783-SMS LICENSED AUCTIONEERS No Sale Too Small or Luge Tents Available LLOYD H. A RANDAL V. KREIDER g KUNE 717-786-3394 717-733-1006 Auctioneers & Sales Managers 'pfruir'iln Dairy i Farm Mactunery Sales, Real Estate • Pubic ar Private Salt. Complete Professional Auction Service with Tent Avertable A public sale of farm machinery and registered and grade heifers was held on February 26 at 10 a.m. at the home of Clair and Betty Maye Kreider, south of the Buck. A log chain sold for $37.50; continental bolt bin sold for $160; JD drill. $1400; JD No. 54 manure spreader, $1500; Brillion cutthmilcher $1100; New Holland elevator and motor, $1010; JD 16H chopper, $1025; JD 216 en silage wagon, $2750; Hesston haybine, $1700; JD 2020 tractor, $3600; JD 3020 tractor, $5350; JD 4020 tractor, $7900; top heifer sold for $660. 246 people registered. Lloyd Kreider and Everett Kreider, auc tioneers. Auctioneer's AUCTIONEERS FRANK & PAUL SNYDER Livestock, Farm Equipment, Household Goods, Antiques No sate too small or too large 717-859-2688 717-733-705? PAUL E. SANGER Realestate Auctioneer The Farm Realestate Specialist Licensed, Bonded Registered & Experienced Call 717-272-1025 Lebanon, PA
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