—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb. 26, 1977 76 Services Offered Will do typing in my home. Call anytime. Phone 717-529- 2135. INSULATION - LOAFING SHEDS - DAIRY BARN SPRAYED ON URETHANE FOAM. Ideal for eliminating condensation. Perfect for irregular surfaces. For Free Estimate call Conestoga Chemicals & Plastics, Inc., 397-3724. After 5:00 p.m., call 872-2233. Ready for spring barn cleaning? Will give you a lift with skid steer loader. Has 47” bucket. Chicken houses! Barns with narrow door ways! Ground work! Call Everett Grove 717-637-2947. J. C. Ehrlich Co., Inc. Termite Pest, Rodent and Smoke control. Lawn and Shrubbery spraying, Free Estimates, 1278 Loop Road, Lancaster, PA Phone 717- 397-3722. Will do general office and telephone work at my home. Phone 301-398-7023, Elkton, Maryland. Call 215-445-6186 for free estimate and good price of. personally .spray painting your barns. NOTICE Will Do Electrical or Plumbing Work. No Job Too Small. JUST CALL PAUL 717-354-7896 HOME BUILDING & GENERAL CONSTRUCTION ★ Remodeling: * Fireplaces . Kitchm ir Concrete Work IKS * Brick & Block USNER & MILLER HOME BUILDERS Lititz Akron 626-5438 859-2129 PORTABLE WELDING We have a fully equipped welding truck. Repairs on farm machinery, etc. Steel cattle and hog gates and barnyard fencing - our specialty! For prompt service call; 717-442-8126 Shop is located on Smyrna Road, two miles west of Gap. ELVIN L BEILER & SONS Services Offered ••••••» SILO REPAIRS • I * Tear Down ; I * Rebuild ; I * Replaster : • * Roofs Installed 1 * * New & Used Extensions I * Distributors and Pipes I : DAVE DETWEILER I m 2, Newville, PA wm-Jlli MERV GINGRICH, BUILDER Custom Home Building Additions and remodeling ROOFING-SIDING - SPOUTING Maintenance and Repairs FARM BUILDINGS SPECIAL LOW WIN TER RATES ON IN TERIOR WORK. For Free Estimates Call: 717-626-6111 GLENN B. MILLER CONSTRUCTION CO. CONCRETE House Foundations, Retaining Walls, & Trench Silos "CRANE SERVICE" PROMPT SERVICE ' COMPLETE BUILDING SERVICE 215-562-4895 137 SCHUYLKILL AVE. HAMBURG Services 'Offered Attention Farmers Need any sence line clearing done before spring plowing or any grating? If so, call Musser Excavating 717-626-0856. Poultry & Supplies FOR SALE - Used poultry equipment for 60,000 birds. Watermaster plastic hanging fonts with BEC saddle connector and hose $4.50 each. Quacker Made roll-out nests, 2 tier $4.50 each. Swish cups 24” on center and pipe $.15 per foot. 6 Big Dutchman automatic floor feeders, trough, chain and grill $1.25 per foot. Hopper and drive $lOO. All the above in excellent working condition. Louis D. Dunckcl Oxford, New York 13830 607-334-3538 ■BHUgJBB • ■ • SAVE UP TO *1,700.00 ON A NEW 3300 B SKID LOADER LIST *9,587.50 OR SAVE *2.300.00 ON A DEMONSTRATOR NOW ONLY *7.200.00 Hustler has the size, strength and agility to tackle the chores and come away goin’ strong. Lean enough to slip through a 4 ft. door. Mean enough to muscle a 2,200 lb. payload. Agile enough to skid-turn in its own length and squeeze into the hard-to-get-at spots. • Smooth Hydrostatic transmission couples with 4-wheel drive for excellent traction and control • Oscillating axles keep load level over 5 inch obstacles • Skid-turns in the length of its own track • Dumps 1,600 lbs., at a height of 7 ft. 9 in >h to sfip through 4 It. doors • Lean enoi 806 Farmall with Turbo John Deere 2010 Diesel Farmall C with Cult R. S. HOLLINGER & SON INC. 113 West Main Street, Mountvilie INTERNATIONAL QUALITY PARTS FACTORY TRAINED SERVICEMEN ■ international harvester ■ Services Offered - SSS &5dS For Sale - (1) 35 CPH Kuhl tems washer * Egomatic C.G w 4 and g™* 10 ** ckm 717 '^ concrete work. Contact SamuelS. Lapp, Christiana, F ~ , ... r PA Box 388, 17509, CaU ill*, 40 CPH HHupr 7i7-529-Gfi74 Seymour washer w onver Egomatic C.G. w-4 automatic packers w inliners. 717-299-0828 Poultry & Supplies For Sale -100 used 10’ Skate Conveyors. 717-299-0828 For Sale - (3) 5 H.P. Cooler Units. 717-299-0828 "The Sign of Quality" LITITZ, PA 17543 SALE PRICE % GOOD USED TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT Supplies ■ For Sale - New egg cartons, (misprints) $2O a thousand. Call for delivery or pickup. 717-665-3511 Both With 61 inch Bucket J -iy rf f<w& $8,900.00 Oliver 4-Furrow Hydraulic Reset Plow $1,550.00 2,950.00 Model 56 2-Row Corn Planter 550.00 950.00 I H Model 300 with Loader 1,450.00 BABY CHICKS WHITE EGG LAYERS BROWN EGG LAYERS Cornish giants for broilers, roasters or capons Prices and mating list upon request NOLL’S POULTRY FARM Kleinfeltersville, PA. 17039 (Lebanon County) Phone 717-949-3560 1586 IN STOCK CHECK OUR PRICE FIRST! Phone 717-285-4538 OPEN MON. THRU FRI. 8 to 5 SAT. TILL 12 NOON Poultry tr Supplies For Sale - (1) 25 CPH Aqua Magic C.G. w-% Case Cross Loader, Egomatic Ego-Pak Packer with take away belt system. 717-299-0828 PETERSIME Incubator, 32000 egg capacity Hatcher 10800 egg capacity. Ex cellent condition. W. L. Mummert Co. Hanover, Pa. PH 717-837-6923 *
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