—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Oct. 30, 1976 106 Public Sales Register of Brownstown, Lancaster Selinsgrove. Art Kling & Co. Sale by John J. Rutt. LanT Long, Auctioneers TUBS. NOV. 23 - 1 P.M. Special Graded Feeder Pig Sale at the Lancaster Stockyards, Inc. Lancaster, Penna. THURS. NOV. 25 - 9;00 A.M. Public Auction of Real Estate, Tools & Equipment, Antiques, Collectibles, Coins, Other Personal Property. Located along Route 147 in the Village of Dalmatia, Lower Mahonoy Township, Northumberland County, Pa. Estate of William C. Weaver. George Deibert, Auctioneer SAT. NOV. 27 -12 Noon Club Calf Sale at the Octorara Farm, Nottingham, Pa. Sale features 50 head of hand picked how steer prospects. Sale by Sam Wylie. SAT. NOV. 27 - 12:00 P.M. Horse Sale to be held at Keister’s Middleburg Auction Sales, Inc. Route 522, three miles East of Middleburg, 5 miles West of PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20,1976 12:00 P.M. Situated on the premises 1 mile west of Elizabethville, Pennsylvania. Approximately V* mile off Route 209, north of the airport. Parcel No. 1 - Farm consisting of 80 acres, more or less, situated in Washington Township, Dauphin County. Having thereon erected a 7 room, 2% story frame house with a never-failing spring. If you’re looking for good flat farmland, check into this farm! Parcel No. 2 - Woodland consisting of 12 acres, more or less, situated in Upper Paxton Township on the north side of Berry’s Mountain, near what is known as Woodside Station. Parcel No. 3 - Woodland, 3 acres, more or less, situated near what is known as Bickers Crossing, on the north side of Berry’s Mountain. Parcel No. 4 - Tract of land situated in Elizabethville Borough bounded on the north by Tunnel Alley, bounded on the south and west by lands of the Elizabethville Water Company, containing % acre, more or less. For further information on the above real estate phone either 717-692-3161 or 717-758-6004. Real Estate will be offered at 1:00 P. M. MISCELLANEOUS PERSONAL PROPERTY 1936 Chevrolet Coupe (as is); 1948 Ford Pick-Up (as is); 2 Allis Chalmers Tractors (as is); 10-20 Mc- Cormick Deering Tractor; Model H John Deere Tractor; Saw Mill (needs new wood); Shingle Mill (needs new wood); Ontario Grain Drill; Threshing Machine (as is); Ruxel Rear End and Frame from a Model T Truck; 7 HP Single Cylinder Gasoline Engine on Steel Truck; 2 Single Cylinder Gasoline Engines (as is); Spring Tooth and Spike Tooth Harrows; John Deere and McCormick Deering Trail Plows; Maxwell Engine; Scrap Iron; Empire Beaver Gray Enamel Kitchen Stove; Andes Space Coal Heater; Kitchen Cabinet; Maytag Washer; Organ Case; Iron Bed; Flat Top Trunk; Hand Guns - 32 Cal. Automatic Colt, Dreyse Automatic 7.65 MM Cal. Automatic, Harrington & Richardson Premiere 22 Cal., Harrington & Richardson 32 Cal., Vahea Registrada 38 S & W Cal.; Numerous Other Items. TERMS: Parcel No. 1-10 percent Down. Parcels No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4-20 percent Down. Further terms and conditions to be given day of sale. Personal Property - Cash or Travelers Checks! Personal checks accepted only from persons known to us. ESTATE OF GEORGE F. SCHEIDLER Catherine H. Long, Executrix Riiand G. Scheidler, Executor Allen Shaffer, Attorney Lee D. Dockey Auctioneer-Estate Liquidator-Appraiser Box 164 Pillow, PA 17080 Phone. 717-758-6004 SAT. NOV. 27 - 1:00 P.M. Feeser’s 12th Production Sale. To be held at Lebanon Area Fairgrounds, Lebanon, Pa. For Catalog Contact - Franklin Feeser, Box 372, Taneytown, MD 21787 SAT. NOV. 27 - 9:30 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Machinery, Tools, Beef Cattle, Household Goods. Located about IVz miles northeast of Fawn Grove off Rt. 425 along Day Rd. (watch for arrows). In York Co., Pa. Mr. and Mrs. S. Austin Winemiller, owners. Robert L. Sechrist, Auctioneer SAT. NOV. 27 - 12:00 Noon. Public Auction of 28 Acre Farm, Farm Equipment & Household Items. Located 2 miles East of Klingerstown, Along Klingerstown to Pit man Road Upper Mahan tongo Township, Schuylkill County, Pa. 40 miles NE of Harrisburg; 20 miles SE of Sunbury. Estate of'Welling L. Maurer. George Deibert, Auctioneer - (717) 425-3313 FRI. NOV. 26 - 11:00 A.M. Public Sale of Milking Herd Dispersal. Located in York Co., 5 miles South of Hanover, Pa. on Route 94 turn west at West Manheim Elementary School onto Shorb Hill Road go to dead end turn South first farm. Bernard L. Warner, owner. Wednesday, December 1, 12:30 PM for Moses Snader along Custard Avenue, 1% miles south of New Holland r 16 "acre farm, farm equip-, ment, household goods. Nevin Z. Martin and Lewis B. Griff, auctioneers Sale reports ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦« A Public Sale of Real Estate was held October 23 by John J. Lapp between Hinletown and New Holland, Lane. Co., Pa. The PA acres with 1 Vz story dwelling, work shop and stable was sold for $48,600 to Lewis Groff, New Holland, R. D., Pa. PUBLIC SALE SAT. NOV. 6,1976 at 10:00 A.M. Clair D. Worley, 3175 W. Market St., Vork PA. 17404 Discontinuing the John Deere business of 29 years Large supply of JOHN DEERE parts and accessories. All items subject to prior sale. Additional items may be added by day of Sale. TRACTORS John Deere 4020 Diesel wide front; John Deere 3020 Diesel wide front; John Deere 70 Diesel; John Deere 430 W; Massey Ferguson 50 w-power steering; Allis Chalmers WD; Allis Chalmers WD4S; John Deere A w- Loader & Boom. PLOWS Allis Chalmers 4-16” Snap Coupler; Allis Chalmers 3- 14” Snap Coupler; Cockshutt 3-14” Pull; IHC 3-14” Pull; Case 4-14” Pull; Case 3-14” Pull; AC 2-14” Snap Coupler; AC Roll-Over; AC 3-Disk; AC Single for G. TRUCKS 1963 Dodge Tractor; Hughes single axle Lo-Boy trailer; 1956 Ford 1% ton flat; 1959 Chev. 1 ton flat w drawbar; 1967 Ford % ton pick-up w-drawbar; 1963 Dodge Dart Wagon; 1966 Ford % ton 4-WD w-Utility Body. 1914 Johnson Hay Tedder; Syracuse 30-78 Plow; Syracuse 1361 Plow; JD 1-hole Com Sheller; Many miscellaneous items. MISCELLANEOUS Cultivators - JD 4-row for 60 to 730, JD 2-row for 50 to 530, fflC 2-row for H, IHC 2-row for 400, AC 2-row for WD; Disk Harrows - Oliver 10% ft. on rubber, IHC Heavy 8 ft.; Hay Balers - IHC 45, IHC 55, Schultz Shredder-Feeder for 14-T, JD Shredder Feeder for JD 24-T. JD Hay Conditioner, JD 13x7 FBB Grain Drill, JD No. 8 Harvester w-row and cutterbar, JD No. 3 Hay Fluffer, JD No. 50 Side Mower, JD No. 9 3-pt. Mower, AC Mower for G, JD 2-row 3 pt. Rotary Hoe, JD 4-row 3 pt. Rotary Hoe, JD 494 Com Planted, Grove Dump Wagon, Gehl Forage Wagon, JD 780 Self-Propelled Windrower, Cherokee Snow Blower 7 ft. 3-pi. mounted. Salvage Machines for Parts: JD 237 Picker, JD 227 Picker, JD No. 8 Harvester, ’52 JD A Tractor, JD Hay Conditioner, JD No. 5, Mower, JD Cultivator, JD FBA Grain Drill, Elevator. JD 80” Wide Extension for 41” Manure Fork, JD 80” Wide Extension for 60” Manure Fork, JD 92” Wide Extension for 72” Manure Fork. Used 40” Loader Bucket. New JD 60” Loader Bucket for 48, Mountings for 48, Heat Houser for JD 2010, 2 used Hydraulic Cylinders, Various Com Picker Bundles, Forage Wagon Attachments and other bundles and at tachments and Junk, Obsolete Parts. New Rear Tractor Tires; 12x38 (4 ply), 13.6x28 (6), 14.9x33 (6), 15.5x38 (6), 18.4x38 (8). 14” 15” & 16” Tractor Fronts & Implement of various widths. Used Rear Tractor Tires. Terms: Cash Or Good Check 3175 W. Market St, York, Penna. AUCTIONEER: Blaine N. Rentzel Box 222 Emigsville, Pa. Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auc tioneer Some other items sold ‘included: Shaper $llO, Shaper Bits $75, Drill Press $2lO, Turning Lath $275, > Wooden Molding Hanes $25 to $3O, Table Saw $155, Jointer $BO and a Wooden Wheelbarrow $l5O. T. Glenn horst was the auctioneer. ANTIQUES Clair D. Worley PUBLIC SALE Complete Dispersal Sale of Plumbing & Heating Supplies, Trucks and Tools Saturday, November 6,1976 - 9:30 A.M. Monday Eve., Nov. 8,1976 - 6:30 P.M. LOCATED AT 128 EAST MAIN STREET IN THE BOROUGH OF NEW HOLLAND, PA. 2 -1968 V-8 CHEVROLET HEAVY DUTY PANEL TRUCKS 52,000 miles and 28,000 miles, actual 1971 FORD HEAVY DUTY VAN 26,000 original miles. SHOP EQUIPMENT Rigid electric 300 threader machine, 2 heads from 1 h to 2 in. with cutter and reamer on tripod. No. 2 Toledo die head, up to 4 in. electric threader, V? to 2 in. on stand. Electric saw on stand. Walker turner drill press with motor. Delta drill press and motor, Senno electric pipe bender, up to 2 in. hydraulic hand bender up to two in. with Writ Way electric one ton chain hoist with one horse motor. A.D.C. 180 A.S. Lincoln Welder, engine driven, mounted on trailer with 70 ft. welding cord. 1 ton hand chain hoist. 2'A ton American Chain Co. hand hoist, emory wheel on stand, grinder with motor, acetylene torch gauges and hose, anvil, large lead - pot on wheels for water main repairing. Kellogg American Air Compressor on wheels, 2 small air com pressors, John Wood portable space heater, a Fairbanks platform scales. -1 - 5 ft pipe wrench; 2 - 4 ft. pipe wrenches; 5 - 3 ft, wrenches; 3 - 3 ft. chain wrenches; 2 - 4 ft. chain wrenches; 5 pipe vises on stand, up to 2 in.; chain pipe vise; hand pipe cutter, 2 in. to 4 in. one water main pipe cutter, up to 12 in.; Rigid No. 27 6 in.; many hand tools of various types; set of tools. Complete line of plumbing tools from 3 service trucks 100 ft. of 2 in. T. & C. pipe; 100 ft. of I'A in T. & C.; 250 ft. of I'A in.; 170 ft. of 1 in.; 200 ft. of 3 A in.; 50ft. of 'A in. 42 ft. of 2 in.; 170 ft. of I'A in.; 200 ft. of I'A in.; 240 ft. of 1 in.; 120 ft. of 3 A in.; 100 ft. of 'A in.; complete line of fittings, galvanized and black; 3/8 in. to 4 in. 45's; couplings; reducers; elbows, T A L; black Mai. reduced fittings up to 2 in.; black bushings 'A in. to 4 in; 'A to 3 A and 4 in. welded fittings. Type L hard - 20 H. of 4 in.; 60 ft of 3 in., 140 ft. of 2 in.; 320 ft. of I’A in.; 400 ft.'of 1 in.; 600 ft. of 3 A in., 2,000 to 3,000 ft. of 'A in. Type M hard copper tubing - 200 ft of I'A in.; 320 ft. of 1 in.; 500 ft.of 3 A in.;2soft.of'Ain. S. W. V. hard - 60 ft. of 3 in., 100 ft. of 2 in.; 160 ft. of 1 'A in. Type L soft copper in cartons • 550 ft of 3/8 in.; 420 ft. of 'A in Type K soft in cartons - 500 ft. of 3 A in.; 200 ft. of 1 in.; 60 ft. of I'A in.; 250 ft. of'A in.; 550 ft. of'Ain. 2 and 3 in. D. W. V. fittings [copper]; 'A in. copper drainage fittings; 3/8 to 2 in. sweat fittings [copperj. 'A to 2 in. full flare fittings, copper straps and hangers; 3 A to 2 in. brass gas stops, 'A in to 6in bushings and plugs. A. B. S. Sch. 40 plastic - 60 ft. of 4 in., 300 ft. of 3 in.; 400 ft. of 2 in.; 160 ft. of I'A in.; full line of fittings 'A in to 4 in ; T. Y elbows and closet flanges. 200 ft. 4 in. soil pipe; 160 ft. of 10 ft. lengths; 300 ft. of 4 in. double hub. 5 ft. single hump, full of 4 in soil fittings, L 6 bends, 16th bends, offsets, reduced fittings, 2 and 3 in., soil fittings and traps. 3 in. and 4 in. Orangeburg and fittings, tolls of soft plastic -100 ft. of 'A in.; 200 ft of 3 A in.; 300 ft. of 1 in.; 150 ft. of I'A in 'A and 3 A in water hose on roll. -'A TON CAULKING LEAD - Heating and oil burner parts and equipment - 40 new and used fuel pumps, 15 new and used burner trans, 30 new and used oil burner motors, 25 used circulator motors, about 30 RII6R and RII7R stock control, new Miller and McDonnel boiler feeds, new Watts boiler feeds, full Honeywell controls, thermostat, zone valves, Thrush and B. & G. healing drculators, heating asso NEW WOLVERINE ITEMS 7 upright sump pumps, in boxes; 3 submersible brass sump pumps; full fine of Wolverine material stops, in brass, stop and gate, check, globe valves; chrome and S. P. traps; chrome sink faucets; 3 A in. nipples and stops, sink waste, chrome lavatory supplies, radiator valves, L - sweats in copper and iron, steam radiator valves and L; 'A to I'A in. brass fittings, 'A to I'A in plastic inserts and L coup lings Pitcher pumps, rotary pump with motor, leathers gauges and ft valves, 1 - 3 handle pump and windmill attach , submergible wire on roils, Romex 12-3, 10-2, 14-2, switch boxes, 2 slightly used, sub mergible pumps 80 gal. A. 0. Smith 4,500 watt unit, 40 gal. A. 0. Smith electric, 30 s gal. A. 0. Smith natural gas water heater, new 30 gal. Bock oil fired water heater. 1 Kohler K-1405 avocado bath tub, Kohler white lavatories and toilets, American Standard white toilets, American Standard wall hung lavatories, 12 in. and 14 in; new toilet seats in boxes. Stainless steel sinks, 22, 24, 32 in, tub and shower faucets, American Std. and Kohler lavatory and tub faucets, tub waste, complete line of toilet repair parts. 2 A ladders, 20 and 24 ft extension ladders, 40 ft. extension ladder, 6 ft. heavy ladders, metal wheelbarrow and hand trucks, 2 used contractor pumps, nuts and bolts 1/8 to 3 in pipe tabs, new PLUMBERS MAY INSPECT ANYTIME BETWEEN 7 00 A.M AND 5 00 P.M. PHONE 354 8822 FOR INFORMATION , ORDER OF SALE: Pipe and Fittings, Soil Pipe and Some Hand Tools will be sold Saturday Also Trucks and Large Machinery will be sold Saturday at 200 p m , followed November 8,1976 at 630 p m by Tools, New Fixtures, Heating, etc {STL. *• tw » Barry D Wanger ROBERT E. KURTZ, OWNER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS 2-DAY WRENCHES GALVANIZED PIPE BLACK PIPE COPPER TUBING SOIL PIPE NEW WATER HEATERS WOODEN LADDERS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers