Milk awards distributed at York Co. dairy day DOVER, Pa. - York County’s annual Dairy Day meeting was held on February 17 at the Dover Fire Hall. Jointly hosting the event were the Extension Service and Atlantic Breeders Cooperative. Dairy Specialist Harvey Shaffer of the Penn State Extension Service, opened the morning program with a presentation on reproduc tion, “Is Breeding One Of Your Problems?” The second portion of the dairy activities centered on another crucial probklem of the industry. “Mastitis - Eight tractors, twelve trailers ready to sene you ... 40*, 45’ and Possum Belly trailers. S. K. SHOTZBERGER. INC. LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION Gene Zwally, President Marvin Johns, Secy.-Treasurer P.O. Box 925, Lancaster, PA 17604 Phone: 393-4641 (day or night) DEUTZ The Most Carefully Engineered Tractor In The World 10 THRU 425 H.P. 1876 A 1976 FIRST FOUR STROKE CYCLE ENGINE Does It Take *z,ooo Profit From You?” was the question put to dairymen by Larry Hutchinson, The Penn State Extension Veterinarian detailed methods of mastitis detection and recommended control procedures. A movie produced by the Atlantic Breeders Cooperative, “How Young Sires Are Proven,” was featured during the af ternoon. Several awards were presented by the cooperative to high milk production herds in the county. STAUFFER DIESEL, INC. Entertainment Come In and Visit With Us and the Factory Representatives . Remember: Our products are backed by parts, service and customer service training. STAUFFER DIESEL, INC. 312 W. MAIN STREET, NEW HOLLAND, PA. Discussing program details for the Livestock Day head of the Department of Dairy and Animal to be held March 1 at The Pennsylvania State Science. Standing from left: Dr. J. L. Gobble, swine University are animal science faculty members chairman; Dr. Robert L. Cowan, nutrition chair seated from left: Dr. Grant W. Sherritt, general man; and Dr. L. L. Wilson, beef cattle chairman. Livestock Day chairman; and Dr. B. R. Baumgardt, OPEN HOUSE DAYS WED. & TWIRS., MARCH 2, 3 REFRESHMENTS Livestock Day slated EQUIPMENT ON DISPLAY: Several New and Used Diesel Engines. Full line of diesel tractors from 32 to 130 HP. If you aren't already familiar with Deutz tractors, let us show you why so many new tractor buyers choose Deutz for its durability, reliability & economy -i* •/ ( x SA*, yjonJ , _ o The Earl of Sandwich, inventor of the sandwich in 1744, said that sandwiches should be eaten with “a civilized swallow and not a barbarous bolt." Invites You To LAUREL & HARDY FEATURE FILMS PH; 354-4181 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb. 26,1977 WED. MARCH 2 FEATURING HESSTON RODEO FILMS 2 P.M. Afternoon 7 P.M. Evening THURS MARCH S FEATURING DIE NEWEST ON DEUTZ TRACTOR FILMS 2 P.M. Afternoon 7 P.M. Evening rapec FORAGE SYSTEMS DEUTZ HESSTON CORPORATION Fvm Equipment Division 9
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