Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 18, 1976, Image 6
—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Dec. 18, 1976 6 Livestock market and auction news Pa. Auction Summary Harrisburg, Pa. December 10,1976 CATTLE 7243. Compared with 5709 head last week, and 7204 head a year ago. Compared with last week’s market, slaughter steers mostly steady to $1.50 lower. Slaughter heifers steady to weak. Slaughter cows mostly steady to $2 lower. Slaughter bulls unevenly steady. STEERS: High Choice & Prime No. 3-4 42.00-44.00, Choice No. 24 39.000-43.00, Good 34.50-39.00, Standard 31.00- Utility 26.00- 32.00. HEIFERS: Choice 36.0040.00, few to 42.00, Good 32.00- Standard 28.00- 32.00, few Utility 22.00-28.00. COWS; Utility & High Dressing Cutter 23.75-26.00, Cutters 21.50-24.25, Canners 18.00- Shells down to 15.00. BULLOCKS; Choice 36.00- Good 32.00-36.50, Standard 28.00-32.00, few Utility 24.00-28.00. BULLS: Yield Grade No. 1 1000-2200 lbs. 28.00-34.00, few to 38.00; yield grade No. 2 900-1500 lbs. 26.00- FEEDER CATTLE: Good & Choice 300-700 lbs. feeder steers 25.00- Medium 20.00- 28.00; Good & Choice 300-700 lbs. feeder heifers 20.00- 28.50, Medium 18.00-22.50; few Good & Choice 300-750 lbs. feeder bulls 24.00-33.75, few Medium 17.00-23.00. CALVES 5312. Compared with 4677 head last week, and 5313 head a year ago. Vealers unevenly steady. VEALERS: Few Prime 70.00- Choice 55.00- 70.00, Good 43.00-55.00, Standard & Good 110-130 lbs. 35.00- 90-110 lbs. 27.00- 36.00, Standard 70-90 lbs. 20.00- Utility 50-75 lbs. 15.00- Farm calves, holstein bulls 90-120 lbs. 30.0049.50. HOGS 7725. Compared with 5397 head last week, and 8380 head a year ago. Barrows & Gilts strong to mostly $1.50 higher. BARROWS & GILTS: US No. 1- 200-240 lbs. 38.00-41.50, No. 1-3 200-250 lbs. 36.00- 39.00, No. 2-3 190-260 lbs. 34.50-37.00, few No. 2-4 260- 325 lbs. 32.00-36.00, No. 1-3 140-190 lbs. 30.00-35.00. SOWS; US No. 1-3 300-570 lbs. 26.00-29.00, few to 34.50, No. 2- 300-600 lbs. 24.50-27.50. Boars 15.00-22.00, few light weights to 27.50. FEEDER PIGS 2020. Compared with 937 head last BEEFALO HYBRID CATTLE 45 LIMOUSIN-HEREFORD CROSS COWS & BRED BEEFALO’S FOR SALE. - Rapid gams on grass and roughage - 55-65 lb. Births-up to 1100 lb. yearling - Test data show 62 percent carcass, dress out - We stock and distribute Pureblood Beefalo Semen and Half-Blood Beefalo heifers and bulls. - Visit our farm and see our animals. SEMEN *l2 an ampule NOW TAKING ORDERS FOR 3 /< BULLS & HEIFERS BEEFALO N & J 4270 Qua kerbridge Road Princeton, NJ 08540 609-896-0336 Member World Beefalo Association week, and 1736 head a year ago. Feeder pigs uneven. US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. feeder pigs 9.00- per head, No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 19.00-29.00, No. 1-3 50-80 lbs. 28.50-37.00, Utility 20-25 lbs. 6.00-23.00 per head. SHEEP 584. Compared with 453 head last week, and 709 head a year ago. Wooled slaughter lambs mostly. steady, spots 50 cents higher. Choice 70-110 lbs. wooled slaughter lambs 40.00-46.00, few to 51.00, Good 60-100 lbs. 33.00- Slaughter ewes 8.00- . Oklahoma . Oklahoma City < Dec. 16,1976 Thursday Feeder Cattle Auction Estimated Receipts 7,150 Same Day Last Week 9,038 Moderately active, Feeder Cattle and calves mostly steady with Feeder Steers 600-700 lb. additionally 50 cents to 1.00 lower; majority receipts Mixed Good and Choice 300-750 lb. Feeder Steers and 300-650 lb. Feeder Heifers including few cattle arriving from wheat pasture; moderate at tendance buyers. FEEDER STEERS: Choice 300-500 lb. 37.0040.75; 500-600 lb. 36.25-38.75; 600-700 lb. 34.75-36.25 ; 700-800 lb. 34.00-35.50; few 800-840 lb. 33.50-34.60; Mixed Good and Choice 400-600 lb. 35.00-37.00; 600-750 lb. 33.75-35.75; few 790-860 lb. 33.00-34.00; Good 440-600 lb. 33.00-35.00; 680-870 lb. 32.50-34.75, few Good 490- 985 lb. 25.75-29.25. FEEDER HEIFERS; Choice 300-500 lb. 29.00-32.50; 500-700 lb. 29.50-32.50,, part load 711 lb. at 30.30; Mixed Good and Choice 360-500 lb. 27.75-29.00; 500-790 lb. 27.75- 29.50; Good 300-500 lb. 26.50- 27.75; 500-750 lb. 24.25-28.00. For the week: Compared to late last week, Feeder Steers over 600 lb. 50 cents to 1.00 lower; Feeder Steers under 600 lb., Feeder Heifers and Feeder Calves generally steady; Slaughter Cows 50 cents to 1.25 higher; bulls generally steady; salable receipts near 19,900 head compared to 21,185 last week and 15,353 head the same week a year ago. Cows and bulls near 12 percent of the cattle receipts, Feeders near 87 percent of the total. Peoria Auction Dec. 16,1976 51 weekly cattle Receipts this week 6900; last week 6900; last year 8300. Compared with last weeks close, Slaughter Steers 1.00- 1.75 lower. Slaughter Heifers 1.00- lower. Cows 1.50 higher. Bulls firm. Receipts about 65 per cent Slaughter Steers, 25 per cent Slaughter Heifers and the balance mostly cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice and Prime 3-4, 1150- 1270 lbs. 39.0041.50; late 39.00- Couple loads 1200-1230 lbs. 40.25-40.50. Choice 24,950-1250 lbs. 38.50- 41.00; at midweek 38.50- 40.00. Mixed Good and Choice 24,900-1300 lbs. 37.50- 39.00. Good 2-3, 36.00-37.50., Standard and Good 2-3,33.00- 30.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice and Prime 3-4, 900- 1050 lbs. 37.50-39.50; Closing 37.50-38.00; Load 39.00; Few YG 3-5, 36.00-37.00. Choice 2- 4, 850-1050 lbs. 36.50-39.00; Late 36.50-37.50. Mixed Good and Choice 2-4, 800-1100 lbs. 36.00- Good 2-3, 34.00- 36.00. Standard and Good 2-3, 31.00- COWS: Utility and Commercial 2-3, 21.50-23.00. High Dressing Utility 23.50- 24.00. Cutter 1-2, 20.50-22.50. Canner 16.00-20.50. BULLS: YG 1-2, 1100-1800 lbs. 25.00-29.00. Few YG 1, 1800-2160 lbs. 30.00-32.00 NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES INC. WEEKLY FEEDER SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY Sale To Start Promptly At 1 P.M WE WILL RECEIVE YOUR PIGS ANYTIME FROM 7 A.M. WED. MORNING State Graded Until 12 Noon. All pigs inspected by State Approved Veterinarian. State tags available at our office for you to tag pigs at home to save 25* tagging charge. NORMAN KOLB Midwest Carlot Meat Trade Compared to Tuesday’s close: Trade slow. Demand very light for this-week’s delivery. Steer Beef 50-1.00 lower. Heifer beef 1.00-1.50 lower. Prima Beef cuts, Choice 3 Arm Chucks 2.00 lower. Cow Beef Canner & Cutter 1.00 higher. STEER BEEF Choice 3 600-800 lbs. 61.00- 61.50 50 lower; Choice 4 600- 800 lbs. 56.50-57.00. Good 3 600-800 lbs. 57.00 SO LDO lower. HEIFER BEEF Choice 3 500-700 lbs. 58.75- 59.751.00 lower; Choice 4 500- 700 lbs. 55.75. Good 3 500-700 lbs. 54.25- 55.00 1.00-1.50 lower.- COW BEEF Canner & Cutter 48.0049.00 1.00 higher. CHOICE 3 PRIMAL BEEF CUTS Hinds (Steer) 145-190 lbs. 71.50; Hinds (Hfr) 120-170 lbs. 65.75-70.75. Fores 130-210 lbs. 51.25- 52.00. Arm Chucks 75-120 lbs, 45.00 2.00 lower. Ribs 24-40 lbs. 103.00. Rounds (Steer) 70-95 lbs. 74.00; Rounds (Hfr) 60-85 lbs. 74.00. Beef trimmings 50 percent chera lean fresh 25.00-25.50. 12 miles east of Lancaster on Route 23, New Holland, PA. PIG Tags delivered if you call 717-354-4341 our office in advance. CALF SALE TO BE HELD IN NEW SALES PAVILION EVERY THURSDAY AT 6:30 P.M. 717-397-5538 CATTLE 600: Moderate, slaughter steers & heifers firm, cows $.25-1.00 higher, bulls market not tested, few feeders steady. Supply 35 per cent slaughter steers & heifers, 50 per cent cows, 15 per cent feeder cattle. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 24 995-1300 lbs. 39.10- 40.90; Good & Choice 24 950- 1150 lbs. 38.00-39.00; Good 2-3 1000-1175 lbs. 33.75-38.00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 24 850-1050 lbs. 35.00- 37.00; few Good 2-3 850-1000 lbs. 32.00-34.50 COWS: Utility 2-3 23.00- 26.60; Cutter 20.50-24.10; Canner & low Cutter 18.00- 20.50 BULLS: Several YG 1 1065- 1690 lbs. 26.60-28.85 FEEDER CATTLE: package Good & Choice .steers 850 lbs. 34.50; several Choice bull calves 395-512 POULTRYMEN V ) HEIGHT - idea I I CALL W HALLER ELECTRIC, INC. R oute 2 Denver, Pa. 17517 SPECIALIZING IN POULTRY HOUSES, ALSO GRAIN DRYERS SEE JOHN FOR MX YOUR WIRING NEEDS. CALL 215-267-7610 ABE DIFFENBACH Baltimore USDA U.S. Dept, of Agriculture December 13,1976 717-333-4464 lbs. 30.50-32.25; Good heifers 522 lbs. 22.00 | HOGS 600; Barrows j l GUts 50-1.00 higher US i 'i 200-230 lbs. 39.5040.00 SO Steady, US 2-3 230-250 Ifc, 3fi.50-39.50 US 1-3 300-600 lb b 26.00- US 24 250-280 lb 37.00- ? VEAL & CALF AUt 1 TION 100: few Choice* j Vealers 175-250 lbs. 54®'.| 64.00; Good 120-240 lbs. 38 ft; 48.50; Standard 80-145 Ife j 23.00- Good calves T& 385 lbs. 29.00-36.00; Standaifl 23.00- " SHEEP AUCTION ijt Choice wooled slaughf - lambs 98-105 lbs. 42.1042 afe high Good & Choice 70-72 M 35.25-38.00 1 * T