Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 05, 1977, Image 142

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    —Lancaster Farming, Saturday. March 5, 1977
Sale reports
by Amos Spade of Paradise,
Lancaster Co., Pa.
Items sold included: three
tractors $l4OO, $lO9O, & $665,
2 wagons $350 & $360, hay
rake $425, two-way plow
$235, grain wagons $390 &
$555, hay baler $845, engine
$l5O, generator $260, old
chest $l5O, entension table
$75, rope bed $52, and
wooden planes $l4 and $l7.
Auctioneers were Robert
E. Martin arid Frank L.
An Auction was held by the
Thompson Equipment
Co. 3 miles east of Exton, in
Frazer, Chester Co., Pa. It
wcs a good sale with 400
registered buyers.
Tractors and Machinery
sold as follows: Ford tractor
with loader No. 1800 for
$2BOO, 1973 Ford roll-back
trade $9250, Ford tractor No.
4000 for $2600, Ford 2000
tractor $3050, 1972 Ford
Track • utility body $l2OO,
1969 Ford Pickup $lOOO, 1973
Ford Pickup $2400, Ford 4500
with loader & backhoe $4675 r
Myerstown Brethren
At Myerstown Brethren Grove
If you have articles for sale and would like them listed
in our itemized ad contact us before March 12.
Call: 866-2591 or 866-4704
Or Write To:
Kermit Oxenreider
Myerstown, PA. 17067
Public sale =
MARCH 15,1977
Location: In West Grove, Pa. from old Rt 1 turn
south on Guernsey road (at Sloan Ford), then at
mushroom house turn right continue on 1 mile,
Chester Co.
Farmall 886-D-W.F.E.; Farmall 560-G; M.F. 65-3 pt. w-
Induttrial Loader fork ft bucket ft front Wtt.; No. 710 -
, 5 Bottom 18” Auto. Reset; M.F. 12’ No. 520 Transport
Disc (like new); Brflllon 12’ Transport Cnltimnlcher
(like new); Int 10’ Spring Tooth Harrow; McCormick
13 Disc Giant Elevator (new); little Giant Com Drag;
New Holland No. 271 Baler w-Thrower; McCormick 990
hay Conditioner; Int 650 Chopper, 2 row head ft Grass
Head; Int P.T.O. Spreader; (3) High Side Bale
Wagons; (2) Smoker Bin Wagons; McCormick No. 5
Flail; (2) N.H. 5 Bar Side Rakes; Harvest Handler
Corn Drag; Brillion 10’ Grass Seeder; Int 3 pt. Clod
Breaker; Myers 6’ Snowplow; V-Plow; M.F. 3 pt. 6’
Mower; Int Wm 105 - 12.5 Kw Generator.
2 Cattle Loading Chutes, 1 Mtd. on wheels; 2 sets
Tractor Chains; Trade Chains; 20’ Log Chain; 12’ Iron
Water Trough; 6” Endless Belt; 16 Bale Twine; 4-Rolls
Snow Fence; 2 Digging Irons; (3) Chain Tightners;
Log Hook; Push Pull; Grindstone w-Motor; 25 ft. 220
Cable; % B&D Elect Drill.
29 Good Turkey Crates; Poultry Feeders; Brooders; 18
Gal. Green Paint; Some Dry Wall; Block ft Falls;
Plastic Tubing; Small Tools including Shovels; Axe;
Post Hole Digger; Picks; Miscellaneous out of shop.
JD No. 6600 air cond. combine, excellent condition,
I, hours, has 13’ grain head, 38” rows, 4 row corn
If in need of good equipment don’t miss this sale!!
Sale at 11:00 a.m. Lunch
Raymond Thompson,
Farm Mgr. (215) 869-2660
Aucts.: Carl Diller (717) 464-2233
J. Everett Kreider (717) 786-1545
Case 680 backhoe - loader, all
steel cab $5650, M.F.
Backhoe & loader $3200,
Ford Hay Baler $925, 6-row
Ford Cultivator $490 and
Bolens Riding tractor $950.
Sale conducted by Whit
ford Sales Co., L. Robert
Frame, Auctioneer.
A Public Sale of farm
machinery and corn was
held by Raymond and
Bertha Breckbill, 1% miles
east of Bethel, Berks Co., Pa.
on February 23rd.
Items sold as follows: 970
Case Tractor $11,300, 730
Case Tractor $1850,530 Case
Tractor $l2OO, VAC Case
Tractor $730, Complanter
$1225, Grinder Mixer $1350,
Elevator $llB5, Haybine
$2OOO and Corn up to $66.75
per ton.
Carl Diller, John Diller
and Randal Kline were the
A Public Sale of woodland
and household goods was
held by Mrs. Harvey Eberly
of Sandy Hill Road between
Schoeneck and Ml. Airy,
Lane. Co.V on Feb. 26th. ' '
The 3 acres of woodland
sold for slo£oo to Isaac Good
of Ephrata.- - - ' ~
Other items sold were:
1965 Pontiac $525, 2 sets of
the Annal of Conestoga
Valley $3lO and $330, an
Indian book. $55, a hammer
gong $270, 12-guage shotgun
$175, a safe $150,100 original
oil paintings up to $5O ea.,
' kerosene lamp $9O, 12 hor-
seshoe tumblers $4B, a
dinner bell $75, small iron
kettle $26 and small, iron
bank $3O.
Auctioneer was T. Glenn
A Public Sale of farm
equipment was held Feb. 26
10:00 A.M.
Located 3 miles North of Rt. 663 off of
Allentown Rd. on Grant Road at the Homer
Wimmer Farm. Look for sale arrows.
FARM EQUIPMENT: MH 60 sp combine; 1H 450 PS
FH; IH 504 PS 3 pt.; (2)IHH; gravity bin and wagons;
elevator, auger and conveyor (w/motors); IS IH side
del. rake; NI hay crusher;* NI sickle bar; 13 hole IH
drill (on rubber); 40 IH planter; 45 Me baler; com
picker; barrow; cultipacker; (2) fast hitch 3x4 ft
plows; PTO grass seeder; Simplicity cultivator;
shelter and scale; seed cleaner; wheel barrow; 180
Amp welder; meat grinder; fuel tank and IH wheel
wts. and many more items too numerous to mention.
Auctioneer and owners not responsible for accidents.
Auctioneers note: These items are in good main
tenance and condition. _ . .
Sale for,
John C. Lapinski, Auct.
(536-0514) (536-7082)
Terms: Cash or certified check.
Loading facilities available.
11:00 A.M.
Located app. 2 Miles North of Lititz, Pa. Just off
Rt. 501 along Bomberger Road.
Consisting of the following items. John Deere 1520
Tractor 750 hrs., 16” 2 bottom roll over plow. John
Deere 40 tractor with 2 row cultivator, J.D. Mdl. 350
side rake, J.D. Crimper, J.D. 28 disc harrow, Sauder
loader with 6’ snow bucket, Hydraulic Cylinder, No. 217
New Idea 135 bu. Spreader, I.H.C. 13 disc drill, I.H.C. 2
row 3 pt. Com planter, 24’ Smoker elevator, spring
harrow, roller, rubber tire wagon 16’ Bed, 2 horse plow,
portable power unit, 2 horse wood wheel wagon, 100’
snow fence, small block & tackle, Electric fencers &
Wire & insulators, 100’ heavy duty elec, cord, chains,
32’ Ext. ladder, fence rails, locust posts, used lumber,
15 ton alfalfa & mixed hay, 12 ton straw, 20 ton Ear
Cora, Ensilage Cart, cast iron water trough, pump
trough, Sunbeam stock Clipper about new, hoof
trimmer, air compressor. Milk Cans, stainless dairy
tuba, Chains, forks, shovels, tools.
Household items consists of the following items.
Frigidaire refrigerator, Frigidaire electric stove, Duo
therm space heater, window fan, electric heaters,
laundry tubs, A.M. radio, Bureaus, Bedding, rugs,
green jars. Bodes, pattern glass, China dishes, Crocks,
Baskets, end tables, Chairs, play pen, baby Carriage,
pictures, Brown Marble Slab, Clothes tree, trays,
Berry Boxes, Milk Strainers, Cards & Valentines, also
numerous valuable items not listed.
Sale to begin with household items.
Sale by:
B. Landis Huber
LITITZ R.D.2./ PA. 17543
Bmer Murry 626-5244 or 626-2636
Richari Marry 626-1175
Ken Miller 665-2073
Professional Auctioneers
Appraisers and Advisors Since 1953
Food on premises by the youth group
of HammerCfeek Menhonite Church.
by Mrs. Nevin Merisel, north
oTßobesonia, Berks Co., Pa.
Machinery sold as follows:
Oliver 55 tractor with front
enrislders2s2s; Oliver 77
tractor $625, Oliver 1750
tractor $8450, Oliver -5 bot
tom Plow $1550 and N.H. 461
Haybine $l6OO. _
Sale conducted *by Ralph
W. Zettlemoyer Auction Co.
A Public Sale of farm
machinery was held Feb. 25
by Hayes A. Hastings and
Jay N. Hastings, 0 mites
southeast of Quarryvilte,
Lane. Co., Pa.
Prices received were: 5000
Ford Tractor $4000,801 Ford
Tractor $lB5O, N.H. Spreader
$lOOO, N.H. 273 Baler $2400,
N.H. Haybine $2lOO, N.H.
Chopper $2lOO, N.I. ope row
Picker $l9OO, Silage $55 a.
foot in 12'x 45 silo, and Hay
$76 per ton, .
J. Everett Kreider and
Carl Dilter were auctioneers._
A Public Sale of antiques
and' household items was
held by the Estate of Bar
bara E. Hamish on Feb. 26
at the New Danville
Fireball, 4f miles south of
Lancaster, Pa.
-Some of the outstanding
prices received were: China
Closet $420, Dough Trays
$220 & $350, Roll Top Desk
$290, Extension Table $4lO,
Desk Swivel Chair $l9O,
Clothes Tree $55, High Chair
$65, Jelly Cupboard $l7O,
1849 Coverlet $5lO, Celery
11:00 a.m.
Location: Along Hereford Road, Mount Joy,'Pa. ■"
Directions: Route 283 to Rhecms-E-TowU Mt, go
Northeast on Cloverleaf Road to Green Tree Road,
turn right on Hereford Road. Sale site is approximately
ZVt miles off Route 283. “Watch for Sale Arrows”,
JOHN DEERE HARVESTOR - Serial No. 288870 R
Model 5400, Hours 501 with power rear wheels, air
conditioning, hydrostatic drive, 212 h.p. diesel engine,
attachments - 3 row corn head, 2 row com head, hay
pickup bead.
Harvester Unit is in excellent condition.
1970 4520 John Deere Tractor with 3200 hrs., good
rubber,- like new with additional set of wheels.
4020 John Deere Tractor with 3100 hours, good rubber,
Serial No. 184297 R.
320-S John D«re Tractor, with cultivators, one bottom
plow, two row com planter.
1973 Chevy Pickup Truck, % ton, with 4 wheel drive,
miles 55,000, Model Cheyenne Super 2.
1969 Chevy Truck, % ton heavy duly, 350 engine, four
1965 CaboverGMC Truck with dump and grain box, 351
eilgine, 5 speed trans; with 2 speed rear.'
1959 GMC Truck with dump and grain box, with Sprout
Waldron blower, 5 speedt runs, with 2 speed rear.
1962 International Scout, 4 wheel drive.
Allis Chamber Combine, Model Gleaner CH, 30” four
row com head, 13’ grain head, gas engine.
New Holland Haybine, Model 1469, with cab and fan,
134 cu. in. Ford industrial engine in excellent condition.
J.D. Cultimulcher, 16’ wide, Model F-950 on rubber.
J.D. 6 row Cora Planter with fiberglass tanks and
spraying attachments, Fertilizer Tanks, Insecticide
Hoppers with dual wheels. New Holland Baler, Model
277 with kicker attachments.
2 New Holland Spreaders with hydraulic end gates,
Model 675-S.
John Deere Drill (like new), Model 8200, Gehl “Hi-
Throw” Forage Blower.
2 Hay Wagons with John Deere running gears, with 18’
and 20’ beds, with sides.
3 Chuckwagoos, John Deere running gear with heavy
duty, 10 ton capacity.
New Holland Rotary Mower.
John Deere Hay Rake, Model 640, John Deere Rotary
Hoe, 12’ wide.
John Deere 5 bottom roll over plow, Model 945-H (two
way plow).
BrUlion Flail Shedder, Model FS-144-02. 12’ wide,
heavy duty, 10’ Miller Disk Ford 3 pt. Mounted Disk.
John Deere Disk. 2 sets dual wheels 18.4 x 34 for 4020
John Deere. P.T.O. Generator on trailer. Tractor
Chains. 20 - Smidley 12 hole Hog Feeders. 16’ Farm
Wagon with hydraulic lift. 3 H.P. Mix Mill and many
other items.
18.4 34 tire chains.
10 ton Straw. 10 Mixed Hay.
All kinds of new parts lor equipment.
All sizes of iron.
Anvil, large iron Workshop Table.
Sale by
Auctioneers Note: This is one of the best lines of farm
machinery to be offered this spring. All pieces of farm
machinery are in excellent condition and deserve your
attention. Come early. There are not many small
items. Large equipment will be selling by 12:00 pm.
Sale conducted by:
J. Omar Landis Auction Service
Ephrata, Pa.
J. Omar Landis A Jay M. Witman, Auctioneers
717-733-7919 - 717-665-6735
All Out Of State Bayers Must Have Bank Credit Or
Reference. f v •
Food By Milton Grove United Methodists
Stand $3O, 'China "Pitcher
$220, Dishes s2ot<> $l6O each
and $5 Gold piece $l3O.
Auctioneers Carl & John
Diller assisted by Steven
- r ; . JDOt'j
* A Public Sale of household
goods 'was held Feb. 26' by
Aaron S. Hcrshey, 5 miles
east of Intercourse, Lane.'
Co., Pa.’ There were 200
registered buyers attending.,'
Items sold included: China
Closet $lB5, HaU RacK‘slsoj
Bedroom Suite $245, €Hest of
Drawers $6O, Dresserjß7.sof
.Rocker $65, Freezer
Cedar Chest' ,$6O, Plans
Bottom Chairs s43ea., antf
Copper Boiler $45. '. ' /‘V |
Auctioneers were Ltroi
Zook and Leon Kurtz.