Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 05, 1977, Image 141
READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS CONSIGNMENT MACHINERY SALE Tractors, ail types farm Machinery Including Horse Drawn Equipment FRIDAY, MARCH 11,1977 10:00 A.M. Keister’s Middleburg Auction Sales, Inc. Route 522, three miles East of Middleburg 5 miles West of Selinsgrove Equipment should be consigned the day before the sale. Keister’s Middleburg Auction Sales, Inc. Rt. 522-RD3, Middleburg. Pa. Owners, DON & WALT KEISTER Art Kling Larry long, Auctioneers Terms Cash. Restaurant Open. Trucking Available. DISPERSAL SALE Discontinuing farming, will sell on the farm located 5 miles West on New Bloomfield, Pa. and 3 miles East of Greenpark, Pa. on Route 274 on SATURDAY, MARCH 26,1977 at 9:30 A.M. «HUD Of HOLSIEIN MIRY CATtIE 60 Consisting of 46 dairy cows of which 25 are springing or fresh since Jan. 1; balance in different stages of lactation. This is a good producing herd of mostly young cows including many 2nd calf, 2 bred heifers; 11 open heifers, service bull. Bangs and T.B. tested within 30 days of sale with individual health charts. Cattle sold in heated tent. PONY MARE & COLT—Child Broke. FOUR TRACTORS & MODERN FARM MACHINERY John Deere 4020 Diesel tractor w/cab. narrow and wide front end; Allis Chalmers 175 diesel tractor, fully equipped w/DOOhrs.; FarmallM tractor; John Deere A tractor; A.C. 4 row no till com planter; M.F. 33 grain drill, 15-7 A.C. 12 ft. disc w/rear mounted rake; Original 10 ft. chisel plow; N.H. 273 baler w/thrower, 1 yr. old; N.H. 479 haybine, 1 yr. old; J.D. 400 grinder mixer; A.C. 480 forage harvester w/2 row com head; A.C. hopper blower w/50 ft. pipe; N.H. 69 rake w/new rubber teeth; N.H. 36 ft. elevator; 16 ft. conveyor; N.H. 56 field chopper, 6 ft. cut; Walsh 200 gal. field sprayer w/new tank and booms; A.C. self unloading wagon w/heavy chasis; J.D. 115 self unloading wagon w/side chute; 3 hay wagons, one w/Lamco rack; hydraulic dump wagon w/12 ft. bed; 2 bin wagons; green chop feeder wagon; N.H. 331 manure spreader; Arps 6Vt> ft. snow blower; 9 ft. front mounted snow plow; Woods 6 ft. rotary mower; Int. 2 M.H. com picker; Kelly 900 loader w/2 buckets; 2 wheel trailer; wooden horse drawn land roller; one row com planter; Shaver post driver; 3 pt. 6 ft. scraper blade; tractor chains; some horse drawn machinery; Avco 2 fan lime and fertilizer spreader; Lancaster level flow w/30 ft. pipe; 16 ft. round metal com crib; used 14,15,16 in. tires. Most of above machinery is in excellent condition, most of which not over 5 yrs. old. DAIRY EQUIPMENT 6 Surge milking units, 3 fifty lb. pails, 3 forty; Surge SPII milker pump; washer for 3 unit Surge; dump station; S.S. strainer; S.S. double tubs; 2 silage carts; Stewart cow dippers. HOUSEHOLD AND MISCELLANEOUS V« to % horsepower elec, motors; Signature 16.8 cul. ft. combination freezer-refrigerator, automatic defrost; Maytag wringer washer; double rinse tubs; 9 pc. dining room suite; New 5 pc. dinette set; 8 ft. pool table; Metal office desk; and other useful articles including small tools and parts for operating working farm. MR. & MRS. WHIIAM L SHEARER Ph0ne:(717)582-4479 TERMS: Cash - Not Responsible for Accidents AUCTIONEER: Robert C. Muliendore CLERK: C. L. Metz Lunch by Perry Co. 4HBeefClub COMPLETE Sale reports ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ A Public Auction of farm xxx equipment and Charolais HUNTERS SALE BARN cattle was held Feb. 25 by INC. held their weekly sale Mal-AUen Farms, 14 miles February 28 at Rising Sun, east of Pottstown, Mon- Maryland, tgomery Co., Pa. HEIFERS: Feeders 31.00- Prices received were: Ear 36.25; Good to Choice 28.50- Com $5O per ton, Charolais 31.00; Other 22.00-27.50. Bull $BOO, yearling Charolais - FEEDER STEERS : Good Heifer $750, Charolais cows to Choice 32.50-37.00; from $7OO to $9OO ea., Super Standard to Good 20.50-30.00. M Farmall tractor $1250, BULLS: 14401 b. 30.75; 1030 Super 504 Farmall with lb. 31.25; 850 lb. 31.50. loader $3475, Farmall 656 COWS: High Choice to tractor $3900, and N.H. 352 prime 28.00-30.00; Good to grinder mixer $l7OO. Standard 26.75-28.00; Utility Ralph W. Zettlemoyer 23.75-25.75; Cutters 20.50- Auction Co. conducted the 23.50; Canners 17.00-20.00. sale. CONSIGNMENT SALE FARM EQUIPMENT LOCATED AT INTERSECTION OF ROUTE 10 & 41 COCHRANVILLE, CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA TUESDAY, MARCH 8,1977 10:00 A.M. TRACTORS Case 1740 Diesel Uniloader; Oliver 2050, 130 HP.; M. M. G. 1000; N. 1.702 Uni System and Forage Harvester w-3 row picker; 2 Farmall M new overhaul; Ford 800 w-Sauder Loader; Ford Jubilee; Massey 44; Farmall A w-mower, loader and cultivators. M. M. 670. PLOWS M. F. 4-16; J. D. 4-16; J. D. 10’ Chisel; J. D. 7’ Chisel; SS-9 Soil Saver; J. D. 3-16 F 125; Sunflower 19’ Chisel; 58&6-18” SAR Plow. DISC HARROWS Bush Hog 10’ 1437 (new); Bush Hog 10’; Oliver 13%’, Ford 10’. TILLAGE EQUIPMENT Brillion Seeder Packer; J. D. 12’ Spring Harrow; 10’ Spring Harrow; 10’ Cultipacker; 10’ Chatanooga Cultimulcher; S-80 Howard Rotovator; Oliver Superior Grain Drill; 3 point A. C, 3-16” Spring Trip Plow. CORN PLANTERS —J. D. 8 row; I. H. Cyclo 6 row; J. D. 3 point 4 row; Massey 4 row; Ford 2 row; 2 J. D. 2 row; 1 -2row w-EZflofor A. C. B.; I. H, 4row. HAY EQUIPMENT Case 955 12’ Self propelled windrower; Hesston PTI2; Hesston PT10; N. H. 469; Case 550; I. H. 816; New Idea 270 Cut Ditioner; Oliver 3 point Sickle Bar Mower; Pequea Hay Tedder (new); Lely Rake & Tedder; J. D. 14 T Baler w-thrower; 4-8’ x 16’ Bale Body Wagons; N. H. Crimper; Cunningham Crimper. MANURE SPREADERS - New Idea 176 bu. Fail Spreader; N. I. 301; N. H. 331 3 beater; Clay Liquid Spreader; 2 Badger 1400 gal. Liquid Hawk Bilt 185 Spreader; N. H. 365 Flail Spreader; J. D. 70 Flail; Hesston 1400 Liquid Spreader. FORAGE EQUIPMENT Fox 2000 w-electric grin der, 2 row head and pickup; Fox 1F 2 row; N. H. 818 2 row; J. D. 34 1 row; Dion 3 beater wagon on 10 ton gear; Dion 3 beater; Badger 3 beater w-roof and 12 ton tandem axle gear; A. C. 2 beater; Lamco 2 beater; I.H.C. 51 2 beater; Gehl 2 beater; J. D. 125 on Gehl trailer; Fox blower; New Idea Blower; Dion Blower; Farmhand Blurr mill; Knight 12C Big Auggie Feeder Wagon; 850 Schwartz Mixer Feeder w-scales mounted on C-60 Chev. Truck (2 yr. old). MISCELLANEOUS Bear Cat 950-1235 A Mixer Mill; I. H. 1150 Mill w-ripeco blower; Arts Way 425 A mill; Bear Cat P. T. O. roller mill; J. D. 43 P. T. 0. corn sheller; 2 Little Giant elevators; 16’ Cardinal elevator; 8’ Cardinal Elevator; Sauder Loader (new); Sauder Loader hyd. bucket; New Idea 2 row wide picker; I. H. IPR Picker; New Idea No. 10 Picker; J. D. 227 mounted picker; J. D. ISA Flail Chopper; 762 New Idea 2 row head; Clay 12’ silo unloader; 3 pt. tool bar cultivator; 5026 Oliver running gear; J. D. 46A Loader; 10’ J. D. Fertilizer Spreader; 12’ J. D. Fertilizer Spreader. MOWERS - CHAIN SAWS - 12 H. P. Cub Cadet w mower; 10 H. P. Simplicity w-mower; Used Lawn Mowers - Push type & Riders; Used Chain Saws; Lots of small items Many other items by day of sale. Late Arrivals: (2) 150 White D w-cab and air, 500 hours; (2) 105 White D cab and air, 600 hours; Int. 806 D wide front; 1850 Oliver D; JD 4020; A-C Dl7 gas; JD B w-cultivators; demo Fox 6600 harvester, 6V71 D, w-electric grinder and 3 row head; Hesston Stackhand 30; Brillion 14 ft. mulcher; 850 NH round baler. Lunch By West Fallowfield Christian School Terms By STOLTZFUS FARM SERVICE 215-593-5280 Auctioneers Steve Petersheim Lloyd H. Kreider Bring anything you have to sell before sale date. Lancaster Farming. Saturday, March 5.1977 CALVES: Prime 180-240 lb. 68.00-71.50; High to Choice 140-180 lb. 57.0064.00; Good to Choice 120-130 lb. 47.00-54.00; Standard to Good 110-115 lb. 38.00-54.00; Utility 90-95 lb. 33.00-39.00; Low Utility 60-85 lb. 20.00-25.00, few 29.00. Sale Mgr. & Auctioneer Norman E Hunter Pres A Public Sale was held Feb. 26 by William and Dennis Buck, 2 miles north of Bethel, Berks Co., Pa. There was a good attendance at the sale. The 94 acre farm with 40 acres of farm land, 2te story log house with aluminum siding, large bank bam, implements shed and com crib attached was sold for $lOl,OOO. Other prices received were: Int. 574 D Tractor $7BOO, 2 Hay Wagons $BOO & $810,3-Bottom Plow $6OO and 25 ton of Com for $67 per ton. John Breidegam & Ben Habecker were the auc tioneers. A Public Sale was held February 26 by Simeon and Noah Martin, between Reamstown and Hahnstown, Lancaster Co., Pa. Livestock and farm im- 42nd SWINE SALE FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1977 1:00 P.M. 7.00 HEAD YORKSHIRE & LANDRACE BOARS BRED GILTS OPEN GILTS New & Different * Straight Irish Bloodlines * Irish Imported Gilts bred to Irish Boars • Irish Service Boars • Both Large Whites & Landrace Will Sell Our herds stay out in front. We had both champion & reserve champion carcass winners at the 1976 New York State Fair. CATALOGS AVAILABLE BROOKS END & PAR KAY FARMS Reno H. Thomas, Sales Manager Beavertown, PA 17813 PH: 717-658-5821 or 6544 or 7007 PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY, MARCH 12,1977 Along Sheidy Road Vz mile South of Route 183 between Bernville and Mt. Pleasant, Berks County, Pa. Ford 5000 diesel tractor with 2911 hours; JD 2010 gas tractor, Farmall M; Ford 4 bottom 16 inch 3 pt. hitch plow; JD 3 bottom 16 inch hydraulic trailer plow; JD 1240 com planter w/fert. and insecticide attachments, planted less than 150 acres, like new; 3 widetrack bale wagons w/high sides; NH 460 haybinder; 7 ft. Ford 3 pt. mower; NH 256 RO bar rake; NH baler w/thrower; Lowelle conveyor; 11 ft. transport disc like new; 9 ft. Brillion cultimulcher; Ontario hydraulic 16 hoe grain drill; 2 hydraulic cylinders; NII2A spreader; Sauder manure loader platform scale; heat house for JD tractor chains for JD air compressor; 1100 bu. wire com crib; 110 gallon gas tank and pump; 300 gallon gas tank; Muskrat traps; butcher bench and kettle; old hinges; wire fence gates; small tools and oilier goods used on a farm. Equipment in good condition. Some household goods and a few antiques. Victor Victrola XI, 32 records, rocker, swing chairs, parlor light, flower stand, jars, set of dishes, 2 bed frames, gas stove, hot air furnace (80,000 BTU), 275 gallon oil tank, bathroom fixtures. Sale at 10:30 A.M. Conditions by: MJWILSPEICHER Paul E. Bixler and Gerald G. Kramer, Auctioneers Not responsible for accidents. Lunch Available plements sold as follows: If head of feeder cattle $l5B tc $270 a head, two-horse carriage $570, a buggy $3OO, tractors $470, $9lO, $ll2O, and $l5OO, disc $5OO, manure spreader $5OO, horse collars $lO to $25 ea., and a garden tractor and snow blower $530. Auctioneer for the sale was H. H. Leid Auction Service. A Public sale of valuable real estate, farm machinery and household goods was held Feb. 24 by Mrs. Frank E. Kurtz. The 15 acre farm sold for $120,200 and included a 2 % story frame dwelling house with aluminum siding, frame bank bam, straw shed and implement shed. Other items sold were: A.C. D-12 tractor $1575, Plow $2lO, Harrow $220, Mower $270, Com $65 per ton, Hay up to $74 per ton, 1950 Chevy Sedan $940, Table $lOO, Desk Chair $lO5, Plank bottom chair $lO, Jelly Cupboard $145 and a Oak Roll Top Desk $2OO, also clothes tree $35 and drop leaf table $95. Auctioneers were Leroy Zook and Leon Kurtz. A Public Sale of farm equipment was held Feb. 26 at 10:30 A.M FARM EQUIPMENT 141