Meat diet values proclaimed CHICAGO, 111. - The restock and meat industry is prepared a careful janiination of .getananism, “Meat and e Vegetarian Concept.” s the second in a series of eat and Health leaflets ibhshed by the National ve Stock and Meat Board. “The Meat Board has no iarrel with any individual 10 chooses a vegetarian estyle,” states Meat Board •esident David H. Stroud, jut charlatans and sett led nutrition adventurists 10 distort scientific data in der to hawk their own strums or ideas ought to ► called to task. The ansition from a meat ntered diet to a meat stncted or vegetarian diet made to seem simple. iod health and longer life e promised. “The overall effect, un itely, is more likely of promoting food lism and nutrition ;kery, higher grocery and complicated meal ig. The result can lie nutrition for the in lual or an entire Northco High Density/Slant Back Systems are the func tional way to make more from your investment. More profit. From more eggs Produced by more birds. Only one thing comes up less your labor Northco roof exhaust ventilation helps your system pro duce more. Fresh, clean air moves continuously through the house. Find out more about Northco High Density Systems Available with exclusive core-type auger feeding and patented automatic egg gathering “Meat and the Vegetarian Concept” presents the meat centered diet as a moral, convenient, economical way to obtain proper nutrition. The leaflet also discusses the historic, religious, social, moral, health, economic and technological issues involved m the vegetarian concept. And it responds to a number of anti-meat claims made by supporters of the vegetarian concept. Many converts to vegetarianism claim to “feel better” on a non-meat diet. “These feelings probably do exist,” Stroud said,.“but not for the reasons they believe. It is more likely that this new attention they are paying to themselves - with lower calorie intake, possibly more exercise and sleep, reduction of body weight and probably more vitamin, or mineral supplements - has a great deal more to do with the ‘improvements.’ ” The pamphlet points out the nutritional shortcomings possible with a vegetarian diet: insufficient amounts of high-quality protein; lack of calcium, iron and vitamin D; a tendency toward vitamin I I For more information complete this coupon and return to: j S J FARM SYSTEMS CO., 57 W. Main St.. Leola, PA 17540 I 812 deficiency and per nicious anemia; and an increase in malnutrition. In place of an all-meat or all-vegetable diet, the Meat Board recommends a diet comprised of the basic four food groups - meat and other protein sources, dairy products, fruits and vegetables, and breads and cereals - in order to obtain Bossie exercise too WASHINGTON, D.C. - As" more and more dairy cows are confined in drylots, they’re finding life pretty easy. All they’re required to do is lie down, get up, eat, drink, be milked, .and turn out one calf a year. Recently, though, researchers with USDA’s Agricultural Research' Service (ARS) recognized that such a soft life was taking its toll on the cow’s well-being. And so, to firm flabby muscles and NORTH CO SLANT BACK CAGES SLANT BACK This unique cage design eliminates dropping board scrapers and the work that comes with them Vinyl shields dellect manure into the pit HIGH DENSITY Increase bird population and cut building costs with Norlhco High Density/Slant Back Systems A 36 (t wide house can easily handle four rows of triple deck 16 inch deep cages 1 State NORTHCO UTOMMTION SYSTEMS the recommended amounts of protein, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. The pamphlet is available to livestock and meat in dustry groups for distribution to state and local medical societies; civic and business groups; school health classes; and press radio-television. needs strengthen weak hearts, they worked up a jogging program to keep cattle fit. A mechanical exerciser developed by an ARS dairy scientist forces the animals to walk a certain distance at a controlled pace. Moving tail-gates push the around a fenced ring when necessary, i harmlessly over the backs any contrary particip; Currently, the exercisi designed for research, not for use by the t.^L Zip Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Dec. 18.197& Ida’s ♦ Notebook I With Christmas so close, some of us get visions of a countryside covered with snow, while others may think of a gaily decorated tree with gifts beneath it. Still others trade. However, if tests show that exercise significantly improves a cow’s well-being, resear chers will look for ways to convert the program to large-scale commerical use. So far, the tests have turned up some promising results. In one trial, using 42 2- year-old heifers, one-third of the animals received no exercise. Another third exercised 1 mile a day at a slow walk until calving, as did the final third, but for 10 days after calving as well. In both groups, exercises began 4 to 8 weeks before calving. Results in favor of the shape-up regime showed that exercised animals gave birth easier. Heifers ex ercised only until they calved produced as much milk as nonexercised animals, but did so on less feed. Exercise also healed sore hooves, straightened humped backs, and worked off excess fat. However, heifers exer cised after calving produced less milk. In line with the mechanical exerciser, a physical fitness test developed by ARS diagnose a cow’s heart and circulatory condition. An upcoming study will try to determine the best speed and distance for exercising cows. TRY A CLASSIFIED ' ♦ O 4 Ida Risser i may envision a table laden with a sumptuous meal. Let us hope that in most families the true meaning of Christmas is celebrated with the singing of hymns in remembrance of cur Saviour’s birth. Somehow, the row of stockings on Christmas morning has a continuity for me. All of my life there has been that row waiting for children and adults alike to check its contents. Many years ago, my long brown cotton stocking hung with my six sister’s stockings on the chair rail in the kitchen. This practice was continued until my marriage. And following a January wed ding, we were blessed with a bright bundle of joy, a baby girl, just in time for our first Christmas celebration. So, we hung up a tiny pink sock and over the years have added five more until again a row of stockings will await us with an orange, some nuts, and candy plus a small thoughtful gift tucked in the toe. Gifts for children nowadays do not last as long as those given years ago. One reason is because they are not made as sturdily. Another reason, if other parents were like mine, was that the toys were put away and only used on Sundays. It caused many a tear as we stood and begged for that doll sitting on a high piano out of reach. One slight compensation might be that now we have preserved, as antiques, dolls, games and blocks which to this day are stored in boxes under the attic steps. Maybe this Christmas we should get them out and share them with our children. 67 ♦
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