Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 26, 1977, Image 18
—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Feb. 26. 1977 18 Meat Board unhappy with senate report CHICAGO, 111. - The National Live Stock and Meat Board this month made an offer to the U.S. senate to assist in development of information “ the in terest of presenting an in telligent, factual case for the health and nutrition needs of consumers and concerns of livestock producers.” In a letter to U.S. Sen. Charles Percy (HI.), Meat Board President David H. Stroud pledged “...our staff time and resources to complete the body of scientific information missing from the volumes of data upon which the Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs has previously based analysis and conclusions.” The Senate Select Com mittee has been heavily criticized in animal agriculture circles since mid-January when it issued f ✓ FEED FLORIN 14% ■ 16% ■ 18% ■ 20% 24% ■ 32% - 40% DAIRY RATION TO YOUR HERD TO MAKE MILK & MONEY For a healthy, highly productive herd, FLORIN enriched dairy feeds are scientifically formulated, tested and proven Feed it regularly, and see the results . . . more milk from cows, more money for you. jSbmmm BROS., he. Mount Joy, Pa. a report highly critical of the meat centered American diet, suggesting less meat be eaten and more fish, poultry, fruits, vegetables and grain be consumed. Percy is ranking minority member of the unit which is chaired by Sen. George McGovern (S.D.) and is commonly referred to as the McGovern Committee. While the Meat Board recently blasted the recommendations for changing food habits, it has been careful to avoid direct criticism of the Committee itself. In his note to Percy, Stroud praised the McGovern Committee’s role in “...focusing attention on special nutrition needs of the poor and elderly, highlighting nutritional inadequacies of the affluent American society and identifying the need for broad public programs of nutrition education.” “But,” Stroud said, “the Committee report on ‘Dietary Goals for the United States’ contained major errors of conclusion based on inputs to the Committee over the last couple of years. The Committee has accepted, as nutrition gospel, advice which has ranged from simple anti-meat bias to absurd and unprovable statements. Much of it has come from zealots with a good deal to say but little to no scientific evidence sup porting their positions,” Stroud said. The Meat Board executive said he was pleased that the Senator had been personally instrumental in preserving the Special Committee’s functions for at least another year because it has ac complished much that is good. TEVER HERD YOU HAVE HOLSTEIN GUERNSEY AYRSHIRE IERSEY Ph. 653-1451 Stroud advised the senator that, “Despite the obvious appearance of our organization having a self serving role for the meat industry, this Meat Board has a 56-year-old reputation in the health, education, nutrition and medical research communities for Guernsey breeders reorganise LANCASTER - The board of directors of the Lancaster County Guernsey Breeders Association met for reorganization on Feb. 11, choosing Peter Witmer of Willow Street as president. Other officers of the board are: Dieter Linde, vice president; Randy Johnson, secretary-treasurer; Kenneth Garber, DHIA representative; and Jesse Balmer, representative to the state association. Know Where the Activities Will Be? Read the Farm Women Calendar. 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I take this opportunity to offer you our gfoff time and resources so that each side of this many faceted issue of dietary goals can be studied far more thoroughly than the Com mittee’s resources have been able to accomplish to date,” he said. Appointed to the tour committee were Fred Crider, chairman; Richard Maul and Scott Wolff. Banquet committee members are Melvin Breneman, chairman; Robert Rohrer, and Robert McSparran. The field day committee is chaired by Kenneth Garber, with Dieter Linde, Francis Kirk and Randy Johnson filling the other dots. cial financing on certain tools. Offer runs from 15 January to 15 June 1977. Clip Long Green Dividend coupons, stop in and save □ $125 Coupon □ $2OO Coupon ENFIELD EQUIPMENT INC. Whiteford, Md. 21160 SHOE REPAIR SHOP HERMAN SHOES No. 7630 6 in. high Size A-EEE 6 to 14 Paid Yellow Pebble Grain, full grain rawhide upper, moccasin toe, soft foam rubber cushion insole with full grain cowhide cover. 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