Applebutter (Continued from Page 44| jtimes to fill all the orders. * M There were some years, also, when we just couldn’t get many people out to help,” explained another knowledgeable person. “Those times there may have only been two people to each kettle.” Now, however, interest has really picked up. At 5 o’clock last Saturday moiling there were more than 40 individuals out getting ready to make the applebutter. Some poeple even stayed all night. SHIRKER'S fSV PRETZEL OUTLET 222 W. Fulton St. Ephrata, PA k y PH: 733-2722 Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Sat. 8-5 p.m. Wed. 8-12:30 P.M.- Fri. B-9 HUNTERS - TAKE NOTICE We Cariy BULK Items Stop in and order Now Noodles Chips • Candy Potpie . Pretzels Pickles Cheese Cookies Olives Team Parking Available COAL & WOOD STOVES IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OR EARLY ORDER LAYAWAY Iflarm/flaming coal heater Only a genuine Warm Morning has the famous patented 4-flue firebrick construction that turns coal into glowing coke... heats 24 hours or more without refueling. The lit tle extra a Warm Morning costs originally is repaid over and over again in sat isfaction and fuel savings! Finest Blued MODEL 523 Steel Radiant Heres the quality leader in its field' Holds 100 IBs of coal Ample heat for up to five rooms Has many features combined in no other coal heater MODEL 617 - 60 Pounds Capacity STORE HOURS: MON thru SAT 8 to 5 TUES & FRI tillB 30 Cofeman Center 85 Old Leacock Rd. One of the members of the youth group who did stay all night said he did it for “something to do.” After spending an afternoon with Mt. Nebo group, it becomes evident that this is the key to the success of the project. Making applebutter is a good, wholesome, en tertaining way to spend a day and enjoy the warm friendship and hospitality of neighbors. MODEL 400 - America's Finest Coal Circulator' The ultimate in luxury heating with coal or coke' Beautiful cabinet finished in life time porcelain enamel Front feed door permits no spill filling Side doors open for quick radiant heat release Thermostat gives even temperature control Holds 100 lbs ot coal provides ample heating for up to six rooms' TißiJ'ri fej— "■’Utoaty OLD LEACOCK RO /J? LEACOCK COLEMAN CENTER R.D.I Ronks, Pa. Ladies Have Lancaster Home Economist Tips For Discount . Shopping Now, more than ever, discount shopping seems to be taking the country by storm. In fact, the word discount seems to have a magic ring, leading con sumers to believe they are getting a fantastic bargain. It is true you can save a great deal of your fashion budget by shopping discount houses or factory outlets, but you can also get stung. You need to be an especially perceptive shopper with a knowledge of fabric and fiber, plus a firm goal in mind. It’s very easy to get carried away by the ex citement of a half-the original-price tag and buy twice as much as you need. You can go broke saving money on such bargains. What’s more, many discount houses and factory outlets don’t have rooms to try on garments. If you can’t try on an item or can’t return it, the purchase is a real gamble as far as fit is concerned. Even packaged goods such as hosiery and undergarments may have the wrong size on the outside of the package. Sometimes you’ll find that the reason for a markdown is mislabeling of size, fiber content or care directions. If you know fabrics, you can determine if the care labeling is wrong, but not always. Again it is a gamble and you usually have no alternatives if the garment is ruined. A needle and thread can sometimes easily repair minor damage. Other times the reason for the markdown You Heard? By Doris Thomas " is poor matching or fabric design placement. Here you’ll have to decide if it is worth the extra time and energy needed to correct the mistake - if it is correctable. Keeping these drawbacks in mind, discount buying at the factory still makes it easy to save dollars if you shop with a few guidelines in Go with a firm idea of your needs - don’t be swayed by that half-price tag. Buy only if you find what you need and want. A bargain is no bargain if it won’t add to your present wardrobe. Keep in mind that driving long distances to shop at an outlet to save a few dollars may not really be a saving, considering the cost of gasoline, time and possibly a meal away from home. Imaginative Homemade Halloween Costumes When the children in your family start thinking ghosts and goblins, it may be time to rummage through your attic and basement to find the things you’ll need to make up imaginative costumes for Halloween. Children will probably be enthusiastic about designing their own costumes. For inspiration, they might think of favorite cartoon characters. Or look at coloring or story books. Boxes with holes for arms can be painted or colored. Smaller children can decorate large paper sacks, then cut holes for head and arms. Or look into an old clothes bag £or garments that, with a little pinning or quirk sewing, will create a young witch or fairy princess. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Oct. 30,1976 — Think of unusual ways to use old clothes for costumes. Pajama bottoms with feet can be stuffed, then used for an unusual hat. An old skirt can be worn around the neck with holes cut out for arms. Fabric scraps, old sheets and towels come in handy, too. Sports equipment also makes interesting and fun Halloween costumes. Instead of masks, let children decorate their faces. Old or inexpensive make-up and colored chalk ■can be psed. Even water color paints will work if a good base of hand lotion is first applied to the face. To create a ghostly effect, apply flour over a hand lotion base. Pa. consumers prefer Pennsylvania apples HARRISBURG, Pa. - Pennsylvania consumers respond to promotions identifying apples as grown in Pennsylvania and actually show a taste preference for them, Dean Carey, chair man of the Pennsylvania Apple Marketing Board, announced this month. Apples originating in Pennsylvania and Washington State were in volved in a two-week study conducted at two super markets last spring in the Allentown-Bethlehem area under the direction of the Department of Agricultural Economics at Penn State. When apples of similar quality, grade and price were identified as to state of origin, consumers bought more of the Pennsylvania apples - 58 per cent to 42 per cent. More importantly, ac cording to Carey, was the fact that Pennsylvania won out decisively in taste tests. Pennsylvania apples won by NEMA has new manager DECATUR, Ga. - The Northeast Egg Marketing Association has a new General Manager. William S. Rent of Kingston, N.H., succeeds Paul M. Fischer who resigned to enter private business. Paul had managed the egg cooperative for 18 assistant to former manager Ray Delano. Delano. According to Don Horn, NEMA President, “Bill” Rent brings with him a broad range of experience built through many years of close association with the New England hatchery and egg industry. His business career has included key assignments in sales and management with major hatcheries in both New England and the Mid- Atlantic areas, Horn said. He has also owned and operated a sizeable egg marketing service in New England. decided margins in such categories as crispness juiciness, firmness, and tanginess. To test the impact of the state of origin, large signs “Pennsylvania Grown” and “Washington Grown” were featured on bulk displays of apples, all of which were U. S. Extra Fancy, size 100, and identically priced. In one store, the Pennsylvania apples outsold the others by 60 per cent to 40 per cent. In the other store, the dif ference was 54 per cent to 46 per cent. Out of a total of 5315 apples, Pennsylvania apples outsold the others by a margin of 16 per cent or 8-% boxes. 45