Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 26, 1977, Image 73
Livestock For Sale t For Sale - Holstein herd - 36 head of productive young cows in various stages of lactation. Must really be seen to be appreciated. Call collect 717-666-4208, S. K. Norman, R. D. 1, Lebanon, Pa. Wanted - 40 Holstein first calf heifers, fresh or due next 2 weeks. Also 2 herds Holstein cattle. For Sale - Top quality registered & rde Holstein cattle, fresh springing. Garfield Vanderpool, Towanda, R 3, Pa. 18848 PH: 717-265-6328 Wanted to buy - herd of good Holstein dairy cows, grade or registered. Send in formation, telephone number and best price to P. 0. Box 266 IT, c-o Lancaster Fanning Newspaper, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Clipper Blade Sharpening, Clipper Repairs, Used Clippers For Sale. Don Lohr, R 6, Lancaster, PA 17603 PH: 717-872-5503 Feeder cattle 300 to 500 lbs. Chianina and Hereford Penna. Acclimated Cattle. Dutchman Hereford Co., Lauxmont Farms, RD 1, Wrightsville, Pa. 17368, 717- 252-1525: after 7 P.M. Call 717-252-3925 TENNESSEE MULES If you have a mule to mate, see us. For Pickup Call 717-299-3721 Omar F. StoHzfus 2442 Creek Hillßd. Lancaster, PA For Sole CHIANINA World's Largest - Cows with calves at - Bred and Open Heifers TWIN OAK FARMS Quarryville, PA 717-786-2146 717-786-2201 CHAROLAIS FOR SALE Purebred performance tested yearling bulls by a 4.18 per day gainer out of problem free, good milking cows with sound legs and udders. Use Charolais (the breed that started it all and still does it best) and take advantage of new beef grades. JOHN W. STUMP Clermont Mill Rd. Street, Md. 21154 301-452-8700 m roR MIE •SO 1 7 PUREBRED QUALITY CHAROLAIS AT Affordable Prices BRED HEIFERS - LCR Breeding ALSO 3-IN-l PACKAGES. HERD SIRE; LCR ROYAL DUKE 641 POLLED GREENFIELD CHAROLAIS FARM Howard & Pat Smith RDI Landenberg, Pa. 19350 215-274-8728 Livestock For Sole For Sale - Herd of 37 Holstein cows; also springing heifers. Phone 301-578-1224 evenings. Duroc Breeding Stock LAWRENCE ARNOLD HE. Maple St. Myerstown, PA 17067 Ph: (717) 866-7061 Wanted - Entire herd or part of herd of dairy cows or springing heifers. Call 301- 3584)412 after 8 p.m. “Wisconsin and Canadian Dairy Cows for Sale, Ist, 2nd, and-3rd calf. Fresh and close springers. Cash, or credit with down payment. Specialize in selecting cows for customers. Free Delivery. Call collect. Reuben Greenberg, Inc., Columbus, New Jersey 08022 - Phone 609-298-1021.” Now buying entire dairy herds - Holstein or Guernsey. Have young farmers starting up. Highest cash prices paid. Call immediately collect: 609-298-1021 Reuben Greenburg, Inc. Columbus, New Jersey 08022 FEEDER CATTLE Will buy on order, truck to your farm or assemble for your trucker. DENZIL HEISHMAN Pit. 1, Box 2328 Strasbutf, VA Ph. 17031465-5785 NOTICE Thinking of breeding your special mare? JEN-AIR ACRES has four quarter horse stallions at reasonable rates and excellent mare care. R. D. No. 2 Bernville, Penna. Phone 215-488-6914. - Also Beefalo. Livestock For Sole HEAVY BONED, AGGRESSIVE YORKSHIRE BOARS Raised in Group Lots for Commercial Producers Delivery Available Feed conversion is 2.86 pounds feed per pound gained. LEON L ARNOLD St 1, Box 54 Lebanon, PA 17042 Ph; 717-273-5880 For Sale • Registered spotted boars, outstanding group of sound boars to select from. WINDOM SPOT FARM DonervQle Road, R. D. 2, Lancaster, Pa. Phone 717-872-7560. Miscelloneous For Sale - 8 pair of new roller-tvoe barn door hangers with brackets. Phone 215-268-8088. For Sale - No. 10 NI picker, 2 Int. trucks, 30,000 GVW, one for parts, round turkey feeders, fountains, etc., good condition. Adams County. Phone 717-624-8124. For Sale - End gate for 101 N.H. manure spreader; 2 wheel cow trailer; 2 grade Holstein cows; Gary breeding calendar. Phone 717-687-7361, For Sale - Chain link fencing - used 5’ high - 350 feet plus (2) 10 ft. gates. Call 717-252- 2165 after 5 P.M. Wanted - Wooden spoke wheel pony cart. Write Joseph Stoltzfus, RD 3, Box 96, Mech., Md. For Sale - 1968 Homette Mobile Home, 12x50’, in very good condition. $3,000. PH: 1- 215-593-2260 For Sale - Electric Stair- Glide for home use. 717-569- 1580 For Sale - International 710, three bottom semi-mounted, automatic reset, 16 inch. Columbian cook stove. Best offer. Phone 717-354-8049. For Sale - ’75 Scorpion 340; ’74 Yamaha 433, both in excellent condition. PH: 717- 898-2886 For Sale - 1 Blogett stack oven, 30x42. 1 Champion 3 speed dough mixer. 4’ Refrigerated show case. Sam K. Stoltzfus, Box 56 Rl, Atglen, Pa. 19310 PH: 215- 593-5381 For Sale - 21 cu. ft. upright freezer. PH: 215-779-3156 For Sale - 32 Favorite Manufacturing Co. Rabbit pens, 30x36. Also 8 20x32 pens. Sam K. Stoltzfus, Box 56 Rl, Atglen, Pa. 19310 PH: 215-593-5381 For Sale - Dual wheels al dealer price Call: MUMMAU'S FIRESTONE ML Joy, Pa. 717-6532075 For Sale - Used Norge, Servel and Whirlpool gas refrigerators - reconditioned cooling units available for most gas refrigerators. MYER’SGAS REFRIGERATION R-D. 1, Leola, Pa. Pb: 717-656-7168 Miscellaneous For Sale • locust posts 3” x 5”. 4”„ x 4”, sawed and split, all 8’ lengths. Phone 215-469- 6393. Wanted - horse drawn wagons and carnages. Send details and price to Kirby Bubb, Box 8, McClure, Pa. 17841. REDUCED PRICES ON NOVUS CALCULATORS No. 830 now only $9.95, postpaid, 274 day warranty. 10 day money back guarantee. 8 digit display, adds, subtracts, multiplies and divides, floating decimal. DELUXE No. 835 $15.95 postpaid. Same features as above plus automatic con stant, square root key, 4 key accumulating memory, live percent key. A C adaptor for above $4.95, battery $l.OO WARNING: check your fire extinguisher, or sometime when you need it you may find that it doesn’t work. When the seal is broken or the gauge doesn’t show full pressure it is time to have it recharged. Bring to: STOLTZFIIS WOODCRAFT Fire extinguisher sales recharge inspect Hydro test at Nickelmines . Paradise, Pa. 17562 For Sale - cow clipper; Sunbeam stewart clip master, hardly used-$5O. Female Doberman Pin scher, 7 months old-$75. Phone 717-757-6136 NOTICE: FACTORY OUTLET Clothing for the whole family. Also, BIG savings on fabric remnants and trims. Penn-elm Ap parel, Inc. Newport and Elm Roads, ELM. Pa. For Rent - Bam 40’x80’ storage-trailers-boats campers-feeds, etc. 215- MO7-5329 For Sale - Sawed locust posts, electric fence stakes and sawdust. Walnut and Cherry lumber. Moyer’s Sawmill, Rt. 2, Annville, Pa. Ph: 717-865-3822 20 used cookstoves, chunk, heatrolas, all sizes, cheap, save on fuel, keep warm! 717-632-7419 For Sale - Majestic Cook Stove, excellent shape with hot water tank. Also Black Columbia Cook stove. PH: 215-593-5754 WOOD SHAVINGS. Ideal for work-ways and bedding. $25.00 per ton picked up or bulk load at $200.00. Less expensive than stray or Unbark. Contact Bob Gei et at Leola Supply Co. Inc. PH. 717-656-6811. Sale On KNAPP SHOE Style K 29 6” Farm Shoe Reg. 24.99 $20.99 in March Send size or contact MICHAEL S. LAPP RD3 Box 235 QoarryvlDe, PA 17516 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb. 26,1977 Miscellaneous Good used yellow pine panel doors with hardware. Flush birch doors. Variety sizes in both. Call Eastern Men nonite H0me...723-9881. Custom made storm win dows and doors, aluminum windows and doors for milk house and dairy barns. Ceramic tile (seconds) for cow stable troughs ESCH FLOOR COVERINGS Vt mile North of Bird-in-Hand, on Beechdale Road | RUBBER STAMPS | jij Make To Order £ Ink Pads Available :|: Write or call after 6PM S Gary Hess 451 N. Geonest. MMersvile, PA 717-172^6245 DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF LIVESTOCK Also Crippled & Down Cattle. MARLIN S. IRWIN Quarryville, PA PH: 717-786-3016 CASH FOR PUPS I need Purebred and cute mixed litter lots, 7 to 10 week old. Clean and healthy. Contact “Jo Jo The Dogman” at Root's Farmers Market, RDI Manheim, PA Every Tuesday 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. No. Phone Calls. Prevent Fogging Easily - With "Grayco No-Fog Cloth" zip-seal storage pouch. Economical, Lasts For Years. *A Necessity In Your Car... Wipe windshield and rear window with cloth before driving. One application can last all day long Inside of your windshield stays crystal clear in rain, sleet, snow or hail Even in worst weather, windshield won’t fog up. *A Real Convenience In Your Home Kitchen Simply wipe Cloth on windows and they stay clear, even when the kitchen fills up with steam from cooking and dish washing. Bathroom Wipe mirror with Cloth once and bathroom windows and mirrors stay clear all day-even after a hoi. steamy shower 1 'Perfect to keep eyeglasses and goggles tog and mist free FREE REPLACEMENT GUARANTEE: Buy with confidence. Your "GRAYCO NO-FO6 CLOTH” must perform as advertised, fog preventing action must last for at least one year, or it wiD be replaced to you free of charge Mail Order To Please ship Grayco's No Fog Cloth At SI 19 each Total S Name Address LiH KNAPP SHOES K 432 - Reg. $33.99 SALE *30.99 K3l - Reg. $28.99 SALE *24.99 Also some K 6 and K 29 in stock. Order must be in by the 24th. Smoker's Shoe Repair R. D. No. 1 Box 307 Christiana, Pa. oar *1. 1# Harold E Shover RDII. Box 389 Newviße, Pa. 17241 State. 73