Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 26, 1977, Image 12
—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb. 26. 1977 12 Farm Calendar [Continued from Page 10]' Region II of the PYFA hold leadership training conference at the Brownstown Vo-Tech School, 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Manheim Young Farmers hold pesticide seminar at the high school, 7:30 p.m. Conrad Weiser Adult Far mers meet. Subject: corn variety selection Red Lion Young Farmers study new Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code for farmers, 8 p.m. at the high school. Tuesday, March 1 Lebanon County 4-H mall display begins today at the Boscov’s Mall and runs through March 5. Lancaster County Dairy Day, Farm and Home Center, 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. See details elsewhere m this issue. Pennsylvania Livestock Day, J Orvis Keller Bldg., Penn State University, University Park, 9:30 a.m. to 3 pm, see details elsewhere in this issue. Sixteenth annual meeting of the Maryland Council of Fanner Cooperatives, 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m at Schrafft’s Restaurant m the Quality Inn-Colony 7 Motor Inn complex, adjacent to Fort Meade on the Baltimore- Washington Parkway (Highway 295). Annual dinner meeting of the Howard County, Md. Holstein Club Hunterdon County (N.J.) holds beef topics meeting, at the Ex tension Center, 8 p.m. Manheim Young Farmers hold pesticide seminar, 7:30 p.m. at the high school. Hunterdon County (N.J.) Soils Conservation District supervisors meet at the Extension Center, 1 p.m. Ephrata Young Farmers' hold meeting on nitrogen fertilization, 7:45 p.m. at the vo. ag. dept., Ephrata High School. ZERO INTRODUCES THE SUPER COOLER FEATURING ... ★ Quicker cooling to lower temp. ★ Lower installation cost . ★ More efficient cooling f ) VSuper Cooley ★ Solid state controls ★ Lower service cost Come in, Write or Phone for Full Information! W & J DAIRY SALES R.D.2, Oxford, PA 19363 Call Bill Guhi 717-529-2569 Advanced Ag holds third annual crops and soils day, at the Holiday Inn, Route 100, Lionville, Pa. (south of Downingtown). Programs begin at 1. p.m. and 7:30 p.m. For further information, see ad in this issue. Wednesday, March 2 Annual dinner meeting of the Montgomery County, Md. Holstein Club. Contact Extension office for further details. Executive Committee of the Hunterdon County (N.J.) board of agriculture meets at the Extension Center, 8 p.m. Lancaster County Con servation District board meeting, 7:30 p.m. at the Farm and Home Center. York County 4-H Council meets at the Bair 4-H Center, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 3 Annual dmner meeting of the Baltimore County, Md. Holstein Club. Poultry education meeting at the Farm and Home Center 7.30 p.m. Elizabethtown Young Farmers hold meeting on soil fertility and soil fertilization, 7.45 in the ag classroom. Public meeting of the Quittapahilla Creek Watershed Project, Room 12, Lebanon County Building, Bth and Oak Street, 7:30 p.m. Citizens Opposing Red Creek Dam meet at the Lan dmgville Fire Hall, 7:30 p.m. Manheim Young Farmers hold pesticide seminar at the high school, 7:30 p.m. York County farmers meet for NO-Till Round Table meeting, Avalong Dairy Bar, 10 a.m. Friday, March 4 Twin Valley FFA holding banquet at 7 p.m. in the high school cafeteria. Carroll County Holstein Club (Maryland) holds annual dinner meeting. Contact Extension for further details Saturday, March 5 Second annual Central Shore Home and Garden Show, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Bergland taps consumers WASHINGTON, D.C. - Secretary of Agriculture Bob Bergland says he wants consumers “involved in the food policy decision-making process within the depart ment of agriculture itself,” rather than simply being advisors. One action he might take to make that possible, he said, would be to add an assistant secretary whose job might be entitled assistant secretary for food, Operational and maintenance tips BOXSPREADERS The apron chain should receive special attention in order to increase its life through proper adjustment ana regular maintenance. Keep the chain adjusted as recommended in the operator’s manual A loose chain can bend apron slats and cause premature chain link wear. Regular oiling of the chain, depending on the frequency of use, also will increase chain life. The belt drive should be checked periodically to make certain it is not over tightened. A belt with tension Easton High School, Talbot County, Md. Show also in progress tomorrow (Sunday) New Jersey Flower and Garden Show opens at the Morristown Armory, runs through March 12. Sunday, March 6 Central Shore Garden Show continues. (See above) nutrition and consumer affairs. “It is important to the economic well being of all Americans that we have a strong, prosperous agricultural community and a well fed and well un derstood consumer com munity,” Secretary Bergland told members of the Paul Douglas Consumer Research Center and the Consumer Federation of America at their meeting here. “That means we will be that exceeds the manufac turer’s recommendation could result in overload damage to the drive line, which the belt is designed to prevent Lubrication of the sliding parts of the PTO will guard against universal joint failure. Always check for proper hookup to the PTO to avoid excessive bearing loading on the end of the jack shaft. A regular maintenance check of all drive chains for wear is important, too. Keep them adjusted as specified. In the interest of safety, keep all shields in place and only clean or lubricate the spreader when the PTO is disconnected. broadening the base in the department of agriculture to involve consumers in the decision-making process and broadening our horizons beyoud our own shores because of the importance of world-wide economic and weather conditions on american economic and agricultural policy.” But while he may add an assistant secretary to represent consumer viewpoints within agriculture, Bergland in dicated he would cut back on the consumer advisory committees that already exist within the department. “I have looked at each of these committees and find that often times the voice of consumerism is fragmen ted,” he said. “Definitely the consumers do not speak with one voice through these committees. So we will probably reduce the num bers of these committees in order to have the voice of consumerism speak more clearly and more concisely and be represented in the decision-making process itself.”