52 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Feb. 26. 1977 Salads liven up Hired’ Winter menus By JOANNE SPAHR LANCASTER, Pa. - “K home economist, last week, you’re like me, you get the Mrs. Thomas was speaking doldrums around this time of as a guest lecturer when year, and get tired of Lancaster County Farm planning the same menus,” Women Socieyy 18 en said Doris Thomas, Lan- tertained Lancaster County n £* \ Heidi Murphy, the daughter of Rose Ann Murphy, Donegal Springs Road, found the salads Mrs. Thomas prepared to be so good that she couldn’t resist eating them straight from the bowl. caster County Extension Farm Women Society 6 at the Farm and Home Center last Saturday. To remedy her problem of “tired” menus, Mrs. Thomas says she starts searching through cook books to come up with new ideas. And, one way to brighten up and change a Winter meal is to serve new salad ideas. “Salads are an excellent way to get our required servings of fruits and vegetables,” she said. They are also a good medium in which to comouflage dairy products for those milk haters in the family. During the afternoon’s program, Mrs. Thomas explained that salads can be prepared in four different forms-as appetisers, or those that stimulate the appetite; as “main dish” salads, or those which contain protein Doris Thomas tosses a salad she prepared while speaking to two Farm Women groups on the subject of salads. The ladies later enjoyed the prepared dishes as refreshments. QUALITY BOOM ALL PURPOSE SPRAYERS PRICED FOR THE LARGE OR SMALL OPERATOR +FIBERGLASOR POLYETHYLENE TANKS 3 TYPES OF PUMPS TO CHOOSE FROM—CENTRIFUGAL—ROLLER—PISTON 200 GAL. TO 500 GAL. CAPACITY 21 TO 35 FT. BOOM LENGTHS + FIBERGLASS OR POLYETHYLENE TANKS .0 RONKS, PA. Lancaster County’s Only Dealer Specializing In Sprayer Sales & Service foods; “accompaniment salads,” or those that ac company a main meal; and “dessert salads.” “Salads-are not difficult to make,” she asserted, “but, they are time consuming and take tender loving care when you are working with them.” According to her, nothing can look so tired so fast as a fresh green salad. To help the women combat the problem of wilting green salads, Mrs. Thomas gave some pointers. A very im portant step in preparing this dish, she explained, is to buy high quality produce. And, onece the produce reaches you kitchen, it should be washed off im mediately. “Usually, we are in too much of a hurry to wash them off, but it’s very im portant,”, she remarked. She also pointed out to the < < .'j? , , ■*** y LESTER A. SINGER „ group that greens should stead of lettuce whenevei never be cut - instead, they possible, should be broken into pieces “Spinach is better than to avoid bruising them. And, lettuce because it con salad dressing should never tributes Vitamin A to our be put on a green or tosssed diets. We need to have salad until just before Vitamin A every other day eating. Also, when tossing a because it can be stored for a salad, it is necessary to take short time,” she said, special care not to bruise the Vitamin A is gotten from greens. dark green leafy vegetables There are also a few tricks and those deep yellow in in getting added nutritive color, value out of a green salad. One is using raw spinach in [Continued on Page 54] PLAN NOW FOR THE 1977 SEASON WE WILL • REVIEW SOIL TESTS • ANALYZE FERT. REQUIREMENTS • ARRANGE FOR FERTILIZER AND PESTICIDE NEEDS • BUY BAGGED GOODS NOW BEFORE HIGHER SPRING PRICES. OFFERING - WL-311 ALFALFA AND COMPLETE LINE OF FORAGE SEEDS INSURE A CROP WITH A FERTILIZATION PLAN Let our qualified sales people help develop your plan for 77 f ij f BULK BLENDS ORGANIC mrnmwM plant T I ANHYDROUS AMMOMIA J f QQ|J £Q 2313 Norman Rd., Lancaster, PA Ph. 397-5152 Safety Feature will not tip over backward - more lonfue wei|hl than conventional sprayer > Easier Fillmf with the new step and stand. • Less v>ew obstruction. Phone 717-687-6712
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