—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Feb. 26. X 977 54 Salads [Continued from Pace 52] “Now, I'm not talking about peas, lima beans, or com,” she went on to ex plain. “I said dark green leafy vegetables. “So, we need to think about eating kale, mustard greens, and dandelion, “ she remarked. Other Vitamin A sources are red grapefruit, melons, and strawberries. These foods, however, are not as high in the nutrient as the others mentioned. Mrs. Thomas did caution the group, however, about the current prices of greens. “For those of you who haven’t pruchased the ingredients that go into salads in the past few months, you are in for a shock,” she remarked. With cabbage over $1 a head, tomatoes at $1 per pound, and lettuce at 49 cents for a tiny head, salads are not as inexpensive as they once were. When Summer rolls around, however, they will return to their normal prices. SALAD IDEAS The first - salad Mrs. Thomas demonstrated for the group was a Caesar Salad. A Caesar Salad is made with most of the same ingredients as a Chef’s Salad except that the meat and cheese in the Chefs Salad are omitted and croutons and salad dressing are ad ded. This salad is not usually served, since the custom is for the Chef to come to the table to make it for the patron of the restaurant. It is considered a main dish salad MU ' ...mr". -Vl# w■ —w VW^~T] WHAT DOES IT COST I TO OPERATE? | YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW ... AND WE CAN TELL YOU This FREE booklet tells the ab solute operating comparisons of seven different manufacturer's 36", VzH P fans It shows exactly how much air they deliver as used and how much power is consumed doing it A cost . _ ... j chart shows the savings realized sgg&M |Sssl. EesSh f] I by using Vent-O-Matic jggagg 11 I These are Honest, Accurate, Laboratory-Proven Facts I I Compare Vent-O-Matic against the rest then you decide I Phone or Write 1 Tuscarora Electric Manufacturing Company DEPT. D Tunkhannock Pa 18657 / (717) 836-2101 SO Send me the facts X □ I plan to purchase ventilating equipment I □ •am interested in becoming a dealer ( available) I ig q .some □ lam a □ user □ dealer □ student Salads can make an appetising buffet table. since it contains three hardcooked eggs, or protein food. Again, when preparing this type of salad, Mrs. Thomas reminds that during tossing the salad can be damaged very easily, so .great care should be taken when tossing not to bruise the greens. The recipe that Mrs. Thomas shared with the group is as follows: CHEF’S SALAD 1 clove garlic if desired 4 cups (1 pound) fresh spinach % pound (about 2 cups) lettuce 1 cup cherry tomatoes or - 2 medium tomatoes 3 hard-cooked eggs Onion rings if desired Rub salad bowl with cut Our Vent-O-Matic 36" fan may cost S lOO more than some other 36" fan But --in 10 years it can “Payback” *l2OO in savings from better energy efficiency sxxe.- j clove of garlic. Wash and drain spinach, lettuce, and tomatoes. Blot dry. Tear rib from spinach leaves. Break greens into bite-size pieces. Cut eggs into quarters. Cut tomatoes into eighths then cut eighths into half crosswise. Save a few pieces of tomato for garnish. Put all ingredients, except onion rings and dressing, into salad bowl. Just before serving, toss lightly with dressing. Garnish with meat, cheese, tomato, and onion rings. Makes 6 servings Croutons: Cut two slices of bread into five strips each way. Brown in one tablespoon fat seasoned with garlic, or spread stale bread slices with seasoned, softened If you understood cubic-feet-per-watt the way you understand milet-per-gallon, you might just scrap your present ventilation systems butter. Cot into cubes and toast. CAESAR SALAD DRESSING one-third cup salad oil 1 clove garlic (remove garlic clove before serving) 2 tablespoons tarragon vinegar 1 egg (at room temperature) Juice of 1 lemon Vz teaspoon salt V* teaspoon pepper 5 tablespoons grated Par mesan cheese 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce Peel and slice garlic. Stir in salad oil and vinegar. Shake well. Beat in raw egg and add other ingredients. Shake and let stand several hours, then remove garlic pieces. Just before serving, sprinkle dressing over salad ingredients and toss lightly. Top with croutons. Makes one cup. Suggested Menu: Caesar Salad, hamburger, ice cream, beverage. Another recipe Mrs. Thomas shared was “Coleslaw with Cheese Dressing.” This is an ac companiment salad and closely resembles cole slaw except that the dressing has cream-style cottage cheese and cheddar cheese in it. The recipe follows. COLESLAW WITH CHEESE DRESSING % cup cream-style cottage cheese % cup grated Cheddar cheese Vt. cup salad dressing 2 tablespoons vinegar 2 teaspoons sugar 1 teaspoon instant onion if desired 4 cups crisp shredded cab bage 1 green pepper, chopped 1 cup shredded raw carrots 1 medium apple, skin on, diced STIHL SAWS HOLD UP Free Demonstration Chain Saw—Concrete & Metal Saw Rentals STOLTZFUS WOODWORK RD Gap, PA Box 183 1 Mile North Rt. 197 ■ From Gap W» Stauffer Small Engines NORMM ztMMERMMI R.D.3 „ u- c Mjerstewnß.o.2 Ephr*ta,M „ Phone (7171866-4695 717-733-9174 ***** EphraUEnl Newßl. 222 >/, ml* west Nyerstown - Nest Main S' 4* teaspoon salt Put cheeses, salad dressing, vinegar, sugar, instant onion, and salt in a bowl. Mix well. If thick, add milk by the tablespoonful. Mix vegetables and fruit. Just before serving, toss lightly with dressing. Makes six servings. Nutrients: ~ A serving meets about half the day’s need for vitamins A and C. Variations: Substitute for carrots, one orange cut into chunks, slices, or sections. Omit carrots and add a half cantaloupe Cut into cubes. Add one cup peanuts. Substitute one cup shredded red cabbage for one cup cabbage in recipe. Top slaw with green pepper rings. Suggested Menu: Broiled liver, green peas, coleslaw, lemon pudding, beverage. A favorite molded salad of Mrs. Thomas’s is “Golden Treasure Salad.” This is the salad in which the homemaker is able to camouflage the milk ingredients to sneak the nutrients from this food group into the milk-hater. Golden Treasure is a rich salad, and can be used as either an accompaniment salad or as a dessert salad. Because of its richness, Mrs. Thomas suggests that it be used as a dessert. GOLDEN TREASURE MOLDED SALAD l(3-ounce) package lemon flavored gelatin 1 cup hot water 1 (6-ounce) can frozen orange juice con centrated 2 oranges or an 11-ounce can - mandarin oranges 1 medium apple, unpared, diced 2 tablespoons minced mint leaves if desired Vz cup chopped nuts or peanuts 2 cups cream-style cottage cheese. Dissolve gelatin in hot water. If using mandarin oranges, drain and add enough water to juice to make one cup. Heat the liquid and use to dissolve gelatin. Stir in orange juice concentrate. Chill until thick. Peel and cut oranges into slices, sections, or chunks. Add apple cut into half-inch cubes, mint, and nuts. Whip cottage cheese or blend in blender until smooth. Add chilled gelatin and mix well. Fold in remaining l ingredients. Turn into a one quart mold or pan. Chill four hours or longer. Serve on bed of lettuce. Garnish with orange pieces, mint leaves, or nuts. Makes eight ser vings. The Lancaster County home economist also ex plained bow to make “Polka Dot Salad.” POLKA DOT SALAD 1 (1-pound can) (2 cups) pitted Bing cherries One-third cup lemon juice 1 package black cherry jello Vi cup seedless grapes (or Tokay) Ms cup chopped pecans 1 cup crushed pineapple 1 (3-oz.) package cream cheese Drain cherries, reserving syrup. Combine cherry syrup and lemon juice; add pineapple juice to make l-% cups juice. Heat and pour'" over jello, stirring to dissolve. Chill till partially [Continued on Page 55] A & B SALES & SERVICE 2 Miles South of Route 23 Alone 772 thru Monterey KOI Rooks, PA JOHN L STAUFFER Goodirifc.PA PH: 215-445-6175 'A n3t North of Goodvle on Union Grove Road