—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb. 26. 1977 80 Feed & Seed FOR SALE 48% SOYBEAN MEAL SHELLED CORN BLOCK & MIXING SALT VIGORTONE PREMIXES ELAM G. HOOVER 717-354-0432 MUNCY-CHIEF HYBRIDS MARKET AND HIGH STREETS* MUNCY. PA. 17756 GROWERS AND PRODUCERS D. E. SHEARER RDI Bainbridge, PA MllrTrn • LIME & FERTILIZER • GRASS SEEDS • HYBRID SEED CORN • SEED OATS • • SEED WHEAT • SOY BEANS • • SEED GRAIN • BALER TWINE • Real Estate YATES COUNTY DAIRY FARM In the Finger Lakes Region near Penn Yan, NY. 390 Acres in one block, large percentage tillable. Good alfalfa & corn ground. Gently rolling to level topography. 2 good ponds, large comfortable farm home in good repair. Main dairy bam consists of 52 comfort stalls. Built in 1960, new pipeline milker, 20 z 50 silo, 16 x 55 silo, heifer bam with remodeled basement, 16 x 40 silo with bunk, 40 x 96 enclosed steel m achine died. Farm capable of further expansion. Owner, Delos R. Dann Sr., R 1 Middlesex, NY 14507. PH; 315-584-5487 For Sale - In Cumberland County on 641 62 acre farm, Grade A milk market, milk house, bulk tank, silo, stable cleaner, hog pen, heated garage, 9 room house with bath, oil heat. Everything recently painted and in good condition. For information call: 717-423-5585 Wanted - Farm land to rent, will pay what your land is worth. Write P.O. Box 266 W, c-c Lancaster Farming, Lilitz, Pa. 17543 Feed & Seed Real Estate Farm land wanted to rent in Monroe, Northampton or Lehigh County. Will pay top dollar for good land. 717-587- 1032 Good daily farm, 98 cow dairy, ideal for jug milk operation, stream. 180 acre with new free stable bam 83 acre complete steer operation Charles H. Ferry, Broker 392-6655 or 656-8430 ' 18 Greenfield Road Lancaster, Pa. 17602 For Sale - Bradford County Penna. farm - 880 acres, 4 houses, 3 bams, 4 silos in cluding 2 Harvestores, modem dairy operation for 300 head or could be con verted to beef. May be divided From owner 717-549-5618 For Sale - budding lots -I‘6 to 2Vz acre lots in Juniata County. Also, 10 acre lots - Snyder County - road frontage - Ph: 717-444-3682 Reol Estate COLUMBIA COUNTY near Bloomsburg - 350 acres, approx. 200 tillable, 65 pasture and 85 woodland. 10 room house, good bam with Double-8 Herringbone milking parlor, 3 silos, concrete feed lot, out buildings. Partial financing available. $250,000. „ ALMOST NEXT DOOR, FARM No. 2 - 112 acres, 90 tillable, 4 bedroom home, tastefully remodeled, fireplace, inground heated poof, very large barn, pond. $150,000. JACKIE KLEN NER REAL ESTATE, R. D. 1, Catawissa, Pa. 17820. 717- 356-2361. For Sale - Bradford County Penna. farm - 780 acres, 4 houses, 3 bams, 4 silos in cluding 2 Harvestores, modem dairy operation for 300 head or could be con verted to beef. May be divided From owner 717-549-5618 For Sale - 96 Acre farm, new silo and unloader, new milkhouse with 600 gallon bulk tank, new glass line and milkers, new stable cleaners, 7 room and bath house with or without machinery and livestock. Phone 717-699-6776. For Rent - 7 room home, available May 1, references required. Phone 717-569-5180. For Sale - 230 Acre Bedford County Dairy Farm, fully equip, for Dairy farming. 42 Stanchions, 46 free stalls. Kline milkers, bulk tank, moisture grain har vester and 1 large 20x80 Harvester, belt feeder, 2 concrete silos. Large Modem House, 4 bedrooms and bath on second floor. This can be two family farm, there is also 1 house trailer with 3 large rooms added. For information call or write 814-784-5550. Orville L. Jay, Clearville, Pa. For Rent - 2 patches of pasture - one 25 acres and one 3-acres. Good fences. In the Jonestown area. Phone 717-569-0416 or 717-865-5886. Wanted to Rent - Ground for agricultural purposes. Write P.O. Box 266 XX, c-o Lan caster Farming, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Interested in purchasing working order dairy farm, south central Pennsylvania area preferred. Occupancy needed by spring of 1978. Direct purchase from owner only. Call 717-428-1865. For Sale -152 acres in Wayne Township, Mifflin County. Phone 717-899-6274. Wanted - Farm near N-W Bridge, York Co. Now or 1978 gossession. Private. By wner. Write Box 266 WW c-o Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa. 17543. DALHART, TEXAS - A GREAT PLACE TO GROW CROPS AND KIDS. Buy ground for around $750 per acre; pay about 50 cents per acre property tax. NO STATE INCOME TAX. Mild winters, 178 day growing season, and fertile soil. Control crop watering with sprinkler irrigation. Grow record yields of corn, grain sorghum, wheat, and alfalfa. Great market due to tremendous number of local feeder cattle. Terrific community and school system. Free brochures available by calling collect day or night. Mike Justice & Associates, Land Agents, (806) 249-5613, (806) 249-4000. 208 acre modem hog farm, farrow to finish, 4,000 head annually. Harold Fries, P-O. Box 149, Bedford, Pa. 15522. 814-623-9223. Real Estate FOR RENT - 86 acre farm with dairy in Franklin County, would prefer share farmer. Jacob E. Flaud, Newburg, RD 1, 17240. For Rent - 100 acre dairy farm in Nittany Valley. New bam '.and modem house. Reasonable terms. Amos Huyard, R. D. No. 3, Box 453, New Holland, Pa. 17557 THOUSAND ISLANDS REGION, NEW YORK. Six acres of level Christmas Tree Plantation in the vacation, boating, & fishing capital. $4O -down - $4O - Write for literature. Thousand Islands Properties, Cambra, Penna. 18611. For Sale - 15 A. Good Retirement home in heart of Shenandoah Valley (2) dwelling’s, stream, spring, Eond, highway, and out uildings. PH: (703) 377-1918 MIFFLIN COUNTY - 212 acre beef farm, 65 tillable, excellent ranch style 6 room and bath house, 45x60 bam with 36x60 loafing pen, plenty of water, all out buildings in excellent con dition. James Rittenhouse, RD No. 1, McVeytown, Pa. 17051, 814-542-4195 For Rent - 40,000 Cage Layer Operation with 30,000 chick 'growing house. Belt system to washer, grader & packers. Feed mill with 80 ton overhead storage. Automatic stand by generator, 2 tenant houses. Central New Jersey location. Write P.O. Box 266 PP, Lancaster Farming, Li tit:; Pa. 17543 For Sale: Dandy buildings on 78 acre modem stocked and equipped Bradford County dairy farm. 70 registered Holsteins. $145,000. Phone 717-744-2482. 20 Acre farm for sale. Remod. house bank bam productive soil Western York County contact Anchor Realty 717-225-3643. Wanted - farm with vegetable farm market on it. Phone 201- 946-8356. For Rent - Dairy farm, 180 acres tillable, bam with 110 free stalls, naved lot. 100 ft. bunk feeder, (2) 24 x 60 silos with unloaders, Surge Parlor. Columbia County, Phone owner 717-784-5094 FOR SALE 81 acre steer feeding farm, Brecknock Township, Berks County. Large 10-room Stone home with 2 full baths plus 2 powder rooms. Wall to wall carpeting throughout house. Newly remodded. 3-room guest house w-fireplace. Large bank bam 4flrzloo’, feed lot macadam ed and fenced. A-frame office building 24’x30’. 72 acres of cropland, 9 acres of pasture with stream and pond. For more information call - 717- 393-3921 - Lancaster Production Credit Association, 411 West Roseville Road, Lancaster, Pa. 17604 47 ACRE PULLET GROWING FARM 4 poultry houses, 40’x400’ ea. Total capacity 100,000 pullets to 20 weeks. Fully automated facilities. Property includes 3 bedroom dwelling, large garage & other out buildings. 25 KW generator, 2 tractors & large spreader. Abundant water supply presently in operation. $325,000. Call Harold Myce, 215-855-5171. Kenneth Kratz Co. Real Estate 40 Acre farm, Providence Township, Lancaster County. 6 room house, 20 acres woodland, 20 acres farming ground. Ask tor Mr. Harntsh 717-299-4885 250 North Duke Street Lancaster, Pa. COCHRANVILLE Small dairy set-up, pipeline milker, ap proximately 40 cow capacity. All buildings new in the last six years. Eight-room rancher with l-Vz baths. 20.6 acres. NORTHEAST CHESTER CO. Modem 162 stall calf raising operation. Three years old with Colonial brick home on 14.2 acres. I. DONALD HOSTETLER REALTOR 215-593-5113 717-442-4114 FOR SALE 160 Acre, 200 cow ultra-modern dairy farm. Surge milking parlor with prep stalls, 3 concrete silos, liquid manure system, beautiful limestone land. Adjacent 70 Acres also for sale. Berks Co. Call HENRY GEHMAN REALTOR 215-77541327 or 215-445-6653 FDR SALE Choice S.E. Minnesota Farms our Speciality, 80 to 500 Acres. Members of Minnesota Listing Exchange. For information contact REALTY, INC. Kasson, Minnesota 55944 Tele (507) 634-4651 EASTERN SHORE OF MD. TAVERN - in operation, on busy State Hwy., large bam room, separate room for dining and dancing. All equipment included in sale. $BO,OOO. FARM - approx. 97 acres, approx. 60 acres productive land, approx. 35 acres woods with some commercial timber. Machine shed, 3 bay garage with office, storage building. Beautiful brick colonial style home with fireplace, very modem kitchen. Nice location on hard road in country. $175,000. FARM - approx. 270 acres with about 220 acres productive land, attractive colonial style farmhouse, 10 rooms, in good condition. Beautiful layout, excellent location. $295,000. FARM - approx. 300 acres, approx. 220 acres productive laid, cow bam, bam, com crib. Attractive colonial style home in good condition, 3 bed. Vh. baths. Nice location. $385,000. BILL ENGERMAN (BROKER) 3IH7S-1.11 Denton Stront Realty, Denton Md. 21(29 Real Estate FOR SALE BRADFORD CO. DAIRY FARM 520 acres, 3 houses, main barn for 130 milking cows, other barn for replacements. Three silos included. Two Harvestores. A ready to go operation. Equipment and produce also available. Phone 717-549-5618 WORKING FARM 30 minutes Northwest of Allentown, -located near Leaser Lake ap prox. 100 acres being farmed. Potatoes', wheat, oats & cattle. Farm house completely renovated & decorated. 5,000 sq. ft. building with heat plus additional out buildings & bank bam. For more information: Call O’BOYLE REAL ESTATE 2000 Oxford Drive Allentown, PA 18103 PH; 215-791-0525 FDR SALE BY OWNER 240 acre dairy farm, 140 acres tillable, 52 stalls, barn cleaner, nearly new 20 x 65 Star silo with unloader, hardtop road, woods, small stream, out buildings. 10 room house with bath and large knotty pine kitchen. Located in Tioga County, Jackson Township. Short drive to Elmira, New York. $142,500. Phone 717-537-2545 EASTERN SHORE OF MARYLAND 532 Acre Cecil County Farm, 282 tillable acres of beat soil, 45 acres wooded pasture Sc stream. Elegant Manor home, new 1975. Complete with tenant home & necessary buildings for beef and grain operation. Owner financing. I. WALBERT WILLIS REAL ESTATE PH: 301-7784695 60S Washington Ave. Chestertown, MD 21620
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