—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Oct. 30, 1976 28 Chianina win YORK, Pa. - This year as last year, Chianina crossbred steers are taking the Midwest show circuit by storm. Last year alone, Chianina steers captured championships at five of the nation’s top seven steer shows. At the Eastern National, the Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion steers on hoof, both Chianina, had yield grades of 1.4 and 2.4 respectively and both graded choice. At the 1975 American Royal, Chianina steers took overall Grand Champion, Reserve Champion in the 4-H division, and Reserve Champion crossbred of the FFA division. The 1974 American Royal Reserve Grand Champion on foot was also Reserve Champion Carcass and was Chianina. And, the 1976 National Western Champion, which graded choice and had a yield grade of 2.6, was a Chianina cross. This year, the successes are just as impressive. At the Ohio State Fair, Judge Herman Purdy from Alexandria, Pa., chose a black Chianina brought to the Buckeye State’s show by KentKuck, Brookville, Ohip. Tipping the scales at 1180, the halfblood eclipsed all records previously set for a champion steer when it brought $27 per pound for a total of $31,860. Kuck im mediately donated $lOOO to the Ohio 4-H fund. The bidder who purchased the animal was Wendy’s Franchises International of Columbus, Ohio, who had also won the bidding last year thje fair when they paid $23 per pound for the cnampion at a total of $26,680. TTie first big win of the season for Chianina breeders, however, came with the Missouri State Fair Junior Show competition where a Chianina X Angus- Hereford steer took the Know Where the Activities Wil! Be? Read the Farm Women Calendar. Princep turns weedy alfalfa into alfalfa again. Spraying Pnncep™ 80-W on alfalfa this fall, can give you better quality, high-yielding alfalfa next year It can lengthen the life of your alfalfa stand, and make your hay worth more. If you’ve got a weedy alfalfa stand spray Pnncep and you’ll cut cleaner hay next year. Reserve 4-H and Reserve Grand Champions of the show. That calf sold for 80 cents a pound or $9BO. The Chianina momentum really got into full swing at the lowa State Fair in Des Moines, lowa. A probable record number of steers, 826, was paraded before the junior show steer judge with the ultimate winner of the championship going to a quarter blood Chianina. Sired by a Chianina X Angus bull and out of an Angus cow, the 1180 pound calf brought $3.25 per pound. This animal produced a yield grade 1 carcass with a rib-eye measuring -16.5 inches with only .4 of an inch of fat cover. The quality grade was average choice. The Reserve Champion at that show was a Chianina X Angus steer which also was the Reserve Champion of the lowa show’s World Steer Show. 7 The Indiana State Fair, Indianapolis, Indiana, was another success for Chianina animals, for both overall champions were of this breed. This makes the second consecutive year that Chianina .have captured the Indiana State Fair open steer show. Chianina animals, known as the largest breed of cattle in the world, originated in Italy and are probably one of the oldest breed of cattle as well, dating back before the Roman Empire. Only recently, in 1971, has Chianina semen been in troduced to American breeding stock. In 1972, the first half Chianina was bom on U. S. soil, and, now, to date, quarter blood and half blood calves have been bom to virtually every breed of cattle in the U.S. One of the biggest selling points for the Chianina cattle is that they afford more potential for growth in one Cross than can be acquired in national shows Kent Kuck, Brookville, Ohio, can't " suppress the excitement of having the grand champion steer of the Ohio State Fair. The steer sold for a record price of $31,860 and was a Chianina half blood. with conventional cattle in a torsos with fine shoulders lifetime, and because of a and hips, the calves pass unique cylindrical shape of easily through the pelvic Chianina calves with long, canal at birth. So, there are flat musde, slim heads, and very few calving problems. QUALITY PAYS OFF FLORIN LA-MOR FEEDS 20% - 19% - 18% - 17% - 16% a "Free flowing wouanim bros., inc. FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Depend On High Quality. *Good Feed Conversion MOUNT JOY, PA. PHONE 653-1451 DEPEND ON US ... FOR ALL YOUR FEED NEEDS. Egg Men Smart *High Quality Eggs Junior Grangers cited SHARON, Pa. - More than 200 junior Grangers, whose ages range from five to 14 years, attended the first Junior Day at a Penn sylvania State Grange cpnvention Monday. A ritual . team of young people from Mercer County exemplified the junior degree. Mrs. Annetta Merkel, Kutztown R 3, Berks County, State Junior Grange director, announced that Pleasant Hill Junior Grange of Cambria County had won the Junior Community Service Award, with second and third places going to Kutztown Junior Grange of Berks County and Mill Run Junior Grange of Fayette County. Bernville Junior HIGH PRESSURE WASHING OF POULTRY HOUSES AND VEAL PENS BARRY L. HERR 1744 Pioneer Road, Lancaster, Pa Phone 717-464-2044 5 Grange of Berks County was selected as the winner of the Junior Achievement Award. The Pleasant Hill and Bernville entries will be eligible for judging in the National Grange contest next month. Mrs. James R. Ross, Ohio Junior Grange director, commended the Penn sylvania group for its wide range of programs, and as “a very active state group.” More than 2,000 persons attended the four-day session which closed Thursday. TRY A CLASSIFIED Pfljl a
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