—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Oct. 30. 1976 36 NEPPCO board sets new priorities FAIRLESS HILLS, Pa. - “To make NEPPCO the kind of organization that is needed here in the Northeast and to be able to offer our members the range of services they expect from it will require an annual budget of $lOO,OOO or more. “That,” reports President Dick Stark, “is the No. 1 priority and goal set by the board at its recent meeting in Philadelphia.” “We expect to achieve our goal within three years,” Stark said. “Most, if not all, of the money must come from membership dues. Today, many members are receiving far more value from NEPPCO than they are paying in dues. We hope to Poultry declines HARRISBURG, Pa. - Pennsylvania’s poultry production during the week ending Oct. 16, continued above 1975 levels, while s declining slightly Iron the previous week, according to the Pennsylvania Crop Reporting Service. Placements of broiler chicks were 1,534,000. The placements were seven per cent above the same week a year ago, but six per cent below the previous week. RENT SCAFFOLD LADDERTYPE STEP TYPE • J * ‘ * ________ I ( 28” WIDE S’WIDE THREE CONVENIENT LOCATIONS LEBANON m%ENTALS "H Unlimited 940 Cornwall Rd. Phone 717-272-4658 READING Breading tool and equipment OH ia / 12th & Spring Streets Phone 215-376-3896 LANCASTER I c V I «* 720 N. Prince St - I >«»»» Phone 717 393-1701 WE RENT MOST EVERYTHING encourage them to pay then full share. Also, we plan to recruit a large number of new members. There is no reason at all why any person or firm in the 14 Nor theastern states with a commercial interest in the poultry industry should not be a dues paying member of NEPPCO. We plan to see to it that all these people are invited to join.” “NEPPCO has achieved some notable successes in recent years - particularly in the field of Federal legislation .and regulations. These achievements saved the industry many thousands of dollars. They benefited everyone in the industry, not just those whose dues made these achievements possible. Average placements during the past 10 weeks were 19 per cent above a year earlier. In the 21 key poultry producing states, placements were 61,616,000. This figure is seven per cent above the previous week and seven per cent above the corresponding week in 1975. Average placements during the past 10 weeks in the 21 states were nine per cent above a year ago. We think it’s time to tell this story to both members and non-members alike and to point out what can be ac complished if everyone will give this organization the support it deserves,” Stark concluded. The Board’s action resulted from a report by a special committee on Priorities and Objective chaired by V.P. Frank Baber. Appointed at the annual meeting in Springfield, Mass, in August, this Special Committee made an in-depth study of NEPPCO and its programs, including a telephone survey of people who attended the Springfield convention and some who did not. Its report to the board included these specific recommendations: 1. In ordfer to utilize the time of our staff to the best advantage of NEPPCO and its memers, it is recom mended that the Board establish a goal of $lOO,OOO in gross annual dues income; that an assistant executive director be employed as soon as practical whose chief responsibility will be member relations; and that until such person is em ployed, the board collec tively and individually assist the executive director in making as many contacts as possible to obtain more dues from current members and enroll new members. 2. That the following program of activities be given priority in the year ahead: a) An expanded public affairs committee to represent, express and further NEPPCO members’ interests in Federal legislation and Federal regulatory activities. b) An active rail and truck transportation com mittee. c) An educational committee whose job it will be to survey the educational and training needs of our members and their em ployees in order to improve and-or expand NEPPCO’s current program of schools and conferences. d) A research committee to monitor research of potential value to the poultry industry; to assist our Northeastern research facilities in whatever way practical or needed; and to co-operate with other organizations interested in providing our industry with a better research capability. e) Closer co-ordination, co-operation and com- munication with affiliated state poultry, associations. f) Improving our Member Assistance Service by promoting and en couraging greater use of this service by members. 3. That the board establish as NEPPCO policy a rule that at all activities spon sored by NEPPCO at which a registration, enrollment or admission fee is charged, that the fee for non-members be substantially greater than that charged to members, but that within a fixed time period, a non-member could join NEPPCO and apply this difference in fees to his first year dues. - 4. That the 1977 NEPPCO ‘ZktcA tfowt 4iia Matvei a Max' 1 1 ® = R.D. 4 MYERSTOWN, PA. 17067 CALL COLLECT ' 717-866-5708 convention and exposition be held in the central Penn sylvania area in the Fall of the year. All of these recom mendations were adopted by the board after which, in an unprecedented move, each director personally com mitted himself to working to achieve these goals. Serving on the special committee on Priorities and Objective with Frank Baber were Henk Wentink, Bill Robinson, John Ricca, Henry Saglio, Dick Stark and Dick Ammon. The next regular meeting of the Board will be held in New York City on Dec. 2 and 3, 1976. CAIL YOUR 1 LOCAL DEALER THOMAS DiMAP Jersey Shore, PA 717-753-3196 IIM CHASE Dusho/e 717-924-3757 PHARESfcR. EBERLY RDI New Holland. PA 717-354-7889 CAMPBELLS SALES & SERVICE McAlisterville, PA 717-463-2191 GEORGE LAWTON Wellsboro, PA 717-724-3015 BILL HANSEL Knocksville, PA 814-326-4586 RUSS SMELTZER Centre Hall. PA 814-364-9353 - HUGES BROS. RD Lajose or Newburg, PA Clearfield Co 814-277-6401 DONALD UPPERMAN R 3 Chambersburg, PA 17201 717 264-6007 MECKLEYDALMATIA. Dalmatia, PA 17017 717-758-3021 C & W EQUIPMENT CO. Carlisle PA 17017 717 243 4419 Box 357 CLAPPER FARM SERVICE Alexandria PA 16611 814 669 9015 ERB & HENRY EQUIPMENT INC 2226 Henry Ave New Berlmviile PA 19545 215 367-2169 HINES EQUIPMENT CD Box 5, Rt 22 West Cresson PA 16630 814-886 4183 RAY ZIMMERMAN Ti urbotville, PA (717) 649-5430 LESTER BOLL RDI Lititz Pa (717) 626-6198 WILLIAM F. GUHL RD Oxford PA (717)529 2569
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