• - following reasons, I believe • • ft t° be in the cattleman’s cattle, supposing to amount 2 I PTTI*HA Yf\ TUP FHITAEI • best interest to vote against to about 40 million hard \ • If lip 1C 111 lUK pill II ll# • this proposal. earned dollars, annually, 7 • ■ ■ ■■■■W I I I ■■■ Iml#l 1 I« 2 It places more of our will benefit mostly the meat • 2 private business in the hands packing industry. Let them *•••■••••••*••••••••••»••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••£ of government, and there develop the meat market will be more regulations, and we supply the cattle. T| a « 1 1 Every owner of cattle will be Stay out of their business, Beet referendum opposed gsfASAss ss/zfji undoubtedly will be subject executives of the Beef Dear Editor: being asked to vote on soon, I organization called Beef to prosecution if he doesn’t. Development Taskforce will In order to better acquaint submit the following for your Development Taskforce, 2. The administration and need a little benefits too. our nation’s cattlemen of the publishing. who have gotten through execution of this new (Becoming law, deductions implications of the proposed The nation’s cattlemen are Congress (with a strong regulation by law will cost can be raised) Beef Developement Plan in being offered a beef market opposition from those who the taxpayers “who knows 4. We already have Meat which referendum they are development plan by an saw its dangers) their how much”, and when this Exporters and Importers proposal and it is now before gets entrenched, who will be like the U.S. Meat Export AlAp Q HTU P||C a U cattlemen to vote on in a able to dislodge it? Federation, the Wolfstein B-ll\r Ju Mm til?* national referendum, to 3. This .3 per cent or .30 International, of Los B determine if their proposal cents per $lOO deduction off Angeles, Calif, and others, 2-Bar and 3-Bar Chisel Plow I becomes law. For the of the producer’s sale of whose business is the .. , , _ n _ marketing of beef, and while Mounted and Pull Type there may be new Iff \*Tf WISCONSIN 1 PM “ and op ‘ ..gBSjBjBUA \fj2ll SALES’& SERVICE /Wjggm BRING YOUR ENGINES IN FOR REPAIRS NOW!! C 10% OFF TILL * ftM spring shank, with curved shovels mmk jj|\ F. 0.8. our lot $675.00 APRIL Ist. W (BjkW 7-Tooth, 2 bar, 3 pt. hitch, 32" high clearance TcVIBB/ spring shank, with curved shovels Repairing Tour Engine Itatnurd tom Par B| F. 0.8. our lot $040.00 . numbers of hog farms mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammr Don t Wait Till The Spring Rush. Midwestern states recorded ••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• declines, as did Penn • SALES & SERVICE I MILLER’S REPAIR I hog farmer now keeps 35 I • _ 2 head. Pennsylvania hog * : DINIfI CY £ UIIDCT DDAC • 1 Mile North of Bird-m-Hand farm numbers decreased by • DIIIIVLLI Ol nUIWI Bliwwi 2 8 miles East of Lancaster 13 per cent during the time • A i„ o :n- oa t RDI, Bird-in-Hand. PA Phone 717-656-9013 period studied by Moore. • 133 ?°w£ paitSS Rd ' : Comparing hog prices of • Phone (717) 626-4705 j ■ ■ ' -" ” —' "' V Farmers’ Fertilizer Works, me. ___ JIT T>AIDV HAY 365 W. BAINBRIDGE STREET SEE US AT OAIKI UAT ELIZABETHTOWN, pa. 1/022 717.367-1211 TUESDAY MARCH Ist n .. P , - Premium Fertilizers & Donegal Lawn rood FOR PRICES mßgmwß ON FERTILIZERS . AND PESTICIDES OR ONE OF OUR LOCAL DISTRIBUTORS ___ -- VAN-MAR FEEDS, INC. LESTER M. WEAVER 3p a 3.19555 New Holland, Pa 17557 , (2151926 1230 [2ls[ 286-5337 See Our Line Of Equipment 121519262121 17171354-5477 •Cowculator • Liquid Manure Pits •Cow Mats • Bedding Keeper n/w Ui TimicanAU •Gutter Grates •Weaverlme Cart ROY W. ZIMMERMAN .Cow Trainers .Ventilating Systems FOWL’S FEED SERVICE . cfMK IHP •Chart Guard Holders »Show Ease Custom & SONS, INC. •Badger Equipment Built Stalls & RobertE Po.wl 1661 Rohrerstownßoad line Pens Route #2 Lancaster, Pa 17601 une Peach Bottom, Pa 17563 17171569 2361 COMPLETE (717)548-2376 ( 717(733-8161 SALES & SERVICE SHOW-EASE STALL CO. 523 Willow Rd„ Lancaster ph ° n ® 7 ' 299 ' 2536 YOURS FOR BETTER DAIRYING John E. Kreider Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Feb. 26,1977 LANCASTER FARMING MARKET REPORTS Feeding grain portunities in the beef in dustry, let that field open to them, and not disrupt our system- of free enterprise and self government. 5. If foreign nations are such a lucrative market for beef, why are foreign nations seeking entry to the U.S. market for their beef, and if all the doors to export beef were closed as tight as some people want to close the doors to import beef, we would have no export trade of beef. In conclusion, with charity for all and malace toward none, be sure to vote against this proposal in this referendum soon. Sincerely, Reist R. Mummau. Mt. Joy, Pa. READ FOR FULL previous years, Moore pointed out that from 1955 to 1971 hog prices averaged $17.90 per hundredweight. The average fluctuation of prices from high to low was $3.47. Since 1972 the situation has changed dramatically, with average prices hovering around $37.98. The fluctuation for 1972-1976 was $9.54. Expanding on the grain stiuation some more, Moore revealed that corn production has increased by 59 per cent since 1960. Grain stocks are way up. Soybeans, on the other hand, are way down. The world’s wheat carryover is 50 per cent above what it was a year ago. That adds up to about three-quarters of a year’s supply that will still be on hand when the harvest season begins in July. “Every country in the world had a great wheat crop last year,” Moore explained. Our export markets have died as a result of it. US. carryover of wheat is up by 65 per cent, the com carryover is pegged at 82 per cent above last year’s while the soybean carryover is down by 70 per cent. On the latter, Moore remarked that the U.S. is looking forward to Brazil taking some of the market away from us to relieve some of thepressure from our short supplies. Soybeans in the southern hemisphere will be har vested this Spring. Another country which has geared its grain production to export markets is Argentina. Moore reported that Argentinians are undercutting everybody in the wheat market. In spite of the short sup plies and high prices for soybeans, the use of soybean meal by livestock farmers has not dropped significantly, Moore sa : i. Corn is bemg held “pretty tightly” by farmers, he added. To him it all adds up ' situation whereby livestock man will i ■> again be in a favor c. „ position with respect to the feeding of grains. Tl.. situation the country seen since 1971. 13 the
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