—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 5, 1977 106 Atlantic presents certificates These northern Lancaster County dairymen received the Atlantic Breeders’ Certificate of Merit for Superior Production at Blue Ball during the Cooperative’s mem bershr- meeti February 22: (left Certificates of Merit for Superior Production were presented to these dairymen attending the Atlantic Breeders annual meeting on February 24 for members in the Eastern Berks-Lebanon-Southern Chester County dairymen who nual membership meeting included received Certificates of Merit for (from left) Herman Stoltzfus, Superior Production at the Stone Cochranville; John S. Stoltzfus, Barn, February 23, during the Atglen; and Elmer Mast, Parkesburg. Atlantic Breeders Cooperative an- These three dairymen were membership meeting at Palm on recipients of Atlantic Breeders' February 22- (from left) Walter Certificate of Merit for Superior Wurster, Ottsville. Harold K. Production awards presented at the Halteman, Telford, and P. J. Bucks-Montgomery-Eastern Berks Gehrmger, Bally to right) Clyde Martin, East Earl; J. Earl Horst, New Holland; Arthur Wenger, Manheim; Paul Horning, Stevens; Elam Bollinger, Manheim; and Marvin Witmer, Lititz. Dauphin District: (from left) Timothy Tyson, Conewago View Farm, Palmyra; Dallas Wagner, manager of Wernersville State Hospital herd; and Edwin Funck, Jonestown. York Farmers Forum lauded By JOYCE BUPP York Co. Reporter YORK, Pa. - The West York Rotary Club honored the York County Farmers’ Forum during the annual goodwill dinner held by the two orgaanizations of February 22 at Moser’s Restaurant, here. The progarm for the evening event was provided by Forum member George Goodling, Loganville, a former United States congressman from the 19th District. Goodling has retired to work his orchards in southern York County. Howard Perry, program chairman for the meeting, introduced Goodling, comparing him to first President George Washington, on whose bir thday the dinner was scheduled. “Both George’s have served their country on the battlefield and in the State House,” explained Perry. “When they retired from public service, both went back to the land. They were both dedicated to serving their country; and neither ever brought shame to their country.” Goodling presented a slide - illustrated lecture on the Pennsylvania People-To- People Goodwill Delegation, in which he took part as a member during last July and August. The delegation visited on farms in England, Denmark, Sweden, Ger many, Switzerland, Czechoslavakia, and the Soviet Union. Although he had been forewarned of strict sur veillance of visiting Americans while in the Soviet, Goodling felt that the constant watching of tourists has greatly diminished. “We were allowed to go wherever we wanted,” commented the retired congressman. “There was absolutely no way that we could all have been watched and followed.” He was disappointed in the small amount of actual agriculture that the delegation was shown during visits in the area of Moscow and in the southern Soviet state of Muldavia. A winery and its surrounding vineyards were toured; and after much pleading with guides, Goodling and other fruit growers in the group were allowed off the bus for a very brief look at fruit trees growing along the roadside. “I think we did some good for this country,” was Goodlmg’s final analysis of the goodwill mission. The Veterans Ad ministration has been authorized to begin con struction of eight hospitals in the next four years The Veterans Ad ministration operates 171 hospitals, 17 of which have been completed during the last 10 years LOOK FOR APAMS CO- O.C RICE, INC Biglerville PA 717 677 8135 YINGLING'S IMPLEMENT RDI Gettysburg PA 717-359 4848 BERKS GO. N. H. FLICKER & SONS INC. Maxatawny Ph. 215-683-7252 STANLEY A. KLOPP INC. Bernville Ph 215-488-1500 MILLER EQUIPMENT Bechtelsville Ph. 215 845-2911 SHARTLESVILLE FARM EQUIPMENT ShartlesvilTe PA 215-488-1326 H. Daniel Wenger, Prop, ZIMMERMAN’S FARM SERVICE Bethel Ph 717-933-4114 BRADFORD CO. CARL L. PIERCE RD2 Columbia Cross Roads, 717-297-3513 WYNNE'S GARAGE Canton PA 717-673-8456 BUCKS CO. C.J.WONSIDLER BROTHERS Trumbauersville Road Quakertown, PA 18951 215-536-1935 PAUL HISTAND CO., INC. 397 North Mam Street Doylestown. PA 215-348-9041 CECIL CO. AG INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT CO Rising Sun. Md 301-658-5568 CHESTER CO. CHAS. J. McCOMSEY t SONS Hickory Hill PA 215-932-2615 T7CIIC _._ u CCDUIP , L L. ECKROTH FARM EQUIP., INC. STOLTZFUS FARM SERVICE New Ringgold C ,°. c SfS Ph. 717-943-2367 Zl3-MJ-3ZBU STANLEY’S FARM SERVICE M. S. YEARSLEY A SONS RD. Klmgerstown West Chester Ph. 717-641-2088 215-696-2990 COLUMBIA CO ORANGEVILLE FARM EQUIPMENT Orangeville. PA Phone 717-683-5311 WILLIAM F.WELLIVER Jerseytown Pa 717-437-2430 CUMBERLAND CO. ERNEST SHOVER FARM EQUIPMENT 19 West South St Carlisle PA 717 249 2239 DAUPHIN CO SWEIGARD BROS. RD3 Halifax PA Ph 717-896-3414 FRANKLIN CO CHAMBERSBURG FARM SERVICE, INC 975 S Mam St Chambersburi PA 717 264 3533 MEYERS IMPLEMENTS, INC GEORGE N GROSS, INC. Greencaslle PA RD2 Dover PA 717597 2176 717-292-1673 AT HARFORD CO. ROBINSON BROTHERS Cardiff Md Ph. 717-456-5215 WALTER G. COALE, INC. Churchville. MD 21028 301-734-7722 LEBANON CO. A. C. HEISEY FARM EQUIPT. INC. RDI. Jonestown Ph. 717-865-4526 UMBERGERS MILL RD4 Lebanon (Fontana) Ph. 717-867-5161 LANCASTER CO. ROY H. BUCK. INC. Ephrata. RD2 717-859-2441 A B.C. GROFF, INC. New Holland 717-354-4191 A.LHERR&BRO. Quarryville 717-786-3521 LANDIS BROS. INC. Lancaster 717-393-3906 PA LONGENECKER FARM SUPPLY Rheems 717-367-3590 N. G. HERSHEY & SON Manheim 717-665-2271 LYCOMING CO. RICE FARM SUPPLY, INC. Jersey Shore. Pa 717-398-1391 MONTGOMERY CO. WENTZ FARM SUPPLIES Route 29 Palm PA 215-679-7164 NORTHAMPTON CO. GEORGE V.SEIPLE& SON Easton, PA 215-258-7146 NORTHUMBERLAND CO. MECKLEY’S LIMESTONE PRODUCTS, INC. Herndon. Pa 717-758-3915 SCHUYLKILL CO, SNYDER CO. ROYER'S FARM SERVICE RDI, Winfield New Berlin - Middleburg Hwy Phone 717-837-3201 TIOGA CO. CANYON IMPLEMENT, INC. Mansfield, Pa 717-724-2731 WAYNE CO. MARSHALL MACHINERY Honesdale PA 717 729 7117 WYOMING CO. ACE-JURISTA, INC. Tunkhannock PA Ph 717-136-2610 YORK CO. AIRVILLE FARM SERVICE Airville, PA 717-162-335* ANDERSON BROTHERS New Park PA 717-312-4272
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