—Lancaster Fanning, Saturday. Feb. 26, 1977 64 Farm equipment Model 352 NH Grinder- Mixer, used 2 yrs. with magnet & feedroll. 20’ loading auger. Sam K. Stoltzfus, Box 56 El, Atglen, Pa. 19310 PH: 215-593-5381 Used Farm Equipment John Deere Model 1240 - 4 Row Plateless Planter (No Fertilizer Attach.) P.T.O. Manure Spreaders New Idea - 213 with Hyd. End Gate New Idea - 214 with Pan Attach. Oliver 471 Brillion H-226 Sure-Tilt Spike Tooth Harrow 3 P.H. N.G.HERSHEY& SON, INC. Manheim 665-2271 For Sale - AC 417 front end loader with bucket & fork; AC 3 pt. slatted plow, 3 hots.; Century 3 pt. Field Sprayer, all in excellent shape. 215- 273-3376 For Sale - International 45 PTO Baler, Co-op single row Compicker, Black-Hawk 3 pt. complanter. 717-872-2168 Anderson Automatic Medicator for medication of Poultry & Livestock drinking water. Accurate, Reliable, Failsafe & Trouble Free. Hiestand Distributor, Rl, Marietta, PA 717-426-3286 For Sale - Plexi-Chart cow records New silage & feed carts. Heavy duty air tires. Melvin L. Petersheim, Rl Box 199, Gordonville, Pa. comer of 'Scenic & Cen terville Roads. For Sale - 3500 Watt Power plant, electric start. Ex cellent condition. PH: 215- 779-3156 For Sale - Rebuilt Deutz Diesel drive alternator 4800 watts. 120 volt 230 volt, electric start $1250. Clark fork lift, 5000 lbs. capacity, ntopane gas, running con dition $4OOO. Byler’s Diesel Refrigeration & Plumbing, Star Route Rt. 655, Belleville, Pa. 17004, Phone Peacbey 717-483-0646 For Sale - 1 H.P. Com pressor, 1 year old, like new. Best offer over $5OO. 717-776- 7575 For Sale - Myers Air Blast Sprayer, 400 gallon tank, Epoxy lined driven by 6 cyl. IHC engine. 717-752-3825 No. 8 & 10 N.I. Manure Spreader on steel for sale, good condition. 106 Waird Walking plow. I will deliver. 215-593^754 FOR SALE: International 430 Baler with Thrower & Hydraulic Steering. Used 1 Vz years Excellent condition. Also, Badger Roller Mill with 3 HP 220 Volt Motor. Call or Write LOHAVEN FARMS, R. D. 1, Cham bersburg, Pa. 17201 - Phone 717-264-5737. MANURE PITS 36 ft., 48 ft, and 60 ft. diameter. 12 ft depth, cir cular precast concrete with gunite coated interior. Mar-Alien Concrete Products RDI, Ephrata, PA 17522 Phone: 717-733-9404 Formerly Zimmerman Inds. Lime & Fertilizer Spreaders. New Willmar and boom type spreaders and a few used ones in stock. C.U. Stoltzfus Mfg. Inc. Box 296 F, Morgantown, PA 19543 215- 286-5146 Farm Equipment For Sale - Model 41 Silver King tractor in running condition. Phone 717-354-9436 For Sale - Snow blower, 5 hp. Yardman, 24” with forward and reverse, like new. Phone 717-872-2898 For Sale - John Deere 40 tractor, overhauled; 5’ Terrain King' mower; 200 gallon JD sprayer w-wheels; ’63 aluminum Land Rover (|rick-up). Phone 301-758- Wanted - reduction gear for a D-14 power unit Allis Chalmers. Write Eli S. Martin, R. D. 1, New Holland, Box 768, Pa. For Sale - International com shelter, belt driven, with bagging attachment. Phone 215-282-3616. Kalglo electronic heaters for milk houses, milking parlors, calf pens, bog farrowing houses and chicken bouses - set the dial and maintain steady radiant heat. Distributed by: Cecil Dairy Service Rising Sun, Maryland 301-658-6923. Wanted - 300 17 or 18 foot tobacco rails. Also, 60 14’ tobacco rails. Emanuel B. King, R. D. 1, Kirkwood, Pa. 17536 For Sale - Super MTA, excellent condition, live remote hydraulics and PTO, good rubber; irrigation pump, Hercules diesel, 1,000 fallen per minute on wheels, ’hone 201-462-2010. For Sale - Stoltzfus lime and fertilizer spreader mounted on 1963 V 225 International chassis. Marstellar Grain, Inc. Trexlertown, Pa. 215- 395-2462 (2) 4020 JD (2) 3020 JD (1) 4320 JD (2) 4230 JD (1) 1066 Int (1) 340 Int. 40 Holstein heifers. Phone 717-547-8062 Wagon bodies custom built of oak, cresoted $325 for 16’ or $375 for 18’ bale thrower box Andrew Latosek 717-333-4946 For Sale - Moridge grain dryer, 400 bu. capacity, 2 years did, excellent con dition, best offer - will trade. Phone 609-737-3873. For Sale - Int 856 Tractor, 2,050 Hrs., 2041-38 rear, 11:00- 16 Front, (new rubber). Cat. H 3 P.T.H. 540-1000 RPM PTO. Dual Hyd. Outlet’s. $12,500. Phone 1-301-398-7996, After 6 P.M. CASE 1030-CK excellent cond.; 830 good cond. - both diesels 216346-7029 evenings For Sale - Patz silo unloader 10-14 ft.; Clay silo unloader 24 ft. less motor and elec trical cable. Also other new and used equipment. Bence’s Farm Equipment Phone 814-623-8601. For Sale - International corn sheller, belt driven with bagging attachment. Phone 215-282-3616. Wanted - Plow, Disc, Cultivator and planter for Farmall Cub. 215-693-6080 after 6 P.M. For Sale - 12 ft. J. D. culti mulcher, excellent shape; 14 ft. 3 section Brillion cultipacker. Phone 717-426- 3136. Oliver moum-al corn picker, No. 74. In good shape. 717- 243-5307. Call in the evenings. - Farm Equipment For Sale: Farmall 656 diesel, hydro, wide front, 3 point; A- C 6040 diesel, 45 np, used very little; Case 9701); Case 830 D, late model; N. H. 351 grinder mixer: N. H. 36 flail chopper; LH. 110 forage box. box. Barry Montgomery Rising Son, Maryland Phone 301-658-5560 USED TRACTORS *1466 *656 ★ 340 ★ 300 ★ 240 SWOPE & BASHORE, INC. Frystown, R.D.I (717)933-4138 MP Hitch up to^tgjsc^ USED TRACTORS M.F. 1130 Diesel M.F. 135 Gas LEBANON VALLEY IMPLEMENT CO. 700 E. Linden St Richland, PA Ph: 717-800-7518 The PROVEN Fickes MASTBR fIU SVSIHIH Master-Mine is the proven automatic silage handling system first introduced in the eastern United States by Fidccs over a year ago There’s no longer any need to enter the silo Once filled, the silo can be unloaded from top to bottom—automatically The Silo-Matic Continuous-door Unloader moves down the continuous doors to unload haylage, com silage or high moisture corn It operates effectively, efficiently and without mechanical problems Tho Flckot-Uasttr-kUtfc Silo System offers you: CONVENIENCE—Puts an end to the chore of climbing the silo every few days TIME-SAVING—Keeps you out of the silo so you can spend your time to more profitable advantage CLEAN ENTRY CHUTE—Continuous door chute used for unloading Second chut# doors remain in place always clean TRAVELING BELT FAST. HIGH VOLUME CATTLE FEEDING WITHOUT SEPARATION • Smooth Slip-Proot Fixed. • Even Distribution-No Feed • Belt Glides on Plywood Ira] • Self Tightening Sell-Clesm. • Low Horsepower Requiremen • No Separation of Mixed Feeds • Optional Automatic Reversing Switch For Continuous Feeding Farm Equipment For Sale SPRAYER, custom trailer, 3-ton truck. Sprayer and trailer in excel, cond. $5,000 Can eve. 215-348-9236 For Sale - International 440 baler with thrower in good condition-$2OOO. Phone 215- 255-4378. For Sale - John Deere 4(00 Diesel, WFB,. Power shift, weights, cab,' 18.4x38 rear, 10.00x16 front. Original Paint. 717-548-3402 New Allis Chalmers 5040 _ tractor Priced to *ell Used LM 438 corn head Used 2-row wide New Idea Picker w . shellcr and busker units Special Prices on New Idea Com Pickers. New Model L or M 13’ Grain Header. New Lamco 14' Forage Box w* New 8 ton gear & New Tires $2,100.00. DEFERRAL OF FINANCE ON ALL NEW & USED COMBINES MECKLEY’S GARAGE RDI Herndon, PA 717-758-3915 SIUMMTIC' CONTINUOUft-OOOR SILO UNLOAOEfI Thit valuta* (inlander Saiga W» been in me aa •atirnau»-Saar tUat far raw thaa a ywe It h« Wen thoroughly tcatad and paved under farm-operating aandiiiaoi onrh hayUge ■ana (Sage and high Mature can. The Sila-Matic Camiauout'Daar Sila Unload* automatically «awi Sawn the aila from Saar to Saar The gaaamach ataya ia parfea alignment with the dune Soars and haaS remain* in ideal fMiiian far maiimum adage carrying efficiency There ate na spnnga, ropev caMaa ar pulleys la aSiuit once the SawnwarS mavowH of - the unlaaScr uptnm by gravity The deeme cable t plugged mta a paver aautat « the Mg af the w)a The electric cable avtatnaUCMiy unaaOt at the unlaoSer mam Sawn the silo Farm < Equipment HI-BOY r USED EQUIPMENT IHC No. 56 4-row CORN PLANTER fflC No. 56 4-row CORN PLANTER w-fflC Harrow Attch. and Insecticide Hoppers. FARMALL SUPER MTA TRACTOR, A-l Cond. < J r > MCCKLC9/DAUAATIA Dalmati* 758-3021 . ' 7586491 J USED TRACTORS J.D. 402 p Diesel, Side Console, WFE J.D. 4020 Diesel, WFE w-M & W Turbo IH 656 Diesel Hydro. Fannall 460 Gas w- WFE IH 414 Diesel Allis Chalmers C Fannall 706 Gas w-4-6 mtd. Plow J.D. 3010 Diesel w-4-B mtd. Plow SAYLER’S FARM SERVICE Garrett, Pa. 15542 Phone 814-634-5034 Please fill out and mail the coupon below. Fickes will mail complete information to you. dlaaaa aaad mm aaaaptato M«m*m and MM an naMaw nmi AOMCSt TfLEPMONC (MCA COOC) For Sale - Tractor tires and wheels-palr International 24.5 x 32 mounted in ex cellent condition. Will sell or trade for 20.8 x 38. Phone 717- 546-6384. . NEWDERCO SELF-UNLOADING FORAGE BOX 3 Beater & Roof w-8 Ton Wagon Special *2995.00 PAUL SHOVER’S INC. Loysville, Pa. 717-789-3117 ATM Ctaan CIMa T%m phminph ihm UHaadto| Cfcarta-TV aaatiauaut ■he daan riwc «*de af Ac Fake* mW iwt aalam ahaae <mi here Thu eynce pwi<a daw eawy m die wrth mmwm dear t»wn in •la at dl oact Dam are "nfrifsratur doaad paamaa far laadaqt *»la St" FmSot f«a|»* knifed dean CONTMUOUt DOOM—The Ftcfcc* Comuwou* Daan can he placed at alnmt any lacaoan dewed in the atcuilerenae af the tda The% require no manal radr ar The wnall doom (k'i wtdes 15" (ang) «e •adted lighrlv agaimi a c i aeel iamh The vlo iv loaded *>lh duon in plaar STATE Farm Equipment FOR SALE 20' x 60' HARVESTORE SILO With White Roof Phone 717-299-1524 .FARMER STUDENT
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