Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 11, 1976, Image 15
YESTERDAY’S EQUIPMENT DOESN’T HELP TODAY’S FARMER. NEITHER DOES YESTERDAY’S INSURANCE. Eatawe Seavioas tasuaiße Meeting Tomorrow’* Need* Today 5 East Main Street • Mechanlcsburg, Pa. 17055 • (717) 766-7621 Need BOOT & mS'R PROTECTION FOR > YOUR WESTERN STYLE FOOTWEAR. See Your Nearest Dealer And Put Tingley Footwear Under Your Tree This Christmas ... AGWAY, INC Pomeroy, Pa 215 857-5545 AGWAY, INC. 101 Mam Street Salunga, Pa AGWAY, INC. 220 E Chestnut St West Chester Pa BRANDT'S FARM SUPPLY, INC 601 E High St Elizabethtown Pa ELKVIEW ASWAY RD 1. Box 344 West Grove. Pa GALEN’S OF EPHRATA 1438 W Mam St Ephrata Pa GOOD’S STORE, INC. RD 2 East Earl, Pa C. B. HOOBER & SON, INC. Intercourse. Pa Protection Rain Snow TINGLEY From 8 Oz. High Top Work Rubbers To 19 Oz. Knee Highs - We Have Lightweight, Easy-On Foot Protection. ★ STYLES FOR MEN & WOMEN ★ PLUS HOLLINGER FARM & HOME SUPPLY 35 N Cedar St Lititz LANDIS BROTHERS, INC. 1305 Manheim Pike Lancaster, Pa MARTIN’S DAIRY & POULTRY SUPPLY Rt 422. East Myerstown Pa OXFORD AGWAY RD 2 Oxford, Pa ROSS H. ROHRER & SONS, INC 16 E State Street Quarryville, Pa SWATARA CREEK MILLS, INC. RD 1 Myerstown. Pa TOOL SHED 46 E Mam St Ephrata. Pa UMBERGER’S MILL RD 4 at Fontana Lebanon, Pa TINGLEY Wylie takes top honors at beef WEST CHESTER, Pa. - Dave Wylie, Nottingham, received the winning nod by Judge Henry Gruber to have his 1210 pound steer selected grand champion at the Chester County Beef Roundup held November 22 at Crebilly Farm, West Chester. Wylie received a silver tray donated by Mr. and Mrs. James K. Robin son, Jr. and will be showing his champion steer at the Mud Slush . And Slop? Has It! WALKER COMPANY Pequea Avenue Gap. Pa- WAYNES DRY GOODS 271 Mam Street Kutztown. Pa WEAVER S CLOTHING STORE Fivepomtville. Pa H. DANIEL WENGER & BRO., INC. RD I. Hamburg. Pa M S. YEARSLEY & SON 110 E Market St West Chester Pa ZIMMERMAN’S ANIMAL HEALTH SUPPLY Wood Corner Rd. RD 4 Lititz. Pa ZIMMERMAN’S FARM SERVICE Bethel Pa PAUL B. ZIMMERMAN HARDWARE Wood Corner Rd 733-4332 Pennsylvania Farm Show at Harrisburg in January. ' The reserve grand champion steer was a 1290 pound Angus Chianina cross shown by John Holloway of West Chester. He received a silver platter donated by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kerstetter, West Chester. John will also take his steer to Harrisburg to represent Chester County in the Pennsylvania Farm Show. In the fitting and showmanship competition, Judge David Kantner, Schuylkill County agent, chose Dawn Gidner as winner in the first year competition. She received a show stick donated by From ■ ■ ■ ■ E Mrs. James K. Robinson, Jr., West tingham, at the Chester County Chester presents the Grand Roundup. Champion tray to Dave Wylie, Not- Chester Co. Poultry and Livestock Systems Advanced Air-Systems Featuring The Automatic Air inlet ess® Controlled Feeder System for Breeder Puilets and Hens Agri Equip., inc. offers complete RD2 Ephrata. PA 17522 (Farmersville) Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Dec. 11.1976 Creutzburg & Son, Malvern. In the junior division, for members under 14 years of age, Bill Wylie was chosen as first place and received a show kit, donated by Creutzburg & Son, Malvern. In the senior showmanship competition, for members over 14, Dave Wylie, Not tingham captured the top spot, and received a plaque donated by the Howard Smith Family. Top placings in the five type classes are as follows: Class 1 - 910-970 pounds (1) Glenn Stoltzfus, Morgan town; (2) Cheryl Wojtowicz, Downingtown; Class 11 - 990- Feed Storage & Flex Auger Delivery System for Confinement Feeding Adult Turkey Completely Automatic Confinement Feeding System Featurinj Production Systems The CHORE-MATIC • SALES INSTALLATION • SERVICE Prompt Parts Delivery Via U.P.S. roundup 1040 pounds (1) John Leroy, Birchrunvflle; (2) Robert Dore, Glenmoore; Class 111 - 1050-1110 pounds (1) Dawn Gidner, Thornton; (2) Joan Anderson, Pocopson; Class IV - 1160-1210 pounds (1) Dave Wylie, Nottingham; (2) Barbara Sickler, West Chester; Class V - 1270-1350 pounds (1) John Holloway, West Chester; (2) Bill Wylie, Nottingham. Eight steers were chosen to attend the 1977 Farm Show in Harrisburg in January. The remaining 22 were shown and sold at the district beef show held Nov. 23 at Lancaster Stockyards. Cage Layer Systems & Components Featuring POCKMAN "Galv-A-Weld” Cages Phone Bus. 717-354-4271 15