—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Oct. 30.1976 50 Working mothers can meet children’s mealtime needs SOUTHAMPTON, Pa. - Mealtime planning is a problem in many households where mother plays the dual role of homemaker and breadwinner. According to the latest Census Bureau report, 58 percent of working women are married. That means that more than 21 million women work two full Women activities slated ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. - Women of the Grange will be honored at a Women’s Ac tivities Banquet, Thurs., Nov. 11 at the Sheraton- Deauville Hotel in Atlantic City, New Jersey. The national farm organization is holding its annual con vention here, Nov. 8-15. Mrs. Jenny Grobusky, director of Women’s Ac tivities, said approximately 250,000 women belong to the Grange and “they are all actively engaged in numerous projects to benefit the home. Grange and community.” One of their primary projects this year was the publication of a National Grange Bicen tennial Year Cookbook. Through their sales efforts they earned approximately $300,000 for tiie National Grange and $175,000 for local Granges. The profit for the National Grange will retire the remaining mortgage on the Grange’s headquarters building in Washington, D.C. The women will also be recognized for their volunteer work and fund raising efforts for charitable Women’s Thursday, November 4 Lancaster County Society 21 meeting at 7:30 p.m. at Stauffers. Lancaster County Society 20 meeting at 1:30 p.m. Lancaster County 17 meeting at 1 p.m. Program will be bread making. Lancaster County 23 meeting time jobs. Of these, nearly half have children under the age of 18 at home. Unfortunately, with both parents working, preparing balanced meals each day is a demanding challenge for mothers. Overlapping working hours may prevent parents from being home at National Grange convention organizations, sponsorship of the National Grange Health Project for the Deaf, promotion of sewing,, needlework and quilt con tests and planning of con ferences and workshops. Hundreds of needlework items will be on display and judged during the annual session. National winners, and their sponsoring Granges will receive' thousands of dollars in cash prizes from Coats & Clark, Inc., co-sponsor of the an nual National Grange Needlework Contest. The items on display are first place state Grange winners in three categories: crocheting, knitting and embroidery. A panel of professional needlework judges will select the national winners and the official announcement will be made at the Women’s Activities Banquet. In addition, the National Grange and Fairfield Processing Corp. (makers of Poly-fil) co-sponsored a Quilt Contest from Sept. 1, 1975 to May 30, 1976. Quilts Calendar at 7 p.m. Will tour Goodwill Industries. Saturday, November 6 Lancaster County Farm Women Societies con vention at Farm and Home Center, 1383 Ar cadia Road, Lancaster, at 9:30 a.m. mealtimes. And children are often involved in school or community activities that complicate their schedules, too. Because of this, nutritionists suggest that you evaluate your home situation to see how well your mealtime patterns fit the winning first place in each state will be on display at the convention. Three national winners will be selected and awaked $l,OOO and $5OO U.S. Savings Bonds. The Grand Award Winner of the country’s largest general sewing contest will be announced. The winner will be selected from the four first place national winners announced earlier this year. They are Mrs. Virgil Raggow, Garber, Okla., Miss Diane Detering, Harrisburg, Ore., Mrs. Claude Vaillancourt, Clin ton, Mass, and Mrs. Edna Couture, Morrisville, Ver mont. All four national winners will model their winning entries at the Women’s Activities Banquet, Nov. 11 at the Sheraton- Deauville Hotel. LOW INITIAL COST. FAST EASY ERECTION. ALL STEEL LONG LIFE. 14’ High Opening. Easy operating sliding doors: • Two Widths, 40' and 48 Minimum length 50 feet • Additions to length, in '2s' sections, to whatever length you wish • Multi-purpose building • Optional accessories so you can have the building 'just right for you' For a better Farm Building deal it’s American. C. DONALD COX GENERAL CONTRACTOR 0 EXCAVATOR W. Ralph Cheek, Sales Manager R.D. 1 717-529-2541 needs of all members of the family. For instance, some people cope by planning meals a week at a time. Much of the preparation can be done on weekends or during the evenings. Then, a note on the refrigerator door can let everyone know what is on the menu. Working mothers can get the day started right by preparing a hot breakfast. Bacon and eggs-or cooked cereal topped with milk are \yorth the extra minutes they take to prepare. Even if mother is counting her calories, she still needs an adequate breakfast. A small serving of what the kids are having helps even the dieters. It reduces the temptation to splurge on empty-calorie snacks during morning breaks. If your children “brown bag” it, see that they have a protein-rich sandwich or two. Lunchmeat and cheese are good separately or together. Crisp vegetables and a fruit dessert help to provide many of the vitamins and minerals growing kids need. Encourage them to have a carton of milk to provide the calcium so essential for teeth and growing bones* - The after-school rush to the refrigerator meets a very fcal need. A look at a chart of recommended daily dietary allowances shows, package of for example, that a 14-year- vegetables. Follow package old boy needs 3,000 calories a directions. Take the molded day - compared to mother’s fruit salad from the' 1,850. The kids will like refrigerator. Main dish milkshakes from the blen- ready at 6:00. Dessert - * der. Vegetable strips with a brownies and ice cream.” sour cream dip and a variety Such a meal may not offer of fresh fruits also make the togetherness of a family nourishing snacks. gathering, but it covers the And if you’re not going to nutritional bases. Try to be home during the dinner regain personal closeness hour, jot a brief schedule on with a family chat during the the note you’ve put on the evening. That way you won’t refrigerator. “Main dish in be short-changing your 350 degrees oven - 5:30.- family while earning your While it beats, get out a dairy bread.
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