—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb. 26, 1977 48 Several weeks ago when we were right in the middle of our severest Winter weather, a contributor asked us for Snow Ice Cream recipes, saying “if we’re going to have all this snow, we’d better do something good with it.” ’ Since we printed the request, Winter has calmed down a little bit, and for a while it actually looked as though Spring was really on its way. But, just last week we had another cold snap, so maybe these snow ice cream recipes can still be put to use. You have a choice of three - pick the one that sounds best and give it a try. As a reminder for those who may have forgotten, or as information for those who didnot know, “Recipe Swap” will be set up in this manner from now on. If you have a request for any recipe, or have a new recipe you simply wish to share, send it to Lancaster Farming Newspaper, care of “Recipe Swap.” We will then print the request in this column as well as the replies to that request when they come in. i SNOW ICE CREAM 5 cups clean snow % cup milk 1 tablespoon vanilla 1 cup sugar Stir all ingredients together and eat at once. For variation add chocolate bits and mints. SNOWICE CREAM 2 eggs l-% cups sugar 2 cups milk 3 tablespoons vanilla Pinch salt Break two eggs in a medium-sized bowl. Beat with fork until foamy. Blend in sugar, milk, vanilla, and pinch salt. Pack clean snow into texture you desire. Vary this recipe with maple syrup and chocolate. Virginia LeAnn Musser Manheim, Pa. Age 6 SNOW ICE CREAM 2-M: quarts clean snow Vz cup milk or cream 1 teaspoons vanilla 1 cup sugar Stir together lightly. Eat right away. Serves eight. Audrey Rohrer Lancaster, Pa. 17603 231.15 BUSHELS CORN PER ACRE AFTER 3 YEARS OF MEDINA® “This is the best crop I have ever grown”, Glen Nightengale, Copeland, Kansas. 1976 University of Missouri test average lOV2 Bu/Ac. more with MEDINA. 1976 University of So. Illinois Commercial Farm, MEDINA on 110 acres-110 acres Check, 8 rows with, 8 rows without across field. 12.99 bushels increase with MEDINA. MEDINA will be applied to 375 acres in 77. Apply 1 gallon MEDINA per acre with broadcast liquid fertilizer, herbicide or water. Do not work in deeper than a herbicide. See your Dealer for MEDINA or: John Lutz & Sons, Inc. 823 Fritztown Rd. Sinking Springs, Pa. 19608 215-678-5009 FOR ALL CROPS and SOILS Medina Agriculture Products Co., Inc. P.O. Box 309, Hondo. Texas 78861 (512) 426-3011 copyright Medina® __ American Agri-Women set goals, YORK, Pa. - Two York County women have been chosen to serve on the American Agri - Women Goals Setting and Tending Committee. Jane Alexander, Dillsburg, Pennsylvania Deputy Secretary of Agriculture, and Gail Mc- Pherson, New Park Rl, have helped establish the “areas of concern” adopted by the A.A.W. to direct the goals of the organization. The state ment follows: Realizing that food is a global concern, we accept the responsibilities to sup port American agriculture and the family farm. Toward this goal we propose the following areas of concern: POLITICAL ACTION -To assert agri-power through cooperation instead of competition in formulation of the 1977 Farm Bill. -To coordinate and improve methods of tran sportation and distribution of agricultural products. -To support efforts of Trade Reform Act 74 to require imported foods to meet the same U.S. quality standards as required of domestic foods. -To support the Capper - Volstead Act which enables farmers to maintain individual bargaining power through cooperatives and associations to ensure the continuation of the democratic process. -To continue our efforts for more equitable and fair regarding laws inheritance taxes. -To monitor land use pla nning at all levels. -To involve qualified women for agriculture in decision-making pos itions at all local, state, and federal levels. -To insist that agriculture be a priorityiiser of energy; and to encourage development of practical energy conservation programs and policies. —EPA: To combat en vironmental scare tactics by using scientific rather than emotional input. -To firm up the rights of users under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act as amended in 1972. -To require EPA to allow public access to govern- ment information and research findings. -To extend federal in demnityprograms for loss of agricultural products from the inadvertent use of chemical contaminants. -OSHA: To apply the con stitutional right of “in nocent until proven guilty” to recipients of regulatory agency citations. -To support amendments to unemployment laws which will be cognizant of the seasonal nature of agricultural work. EDUCATION -To improve, sup plement, and update all segments of the educational system relevant to agriculture. -To monitor food research programs. -To dispel the myths Northco Confinement Systems ico&jog Confinement ?Sys- also pay good \slganyone who owns a im . . . his performance convince you. For a profit id practical hog production tm check out Northco Far wmg, Finishing, Nursery and 'est a 1 1 o n Systems . . . they're all good-looking investments. Finishing AM components work together to give you s complete sys tem yet you’re in com plete controll Feed delivery Is eutomstlc, but essily regu lated for individual pens Check out the other compon ents they all work to give you a good-looking, profitable system A R WOOD m mfg. co. Jim Thomas PH: (717) 656-2677 For more information complete this coupon and return to: THOMAS FARM SYSTEMS, INC. 57 W. Main St, Leoia, PA 17540 Name Address Phone No. of sows or finishing interested in 7. surrounding agricultural ceptance that fanning is labor, including wages, a business that must workin gconditions, make aprofit to survive housing, benefits, em ployee-employer rela tions. PUBLIC RELATIONS --To create public ac The Profit Machine. The“BBo”Feed Maker. Built & Backed by PAPEC! Profit-minded farmers are convinced that the Papec •■880” Feed Maker is the one to have. Papec’s superior design and construction coupled with the convenience and simplicity of operation make it your best buy—now and for years to come. This machine will quickly pay for itself in feed savings while you continue to make profits. Stop in today to see the Papec “880” Feed Maker —The Profit Machine. 880 Mobile Feed Makers $4,039.00 Open House Special Price Complete *3,500.00 See the Pepec "880" Feedmtker at. igJt STAUFFER DIESEL, INC. FORAGE SVSIBNS 312 W. Main St. New Holland, PA Phone 717-354-4181 -To allay to fear and con cerns of the public regarding agricultural chemicals. Farrowing Northco Ferrowlno Syetems provide complete control over nd I ' St 'del pir State
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