Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 26, 1977, Image 43
Jim Wert pots some cuttings from wandering jews. They will ail become lush hanging baskets under his expert care. UNCLAIMED FREIGHT CO. AND LIQUIDATION SALES WE DON’T HAVE END OF THE YEAR SALES DAYS OR SALE FOR INVENTORY TIME OR PRESIDENT BIRTHDAYS OR COMPANY’S BIRTHDAY OR HOLIDAY SALES - WE HAVE A SALE 365 DAYS A .. YEAR - DUE TO DEALERS REFUSING MER CHANDISE DEALERS GOING OUT OF BUSINESS - AND LIQUIDATING FOR LARGE MANUFAC- TURER IN APPLIANCES AND FURNITURE AND HANDLING CLOSE OUT FOR LARGE CHAIN STORES. 25 - CHAISE LOUNGE CHAIRS - REG. $269.95 OUR PRICE $59.95 40 S-ROCKERS - UPH. - REG. $129.95 OUR PRICE $49.95 50 - POOL STICKS - REG. $9.95 OUR PRICE $3.50 144 - DELUX PHOTO BOOKS - REG. $7.95 OUR PRICE $2.50 36—12 VOLT EXT. CORDS - REG. $10.95 OUR PRICE $5.00 FURNITURE FROM DESIGN AND DISPLAY STUDIOS ON FLOOR NOW - WHOLESALE AND UNDER - WELL NAMED BRANDS. 36 - DELUX CASSETT RECORDERS - REG. $89.95 OUR PRICE $32.50 15 STEREO COMP. SETS-AM-FM STEREO-8 TRACK-SPEAKERS & JACKS - REG. $229.95 OUR PRICE $119.95 UNDER WHOLESALE 15 - SAME AS ABOVE WITH PHONO - REG. $309.95 OUR PRICE $179.95 15 SAME AS ABOVE - REG. $299.95 OUR PRICE $169.95 100’s OF OTHER COMP. SETS W-TURNTABLE & SPEAKERS - UNDER WHOLESALE PRICES 96 - BAR STOOLS-PINE, MAPLE - REG. $89.95 OUR PRICE $38.00 61-40 PC. FLATWARE STAINLESS STEEL - REG. $59.95 OUR PRICE $12.00 LIGHTERS - REG. $5.95 OUR PRICE $2.50 BUTANE LARGE SELECTION OF LAMPS 250 SETS END TABLES REFUSED, REFUSALS & FACTORY DISCONTINUED MODELS UNDER WHOLESALE 30 50 PC. FLATWARE SETS - REG. $89.95 OUR PRICE S2LOO BAR & STOOL SETS, VAC’S, HOPE CHEST, GRANFATHER & GRANDMOTHER CLOCKS 6 - SOFA’S - REG. $589.95 OUR PRICE $149.95 & $169.95 5 - 3 PC. MODERN SOFA, LOVE SEAT, CHAIRS - REG. $729.95 OUR PRICE $289.95 10 - ODD CHAIRS - REG. $209.95 OUR PRICE $49.95 & $69.95 30 3 PC. EARLY AMERICAN LIVING ROOM SUITES - REG. $729.95 OUR PRICE $339.95 Greenhouse [Continued from Page 42] but Jim said, “In October, November and December, I used 1700 gallons of oil. In January, I used 2300 gallons. It’s much more than I expected.” To conserve as much as possible, Jim spent 90 hours installing plastic material over the glass roof. He explained that the greenhouse needed paint and caulking, but he chose to use the plastic which is designed to laid two years. He said it is specially treated for use on a greenhouse so it won’t yellow, and it is stronger than plastic used on homes for insulation. He said further that the plastic gives a dead air space which helps with insulation. Financing such an operation is no small matter. The cost of the roof and materials was $2OO, which casme' out of a fund of $5OO that he had saved to start the business. He was able to save some money from a lawn business he maintains in which he cares for 12 lawns during the summer. He also grew about an acre oft vegetables which he sold at Root’s. He said he was able to defer payment on the poin settias, which meant he could sell them first. He has established credit with local greenhouses, enabling him to continue to expand and grow. Jim is quick to express his appreciation to local greenhouse owners who have been helpful to him, giving advice as he got started. He specifically mentioned Arthur Miller of Miller’s Greenhouses, Landisville; Charles Ruhl of Ruhl’s Flowers in Mount Joy; Ray Lefever of Lefever’s Flowers, Lancaster; and Ruth Nolt of Landisville. He adds that a big source of information and support is his course at Mount Joy Vo-Tech and floriculture teacher Dan Helwig. But, he said, “I learned a lot from experience.” He said, “One of my biggest mistakes was with my 25 KING SIZE, HEADBOARDS • REG. $109.95 OUR PRICE $15.00 40 - PINE, MAPLE, DINING ROOM OR KITCHEN SETS, TABLE, 4 CHAIRS, LEAF REG. $239.95 OUR PRICE $99.95 2 TON HAND HOIST PULLEY’S - REG. $49.95 OUR PRICE $25.00 ALL SIZES AIR IMPACT WRENCHES, AIR SAN DERS, DRILL SETS. 11 LOVE SEATS - REG. $329 - $429 OUR PRICE $89.95 16 2 PC. EARLY AMERICAN HERUCLON & NYLON - REG. $529. & UP OUR PRICE $269.00 15-3 PC. SOFA, LOVE SEAT, CHAIR - REG. $599.95 OUR PRICE $329.95 ALL TYPES SEWING MACHINES, CAB. & PORT. 200 RECLINERS -UPTO 50 PERCENT OFF ALSO WALL SAVERS 12 BUNK BED SETS, INCL. BEDDING - REG. $309.95 OUR PRICE $149.95 & $169.95 30 DESKS, ALL SIZES, WHOLESALE & UNDER 40 - COMPLETE BEDROOM SETS & ODD PCS 16 BLOOD PRESSURE TEST KITS - REG. $32.00 OUR PRICE $16.00 135 TENNIS RACKETS, ALUM - REG. $39.95 OUR PRICE $15.00 36 - UNIVERSAL %” DRIVE RATCHET - REG, $12.95 OUR PRICE $4.00 36 - ADJUSTABLE WRENCH SETS, 6, 8,10,12,15” - REG. $49.95 OUR PRICE $23.00 19— CAR BOOSTER CABLES 16’ LONG - REG. $34.95 OUR PRICE $15.00 PLIERS - ALL KINDS SOCKET SETS, MANY MORE TOOLS TO CHOOSE FROM. 28 - 5 PC. DINING ROOM SETS, WOOD MAPLE, PINE - REG. $269.95 OUR PRICE $139.95 70 - SETS SINGLES, DOUBLES, QUEENS & KINGS, BOX SPRING & MATTRESS - WHOLESALE AND UNDER - 202-250 7 312 COILS SETS, REG. FIRM & EXTRA FIRM 300 FRAMES - BED RAILS WHOLESALE AND UNDER MANY MORE ITEMS TO CHOOSE FROM - IF YOU DON’T SEE IT - ASK FOR IT. - FULL WARRANTY - FINANCING THRU BANK, ACCEPTANCE CORP., LAY-A-WAY 3019 HEMPLAND RD., LANCASTER, PA. PHONE 717-397-6241 NEXT TO 14 LUMBER CO. HOURS: MON.-FRI. 10 A.M.-9 P.M. SAT. 10 A.M.-5 P.M. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb. 26,1977 kalanchbes. I bought 200 for $lOO and fertilized them and burned the roots off.” So now he has tiny plants with pretty blooms and he just hopes they will grow out and save his investment. Another problem he had was with ventilation in the Fall which caused some of his plants to be burned from being too hot. Another serious problem developed when he sprayed some plants for aphids during the sunny day when he should have done it at night or on a cloudy day. This cost him some trouble with the leaves on otherwise beautiful plants. Jim is philosophical about these problems, however, and says that he feels he has learned more in his own greenhouse than be would have had he worked for someone else. And he says, “I never had any serious problems.” Operating a greenhouse involves a lot of record keeping. Jim says, “I keep all my bills and record everything that I sell at market.” He also said that the distributive education teacher at Mount Joy Vo-Tech is going to work with him in setting up a complete bookkeeping system. Jim is also learning the pricing of plants for selling. He said he establishes a price which will “get my money back, with very little profit.” He figures die cost of fuel oil, supplies, and a little labor. Dan Kewig, Jim’s floriculture teacher, says that Jim’s outstanding work in his greenhouse and vegetable projects helped him win a gold medal for his miscellaneous floriculture project book. Helwig says it’s “tough” for someone to go into the greenhouse business, and expressed confidence in the work Jim does. He said, “With his experience and perseverance, he will have a good opportunity to work toward amanagementposition in a greenhouse, or will be in a good position to go into business fulltime for himself.” Jim is president of Plants Unlimited, the FFA chapter at Mount Joy Vo-Tech, a position which he says is helping him become less nervous before a group. He had played football from seventh through eleventh grade, but couldn’t go out this year because of the work at the greenhouse. Jim is a member of the youth group at Landisville Church of God. Jim says he gets a lot of satisfaction from working with plants. Just walking into the greenhouse and seeing growing plants gives him a lot of joy. “I like to look at everything,” he remarked. But he realizes that his current level of business is not profitable enough to support him, so he’s unsure of his future. If his Spring and Summer is successful, he says he may try to open an additional bouse. “I would like to extend my varieties,” he explained. Despite all the bard work and the few setbacks, Jim says, “I would start over again. I really like it, and I’ve learned a lot.” Jim got this start by purchasing nearly 900 poinsettia cuttings. He has just a few plants left from his initial investment 43