—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Dec. 18, 1976 68 Berks Co. Pomona Grange honors state winners TOPTON, Pa. - Ap proximately 130 members and guests attended the Berks County Pomona Grange annual awards banquet held at the Pioneer Grange in Topton on December 11. Esther Stitzel was mistress of ceremonies for the occasion which was attended by special guests of the Pomona Grange, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Snyder, and Douglas Bonsai. Snyder is State Master and Bonsai is the State Youth Director for the Pennsylvania Grange association. Three Pomona members came in for special recognition at the Saturday evening program for the years of service they have given to the county organization. They were; Virginia Lash, Pomona Chorus Director; Harold Overly, State Deputy and Director of the Pomona Drill Team; and Leon Kirkoff, past Pomona Master. Awards were also presented to the following first place winners in State Grange contests: junior achievement, Bernville Junior Grange, Edna Zerbe, matron; hanging baskets, ages 10 to 14, Brenda Lee Kocher, Kutztown Junior Grange; hanging baskets, ages five to nine, Jane Kerchner, Kutztown Junior Grange; quilt patch, Liza Zerbe, Bernville Junior Grange; “do your own thing,” Ronald Trumbauer, Kutztown Junior Grange; “other acts,” Shelia Merkel, Virginville Junior Grange; date-nut bread, Bonnie Kem, Fleetwood; crochet edging, Helen Terhea, Pioneer Grange; banner, Doris Hill, Virginville; women’s ac tivity report, June Schuler, Fleetwood; photo contest, slides scenes, Mabel Gift, Virginville; photo contest, animals, Daniel Kurtz, Virginville; photo contest, people, Daniel Kurtz, Virginville; subordinate “lecturer of the year,” Jane Fogal, Bernville; youth bowling team, Forrest and Edna Blatt, and Ronald and 80 per cent parity maintained WASHINGTON, D. C. - Acting Secretary of Agriculture Richard E. Bell recently announced that the support price for manufacturing milk will remam unchanged at $8.26 per hundredweight for the quarter beginning Jan. 1, 1977. This level of support is estimated to be 80 per cent of parity on that date. Acting Secretary Bell noted that milk production in the last three months was 5.9 per cent above a year ago and that significant quan tities of surplus butter, nonfat dry milk and cheese are being offered to Com modity Credit Corporation under the dairy price sup port program during the period when milk production is at its seasonal low. The purchase prices for butter, cheddar cheese and nonfat dry milk necessary to carry out the support program will remain un changed from those an nounced on Sept. 20. P'rances Merkel, On telaunee; and “open house” program, the Fleetwood Grange. Second place state winners honored were: quilt patch, Mary Lengel, Centerport Junior Grange; quartet, Lillian Mengel, Stella Snyder, Vema Spengler, and Dorothy Umbenhauer, Bernville Grange; bicen tennial history, Joann Zerbe, Bernville Junior Grange; pme cones, Ronald Trum bauer, Kutztown Junior Grange; chenille, ages 10 to 14, Ray Reilman, Kutztown Junior Grange; chenille, ages five to nine, Ronald Trumbauer, Kutztown Junior Grange; historical sampler, Doris Hill, Virginville; photo, Annetta Grim, Pioneer; crewel embroidery picture, Delores Kramer, Fleetwood; Pomona youth report, Jane finances tons? FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT Hill, Virginville; slides, Daniel Schmeck, Bernville; colored photo, people, Melinda Greis, Pioneer; poster, Ruth Mease, 'On telaunee; community ser vice, Kutztown Grange, Althea Hartman, matron; family vocal, The Herbert Family, Luanne, Martha, Marie, and Naomi, Fleetwood; vocal, Mrs. Inga Kiebach, Bernville; square dance, Theresa and Gary who we do YOUR LOCAL COUNTY OFFICE. Heffner, Dianne and John Myers, Martha Herbert and Eileen Rohrbach, Daniel Davis and Scott Keller, Fleetwood; chorus, Berks Pomona, director, Mrs Curtis Lash* Ontelaunee; and drill team, Berks Pomona, Harold Overly, director. The program en tertainment included magical tricks by Shelia Merkel; musical selections We do. The Farm Credit System. Millions of tons of meat, grain, fruits, melons, berries, other crops that move from the farm, ranch, or orchard into storage, processing and marketing by farmer cooperatives. We’re the Production Credit Associations, and Federal Land Banks. Owned by and operated for the benefit of farmers and growers. by Dorothy Fitterling, Alicea Burnish and Kathy Werley, a monologue by Julie Angstadt; skit by Vivian Burnish; and a vocal solo performed by Ernest Kmss Committee members responsible for coordinating the award banquet were Esther Stitzel, chairlady; Irene Werley, member; Julie Angstadt, member; and Harold Althouse, member.
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