' * The current trend is to feed more fermented roughage and high moisture grains and less dry hay, dry grains and commercial formula feeds. The combina tion of fermented roughages and fermented grains may have a higher level of soluble protein than the cow can use. This decreases efficiency and lowers milk production. To balance roughage programs high in soluble protein. Beacon has formulated Super-Pels, a high-quality grain ration low in soluble protein levels, to compensate for the highly soluble roughage. The Super- Pels formulation is constant. It will never change, and it's one of the most palatable feeds ever produced. CLARK DAIRY SUPPLY Rising Sun, MD H. JACOB HOOBER Intercourse, PA HYKES QUALITY FEEDS McCRACKEN’S FEED MILL, INC. York Haven, PA ''igfgg/ggps' - BEACON Beacon Miffing Co., Inc., York, PA. Now, --the proven feed usable protein. Cows need protein for milk production. Agreed. But ail proteirr is not usable protein. Th e amount of sdlubleprdteih a cow can use Is definitely limited. Many cows today may get too much soluble protein and the excess mey be wasted. That's expensive! from Beacon-- Super-Pels with more *available in pellets or mash W. L MUMMERT CO. Hanover, PA EARL SAUDER, INC. New Holland, PA Manheim, PA RICHARD B. KENDIG Special Accounts Representative Phone 302-478-3058 Super : Pels have been tested for two years on farms in two states. The result? Significantly higher production. WHO NEEDS SUPER-PELS? Super-Pels is only for the herd that meets aH of these qualifications: • A well-managed herd of 15,000 pounds or more production average. • Fed a diet which, in large part, is high in fermented roughage. • The farm Js on a roughage analysis program. Beacon Super-Pels, fed properly, is just one more example of why so many dairymen look to Beacon for "No-Nonsense Feeding." THARPE & GREEN MILL Churchvifle, MD ROBINSON BROS. Delta, PA E. W. HOLTON Daretown, N.J. CHESTER WIEST Sale & Distribution - Manager Phone 717-741-2600 Lancaster Farming.Saturd; NEW FREEDOM FARM & GARDEN H. M. STAUFFER & SONS, INC. Witmer.PA New Freedom, PA R. E. RUDISILL Sale & Distribution Manager Phone 717-854-2281
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