Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 04, 1976, Image 24
24 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Dec. 4, 1976 The slat dam on Bob Kauffman’s farm is con structed of treated 2 by 6’s designed to allow liquids to flow through while holding solids back. The entire area for solids is concreted, as is a 30- foot path connecting the solids area with the pond (shown in the background). The concrete ramp, with a 6:1 slope, is also used to get into the pond when it becomes necessary to pump some of the liquids out. The pond is approximately eight feet lower than the solids storage area, and is 12 feet in depth at its deepest point. The structures were designed and constructed with the help of the Penn State Extension and Soil Conservation Services. It also meets DER standards. Kauffman reports having had a number of visitors before the facility was even completed, and many farmers have expressed interest in constructing similar systems. Each of the two areas has earthen banks along all four sides. The pond measures 34 feet by 54 feet, while the solids area is 110 feet long and 63 feet wide. Capacity is rated at seven months for 125 cows. z '* Cost was one big reason Bob Kauffman chose to store manure and liquids in two large excavations near his barn, “it’s cheaper,” says the southern Lancaster County dairyman. Other advantages he cited while comparing his'system to conventional methods, are that manure is saved, fertilizer costs are cut, and he doesn't have to worry where to spread manure during the Summer or when it rains. . They were impressed [Continued from Page 21] system for liquid manure on engineering consultants and. the Don Trimble Farm, DER who are working on Peach Bottom, and an comprehensive water earthen-bank system with quality management plans spray irrigation distribution for their areas,” said Kelso, on the Dave Young farm, “This offered them a more also of Peach Bottom. AH of realistic view of what these manure management agriculture is doing to systems allow the farmer to prevent possible pollution of store the manure in an en streams,” he continued, vironmentally safe manner “That was the main purpose and apply it to his fields and that was accomplished, when weather conditions are The consultants were im- favorable. Farmers without pressed, particularly at how manure management applicable the various systems must haul manure manure management to the fields daily even systems are. Also im- during rain storms or pressive were the wide range freezing temperature. The of alternatives farmers had potential for degrading at their disposable to stream and ground water promote conservation,” with storm water runoff Kelso added. from manure is the greatest The tour included an above-ground liquid manure corage system on the Jay Garber farm, Lancaster R 6, a slotted dam system on the Bob Kauffman farm, Peach Bottom, a conventional earthen-bank storage RETURN FOR YOUR MONEY? *3,000-'fi,ooo INVESTMENT NO MARGIN CALLS SUGAR-COFFEE-COCOA-SILVER-COPPER-RUBBER COMMODITY AUCTIONS CALL 808 OR DON - (Collect) 212-344-3686 or 212-344-4845 or write: COMMODITIES «™ e^ V y E o rk »*» during these adverse weather conditions. Soil conservation practices were also viewed on a number of the farms. The tour will be useful to the COWAMP consultant in developing recom- LOOKING fOR A POSSIBLE 50% TO 75% i- ■ ’■ - * ■"* '“w x /JhjfW V -*• ■* 1 * .*,*>„* ’s&*>%*' #t-;~ ./?* v ‘ Ji mendations on managing and controlling agricultural sources of water pollution. COWAMP, in addition to agricultural sources of water pollution, is studying all major sources of stream and ground water degradation and will result in a workable set of coordinated policies, procedures, programs, projects and possible regulations to achieve desired water quality. Anyone interested in ob taining information on COWAMP or participating in a public committee that is assisting in formulation of the plan should write to COWAMP, Box 2063, Harrisburg, Pa. 17120. The Lancaster County Cooperative Extension Service arranged and conducted the tour in cooperation with the County Conservation District and Planning Commission. Cleaner com at harvest. It begins with effective weed control in the spring. A lasso plus atrazine tank mix controls many grasses and broadleaves. Lasso* Herbicide Lasso is a registered trademark of Monsanto Company Always read and follow label directions AAtrex •vf '3