—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Nov. 20. 1976 34 Stalin 9 s wine taster addresses Extension banquet DAUPHIN, Pa - Alexander Contract believes he has a lot to be thankful for - whether it's Thanksgiving or not - and he told his audience just that The group of approximately 100 people who listened to him were members and guests of the Dauphin County Ex tension Service at the association's annual meeting, which was held here a week ago. Contract - the name has obviously been changed at least once - is a native Russian with memories and experiences which would make most people’s blood curdle He was a member of Joseph Stalin’s staff, who once ruled the Soviet Union with an iron fist and has the distinction of being the biggest mass murderer of all time Contract is also a former KGB member - the secret police in Russia which is noted fop- knocking on doors at midnight and taking the residents away never to be seen or heard from again Born in Kiev, the Russian ex-patriot speaks 11 languages. With those kind of credentials and more, it’s understandable how he came to work for Nikita Krushchev in 1939 He stayed with the former dic tator until 1942, when he joined Stalin’s staff. Con tract said he has travelled throughout the USSR, worked for the KGB, and in those positions “got everything for free ” Contract is a Russian Jew, a fact which was forcibly suppressed by Stalin. Since the young man was highly talented and resourceful, Stalin wanted to make use of him, but not as a Jew, Contract explained. So the tough dictator made him change his name and wear a cross. “Stalin's interest was to make sure that there would be no uprisings," Contract told his audience. His method was quite simple, dispose of anyone who might think of rebelling. The measure was carried so far that even those young men who attempted to kiss Stalin’s daughter (Svetlana, who came to the U.S. several years ago) were never seen again. Stalin sent KGB agents along whenever his daughter went out with young men The former KGB officer, who now gives lectures on Soviet life, also said that bachelors in Russia only receive half of their actual paychecks. The other half is automatically placed in a pension fund for their retirement Displaying obvious contempt for the communist system, Contract said “that’s all right if you can last that long ” Why does Contract belittle his former country 7 “I would like to have the people in the United States know more than what the Soviet propaganda machine puts out,” he answered unhesitatingly “Freedom is non-existant in the Soviet Union,” Contract announced “Everything is government controlled ” As one who participated in all three post World War II conferences, Contract is convinced he can offer thoughts whjch aren't covered in the history books He accompanied Stalin as a food taster wherever he went - sipping wines and tasting cigars before passing them on to his boss “No one told Stalin what to do,” Contract said in a tone which was designed to erase all doubt - if anyone had any “And no one got anything out of Stalin,” he added m an identical manner of speaking “Millions of East Europeans suffer because of the Stalm-Harnman agreements,” Contract said He was What's new FIVE CORN HEADS COLDWATER, Ohio- Five new model Fas-Tach Uni-System corn heads will be available for 1977 from Avco New Idea Farm Equipment Division, headquartered here. The new three and four row corn heads mate with the new Fas-Tach Feeder House and fit the Uni- Combme, sheller and picker The new six-row corn head has been designed specifically for use with the Fas-Tach Feeder House and the 737 husking bed for harvesting seed corn By DIETER KRIEG All new corn heads are centered on the Power Unit drive wheels for better weight distribution The low profile design assures positive movement of the ears from the stripper plates to the feeder house conveyor. An electric clutch (on the feeder house) permits in dependent shut-off of corn head for safer operation and controlled feeding of the crop The five new Model Fas- Tach corn heads are being introduced for 1977 with six other new pieces of Um- System farm equipment by Avco New Idea referring to Averell Harnman, former U S Secretary of State "And detente is a one-way street in favor of the communists," the lecturer told his listeners. Trying to be somewhat humorous with much of his delivery, Contract described the Russian version of democracy as he knew it - “You vote, and Stalin decides what to do with it 1 ” He noted that the system hasn't changed and that it’s very similar in other communist countries. Commenting on exchange programs, Contract told the Extension meeting that “you don't get ordinary Russians to come here, they’re government picked and approved to get out of the U S as much as they can for the least cost.” “The USSR does not pay debts, and Stalin trusted no one,” Contract continued. „ The audience wondered how Contract managed to get out of the Soviet Union. Making a long story short, Contract said he made arrangements with former President Truman. Meeting him once at a conference, he told the U S. chief of state "I like the USSR from far away." Contract emphasized that he put his life in great danger when he decided to defect, but that making up false papers was very simple for a former KGB man. “We did it all the time,” he laughed. Contract is totally convinced that the Soviet Union has its spies in both Washington and Harrisburg. He did not want to point fingers, but warned “make no mistake about it, the USSR has its men in our government.” Asked if he would ever want to go back to his homeland, Contract's expression became noticeably serious , “I will go back to the USSR when a democratic Army goes to free all the other people - no other way” he said emphatically. Noting that most anything in Russia is controlled and owned by the state, Contract informed the Ex tension people that the reward for higher than prescribed production is a free visit to Lenin's tomb, That compares with raises and bonuses in this country. Contrary to common belief, there is no relief agency in the Soviet Union as we know them in this country. The simple rule of thum is “Those who don’t work, don’t eat ” Contract was asked about wheat sales to the Soviet Union. His answer: “They’re okay, but the terms should be cash. The USSR already owes $263 billion to the West, and the Russians are richer than we are. Emphasizing the point, he insisted that sales should be strictly for cash - not a dime of credit - because there is no guarantee that the communists will ever pay Their record for the past 60 years proves they don’t. Expanding on the statement that the USSR is richer than the U.S., Contract explained that the Soviet communists have all the gold from the Czars, plus all they stole from Eastern Europe. “The only thing the Russians didn't, take from Eastern Europe is what they forgot,” Contract exclaimed. He said they stole everything - from bathtubs to jewelry to railroad spikes to precision machinery “The Soviet -Union is always talking ‘peace’ - Contract said They want ‘peace’ alright - a ‘piece’ this and a ‘piece of that, a ‘piece’of everything!” Contract also informed the group that there is absolutely no acknowledgement of U.S. aid to com munist countries. The communists take credit for it, even if they have to strike away American names and insert Russian versions. He has seen it happen with American farm equipment. The lecturer also cited known cases of where American wheat was resold by the Russians for profit In closing his remarks, Contract said there is no freedom and no free-enterpnse in the Soviet Union. Everything is controlled by the state. Society lives with human and electronic eavesdropping all around it. Contract should know. He was a part of the system until 1949. The Better Idea Purchase Plan Select any Ford ag tractor or any of a long list of farm Implements. Take delivery now. If your trade-in covers the down payment, there’ll be no installment payments until May, subject to prior credit approval. After May 1, 1977, the credit plan you had selected goes into effect. You may pay monthly, semi-annually or by the crop, depending on the plan that meets your needs. We’ll showyou lots of other good reasons to buy now. Like great new Ford tractors with the Ford-built cab. Plus new plows! New discs! New planters, and other new Ford implements soon to be announced. If you buy now you can take your investment tax credit deduction from your 1976 income tax. And start your depreciation schedule. You may earn substantial savings while increasing productivity with Ford products. Come in today! Get full details on the Better Idea Purchase Plan. if* Buffalo Springs 717-949-6502 Route 419 Between Schaefferstown & Cornwall KELLER BROS. TRACTOR CO. Lebanon County o>'