Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 26, 1977, Image 58

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    SB—Lancaster Farmim
Next week begins our new
program of recipe themes.
We hope you enjoy them and
help to participate. We’ve
received a few recipes in
response to the themes
announced, but our files
really need to be stocked up.
So, if you have a recipe that
fits any category, write it
down and send it to Lan
caster Farming Newspaper,
“Home on the Range,” Box
266, Lititz, Pa. As a small
“Thank you,” for your ef
forts we send out pot holders
with our name printed on
them, so be sure to include
your address and phone
number on each recipe or
sheet of recipes you send to
For a reference as to what
themes are coming up in the
next few weeks; check the
theme calendar that will be
printed in the women’s
section of the paper from
now on.
This week we are featuring
recipes supplied to us by the
Lancaster County Poultry
Association and two supplied
by the Pennsylvania Egg
Marketing Association. The
omelets were sent to us by
the Lancaster County
Poultry Association, and the
last two recipes, “Golden
Egg,” and “An Oldie but a
Goodie,” are from the Egg
Marketing Association.
The Egg Marketing
Association is encouraging
the restaurants in Penn
sylvania to use the golden
egg on their menus and as
edible centerpieces for
banquets. Because they turn
a golden color, they are
excellent ingredients for an
edible centerpiece also using
red beet eggs.
3 eggs
3 tablespoons water
Vs teaspoon pepper
3 slices bacon, cooked and
1 tablespoon bacon drippings
Vi tomato, thinly sliced
Saturday. Feb. 26. 1977
3 tablespoons sour cream
onion dip
Mix eggs, water, and
pepper with a fork. Heat one
tablespoon bacon drippings
in a 9-inch skillet or omelet
pan until it just sizzles a drop
of water. Pour in egg mix
ture. Mixture should set at
edges at once. With a spatula
or fork, carefully draw
cooked portions at edges
toward center, so that the
uncooked portions flow to the
bottom. Slide pan Tapidly
back and forth over the heat
to keep mixture in motion
and sliding freely. Keep
mixture as level as possible.
When eggs are set and
surface is still moist in
crease heat to brown bottom
quickly. Remove from heat;
plhce the tomato slices on
half of omelet. Spread onion
dip on top of tomatoes. Place
bacon on top of onion dip.
Fold other half of omelet
over all and turn out on
serving dish. Makes two
3 eggs
3 tablespoons water
V* teaspoon salt
% teaspoon pepper
V* teaspoon basil, thyme,
oregano or parsley flakes
1 tablespoon butter
Mix eggs, water, salt,
pepper, and desired herb
with a fork. Heat butter in
skillet or omelet pan (ap
prox. 8-inch) just hot enough
to sizzle a drop of water.
Pour in egg mixture. It
should set at edges at once.
Reduce heat slightly but
cook eggs quickly. With a
spatula or fork carefully
draw cooked portion at edges
toward center, so that the
uncooked portions flow to the
bottom. Tilt skillet as it is
necessary to hasten flow of
uncooked eggs. Shake skillet
to keep omelet sliding freely.
Keep mixture as level as
possible. When eggs are set
and surface is still moist,
increase heat to brown
bottom quickly. Roll or fold
omelet and slide onto serving
plate. Makes one or two
2 eggs
2 tablespoons water
V* teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon butter
Vz cup dairy sour cream
% cup sliced cling peaches,
well drained
Mix eggs, water, and salt
with a fork. Heat butter in
omelet pan or skillet (ap
prox. 8-inch) just hot enough
to sizzle a drop of water.
Pour in egg mixture. Mix
ture should set at edges at
once. With a spatula or fork,
carefully draw cooked
portions at edges toward
center, so that the uncooked
portion flows to the bottom.
Slide pan rapidly bade and
forth over heat to keep
mixture in motion and
sliding freely. When eggs are
set and surface is still moist,
increase heat to brown
bottom quickly. To serve:
Spread half of sour cream on
omelet. Place ap
proximately one-third cup
peach slices on omelet. Fold
in half. Spread remaining
sour cream on top. Garnish
with a few peaches. Makes
one serving.
1 package (3 oz) cream
cheese, cut into V*-inch
% cup drained cooked
vegetable (chopped
broccoli, cut asparagus
or peas)
4 eggs
V*. cup dairy sour cream
2 teaspoons instant minced
Vz teaspoon salt
Vs teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 tablespoon butter
Prepare cream cheese and
vegetable before preparing
omelet; set aside. Combine
C7B-14 A7B-15 G7B-15 178*15 560-15
11x15, 4 ply lite truck -
eggs, sour cream, onion, salt
and cayenne; beat well. Heat
butter in 10-incb omelet pan
or skillet until just hot
enough to sizzle a drop of
water. Pour in egg mixture;
mixture should set at edges
at once. With pancake turner
carefully draw cooked
portions at edges toward
center, so uncooked portions
flow to bottom. Tilt skillet as
itis necessary to hasten flow
of uncooked eggs. Slide pan
rapidly back and forth over
heat to keep mixture in
motion and sliding back and
forth over heat to keep
mixture in motion and
sliding freely. While top is
still moist and creamy
looking, place cream cheese
cubes and vegetable on half
of omelet. With pancake
turner fold in half or roll,
turning out Onto warm
serving dish. Serve im
mediately. Makes two
4 oz. (1% cups) noodles
2 tablespoons chopped onion
$43.43 plus FET 4.08
3 tablespoons ' butter,
margarine or oil
3 eggs
2 tablespoons water
Mt teaspoon salt
y* teaspoon pepper
Cook noodles according to
package directions. Drain
well. Cook onion in butter or
margarine until soft but not
brown. Add noodles and
blend. Blend eggs, water,
salt, and pepper with fork.
Mix well but do not beat
frothy; pour over noodles in
skillet. Cook rapidly, lifting
mixture with fork, at the
same time tipping skillet to
let uncooked mixture flow to
bottom of skillet. Keep
mixture as level as possible.
Shake skillet while cooking
to be sure mixture is not
sticking at any point. When
mixture no longer flows, s
reduce heat for a minute to
“set” the omelet and brown
the bottom. Fold in half.
Serve with crisp chicken
[Continued on Page 60|
plus fet. 1.74
plus fet. 2.25
plus fet. 2.55
plus fet. 2.75
plus fet. 2.80