72—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Feb. 26. 1977 Farm Equipment Farm Equipment 650 Int. Diesel Last chance to order now for 500 Case Diesel Tractors spring delivery - Land New disc & spring rollers from Bto 30’; Heavy harrows duty lawn rollers made to New wagon gears your specifications: Field nSTT/S? trailer toy from 10-to 30 ;If combination roller-harrow, 1 UlUWvi i ei. 269,268,271,270, 69 &68 le »" WFr nrs , r s „ op balers with PTO or 2154582-2781 motor 7’ MC Rotary Scythe McCormick Horse FERTILIZER drawn com planter 206 New Idea Spreader p— ————— Massey Harris motor SPECIAL bar rake Nicholson Hay tedder SALE M^p^* T T6’’ 7, & , 19’’ Di 7 Poultry Manure. -Fresh from the broiler McConnick PTO Orn *“ binder with loaders plus «_ Oliver trailer plows write Box 27 McCormick, Oliver, & Strasburg, FA 17579 JD 2 way plows Oliver & Ontario 13x7 ywwwwvwvwwi wJSeSSS** ■: """SB" : : AC power units. <' MANURE ELIAS S. BEILER i| iST red w ““" 25 |i RlLeola, PA 17540 5 ns per ton. I Musser School Road |i PhOHC — ;i 717-949-3709. i ARTIFICIAL BREEDING Maryland -Artificial Breeding Cooperative for service to sire power bulls. Call 301-733-7047 24 How- Service. Situations Wanted Mature student in agricultural economics desires summer position on management oriented farm. Expenenced in dairy, beef and field operations. Dependable. William Mowbray. Phone 215-543- 2997. Married man, 42, desires position as herdsman or equally responsible job. Experienced in dairy herd management and farm machinery maintenance. References provided. Phone 215-869-2048 after 6:30 PM. Dairy herdsman, B.S. Dairy Science, lifetime experience. Seeks opportunity for working partnership with For Sale - cowdog pups, option orfuture ownership on Border Collie, Australian registered Holstein farm. Shepherd cross. Working Prefer Middle Atlantic parents. PH: 609-358-8589 States. Box 266QQ care of Lancaster Farming Lititz, Pa. 17543 Insurance FARM INSURANCE •. Broad Coverage with Farmowner’s Policy Call; George H. Sterner Agency R. D. No. 1 County Line Road Bechtelsville, Pa. 19505 Phone 215-754-7228 Representing Old Guard Insurance Company, Lancaster. Pets ST. BERNARDS I have two proven Rottweiler studs that I would like to breed to your St. Bernard females and I will buy the pups back at a guaranteed price of $35.00 each. For details contact JoJo the Dogmcm at Root’s Fanner’s Market Manbeim or write J. P. O'Neill U.S. 1, Princeton. New Jersey 05540 SAVE FERTILIZER DOLLARS By using Poultry Manure. Delivered for $15.00 per ton. Peat Moss and Mushroom Soil delivered for $65.00 per dump trailer load. 717-733-0052 Pets For Sale - Border Collies - registered puppies bred to work, natural kneelers, 38 years breeding, top working dogs. For information Phone 814-466-6535. For Sale - Purebred registered Britany Spaniel liver and white pup, good hunter. Phone 215-445-4408. rilQinU pnimn Herdsman to assume uildlUm KUUiiU responsibility for high .BALING productive Holstein herd in ' Central North Carolina. Hay, Corn Fodder Modem dairy operation. crwDCAM Must be sober & reliable. AKC registered SALUKI Nice house furnished. Top (Arabian Greyhounds) HULLS WANTED. salary, with future part puppies. Champion nership or herd ownership bloodlines. Call Bev at 1-717- FOR SALE pootential.' Contact Den 366-2759 after 5:30. Corn Fodder For Lloyd, Efland, NC 27243 or __________ Bedding Call 919-732-8552 after 6 P.M. WANTED TO BUY I ma. SZJSSSSfrSS Puppies, 7to 9 weeks of Oxford, PA 215-857-9888 or 215-932-8871. old, in litter lots. Pure ph; 215-932-5231 ■ — — breeds and half breeds. I ’ Working Herdsman to help Cadi money paid. Will manage large dairy herd in pickup every Wed- nnernii diiiit Harford Co., MD. Write P.O. nesday. For resale in CUSTOM BUILT Box 266YY, c-o Lancaster my pet shop. Write to pm r erai i e Farming, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Charles Hackett, 3743 N. Xrnlt omLLo —— ~ sth Street, Philadelphia, "!9«i Wanted - man for dauy & PA 19140 or call before 8 general farming. Must be nm Mon Tues & H&w able to take responsibility. TWsnniv 215-229- wKJaI • Must have good references. S Give brSael Excellent salary, house & Jhon C r other benefits. Located in the color when wpbngj'lso w 3, quiet country side near * IjT Gettysburg. Call 717-334-8553 ~ * / Rehable Christian couple to _sracSSmws__ The Leader in Skid Reference needed Lan- Steer Loaders. casto County. Phone 717- 653-5155. J 2??i ed .' person with __— tarm knowledge or ex- FOR RENTAL AND with dairy and beef SALESCONTACT J?ed lot equipment. Local firm preferrs middleaged Ben M. Stoifzfus person. Send detailed „ _ . _. resume to Box 266 W, c-o RDI Honey Brook, PA Lancaster Farming Lititz (215) 27?-3691 Pa. 17543 g ’ ’ Household Goods For Sale - Prizer cook stove. Majestic cook stove, both in excellent condition. 215-593- 5754 CAST IRON BLACK COOK STOVES FOR SALE IN EXCELLENT CONDITION Phone 215-593-5754 Atglcn, Pa. WOOD HEATERS SAVE 75 percent on Heating Bills. Cast iron Norwegian box stoves, Franklin fireplaces, thermostat controlled, cabinet models, air tight construction. An all stainless steel chimney pipe and accessories. Call 215-346-7894 Rt. 212 Pleasant Valley Quakertown, PA 18951 SEETHE FABULOUS ’77 KIRBY CLASSIC VACUUM Red Machine Free rug shampoo with demonstration Payments as low as $l2 per month with trade USED TRADE IN VACS AT UNBELIEVE ABLE PRICES - AS LOW AS $lO KIRBY COMPANY 2113 New Holland Pike Lancaster, Pa. Phone 717-397-4721. Custom Work Livestock & Custom Hauling - Hay, Straw it com. PH: 717- 626-6904 Custom combining, hauling, and round baling com baler. PH: 215-869-3068. Custom hoof trimming with tilt table. Sam Wylie, Oc torara Farm, Nottingham, Pa. 215-932-8923 Help Wanted Herdsman with own family help for 60-cow Holstein herd in Centre County. Home and extras furnished. Only ex perienced people with references need apply. Phone 814-364-9174 after 7:00 FM. Experienced dairyman & field worker. Parlor & modem equipment. Salary, new 3 bedroom- house & privileges. References required. PH: 215-869-2527 Excellent position as a representative for ad vertising sales with a leading farm newspaper. Write Box 266ZZ, c-o Lancaster Far ming, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Young man to help on dairy farm. Single or married. Room & board in Mennonite home or 2 bedroom house available. Raymond Zim merman 215-589-4641 Help Wanted - Crew truck driver and crew helper for local silo company. Must live near New Holland or Gap area. Prefer age 21 to 30. Start approximately March 15. Write Box 266 UU, c-o Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Married person for dairy and tobacco farm. House available. Southern Lan caster County. Send response to P. 0. Box 26600, c-o Lancaster Farming Newspaper, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Experienced Salesman, Fertilizer & Pesticide lines. Fringe benefits, paid vacation, transportation furnished. Call Organic Plant Food Co., 717-397-5152 If you would like to work for one of the leading dairy farms in Adams Co. for top wages, fringe benefits & free time. Contact 717-6324)572 for details. Herdmans needed for 50 cow herd with 15,000 lb. herd aye. Lovely house provided with good salary and fringe benefits for the right man. Reference needed. Donald Hostetter. PH; 215-857-9648 Help Wanted A NEW PARTY-PLAN CO. Starting This Area. Part-time (2) evenings weekly. Do Home- Decorating and Floral Designing Shows. Earn $5O to $lOO per show! Managers also needed. Call 7 days (215) 433- 2211 or (215) 435-6711. DISTRICT SALES MANAGER for a major Bulk Milk Tank Manufacturer. Preferably with agricultural - marketing background to manage sales district in Pa. & several other states. Well established dealer organization: Salary, commission, company car, expenses & full benefits. Send resume in full detail to P.O. Box 266 RR c-o Lancaster Farming, Lititz, PA 17543 Livestock For Sole Hampshire and Yorkshire Service Age Boars and Gilts from certified meat type breeding. Cotact John Strawbridge, Stewartstown, Pa. 17363. Phone 301-996- 2022. For Sale - 7 registered Guernsey heifers, 16 montiis old, average dam production 10,216 pounds, 4.8 butterfat. Phone 215-9354)305. . Purebred Yorkshire boars, bred gilts and open gilts, carcass championship bloodlines. Willow Glen Fannß2, Strasburg, Pa. 717- 786-2562. WANTED - SIMMENTAL cows or heifers. Must be registered or eligible for registration. Phone 215-367- 6160 For Sale - Registered' Hampshire and Yorkshire boars, bred gilts, Sotrthdown rams, also good hay. Preston Bankert, R-D. 3, Red Lion, Pa. Phone: 717-244-1244. Fhr Sale - Bui: sire Round Oak Rag Apple. Elevation EX 96 Dam UTag Ivanhoe Ultimate E»3; dam 23000 305 41 test VGBS, 2 yr. Reasonable. Phone 717-546- 6493 after 5:00 PM. For Sale - Registered Polled Hereford Bulls, ready for service, reasonable priced. Philip Scott, Scottland Farms, Gettysburg, Pa. Call 717-334-7188 For Sale - 2 Angus Bulls Registered, 20 months of age. Certified and Ac credited herd. Call 717-467- 2746 Registered Holstein bulls, 1 year old and younger. Out of dams with records to 24,000 milk and 900 fat. Stump Acres 717-792-3216 York County. For Sale - Holstein heifers from high producing dams, some springing now, balance bred for summer and fall. Loggoor Farms, Podorus, Pa. 17311 Phone 717-229-2055. For Sale - Mules - broken to ride or drive. Contact Kirby Bubb, McClure, Pa. Phone 717-658-6425 8 AM-5 PM. For Sale - Registered Hampshire breeding age boar. Phone 717-836-1865 after 6:00 PM. For Sale - Duroc Boars from tested and show winning bloodlines. Dutch Valley Farm, R 5, Manheim, Pa. Mark Nestleroth. Phone 717- 6656220. Livestock For Sole For Sale - Feeder Pigs. We aim to please. 215-789-4677 For Sale - Top Quality Hereford cows due to calve in April, bred artificially to Simmental Bulls.-717-284- 4672 For Sale - Wayne better-bilt sows, third litter, farrow one to two weeks. Phone; 717-354- 7510. For Sale - Registered Hereford bulls ready to breed. Big long correct. Outstanding performance records. Dutchman Hereford Co. R. D. 1, Wrightsville, Pa. Phone 717-252-1525. After 8 PM phone 717-252-3925. For Sale - Nice Suffolk Ewe and her twin lambs born on Valentine’s Day! Price - $B5. Phone 215-286-9828 after 9 PM. For Sale - 2 Duroc boars, service age, Phone 717-768- 3114. For Sale - Kingpin and Elevation sons from VG or potentially VG young dam. Dam’s records over 1000 to 1162 fat; 31,000 milk. 15 months old. Phone Ken Holland 301-957-1399. 7-8 Simmental-son of Abricot-bom 9-2-76-600-lbs. at 6 mos. - good sire poten tial-definite show potential Phone 609-466-1822 For Sale - Eskimo pups, 4 weeks old; 14 mos. old Bull, Countdown son. Samuel K- Stoltzfus, R. D. 1, Box 147, Kinzers, Pa., Peters Road. For Sale -1 Polled Hereford Heifer, approx. 950-1000 lb. $325.00. Call 717-252-2165 after 5 P.M. For Sale - 2 Purebred Duroc Boar Hogs, 15 month old. Israel S. Stoltzfus, Sr., RDI, Box 396, Kirkwood, Pa. 17536 For Sale - Reg. 10 mo. old son of Sterllngdale Pioneer Admiral. Dam is Good Plus with 18,114 milk 4.9 test 889 fat. 2nd Dam is 16,080 milk 4.4 test 705 fat. 3rd Dam is G.P. 83 21,290 milk 4.1 test 878 fat. 4th Dam 16,510 milk 3.9 test 647 fat. Price $325.00. Phone 717-532-2700 For Sale - well-sized three year old black work horse, acclimated and broke. Phone 717-656-9565. For Sale - Registered Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation son, 9 months old. Dam a Kingpin daughter with records over 22,000 milk. Classification Good plus 83. John Omar Stoltzfus, Honey Brook, Pa. 215-273-3585. For Sale - Reg. Holstein cow due 6-2-77 to Elevation. 3 ampules of Paclamar Bootmaker. 13 ampules of Citation R Maple. 4 Guern sey Open heifers. 301-452- 8509 For Sale - Ten Reg. Angus cows, calving April - 6 steers - 4 heifers. Approx. 500 lbs. Lost pasture lease - Priced reasonable. Boyertown 215- 689-9168 For Sale - 50 registered Hereford cows, top quality 4- 6 years old, bred to registered Hereford bulls, guaranteed safe in calf, due in March and April. Will sell in individual lots. Dutchman Hereford Company, R. D. 1, Wrightsville, Pa. Phone 717- 252-1525. After 8 PM phone 717-252-3925. For Sale - Service age Holstein bulls. Dams classified VG with records to over 24,000 M & I,OOOF. John Stump, Bemville, PA PH: 215-488-1965
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers