Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 30, 1976, Image 1
Vol 21 No-48-vQ The com harvest in southeastern Pa. still looks great, but some fields, such as this one, were smashed by raging storms in recent weeks. Serving The CentraT and Soufnetktern Pennsylvania Areas Ag policies scored By JUDY MITCHELL Berks County Reporter LEESPORT, Pa. - Ap proximately 40 persons took advantage of ah opportunity to meet USDA Assistant Secretary Richard L. Feltner in what was billed as a question and answer session on federal farm policy. The meeting was held Poultryman honored STRASBURG, Pa. - After two years of service as president to the Lancaster County Poultry Association, Walter Shauh, Stevens, was the recipient of a special plaque of appreciation from the group on Thursday evening at their annual banquet held at Historic Strasburg, here. Over 300 4-H awards presented LANCASTER, Pa. - Lancaster County’s 4-H’ers who excelled this past year with their dairy projects were rewarded for their efforts on Thursday night at the Farm and Home Center, here. Capturing the biggest prize of the evening was Doug Hershberger from Fami Calendar 10 Women’s Calendar 50 York DHIA 86 Editorial Comments 10 Ida’s Notebook 51 York Holstein banquet 89 Chester DHIA 18 Lebanon 4-H’ers 52 Land use stories 90,93 Keystone schedule 22,63 Nutrition News 55 Weather Report 91 Homestead Notes 42 N.H. Holstein show 58 Grange News 94,95 ' Home on the Range ' 46 Life on the farm 60 ACA Farm Line 98 j Cooking Edition 48 Classifieds Sales Register 101 pj Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 30,1976 at the Berks County Ag Center this past Thursday. It was the first of three such appearances in Penn sylvania which the Washington official was scheduled to make on Thursday to discuss matters pertaining to marketing and consumer services under the present administration. members were in at tendance. Since Shaub was named president, several important programs have been im plemented by the organization. One of these is a special education program for home economics teachers. The Association set up an in-service day Quarryville. As top in dividual with his breed project book, he received special recognition from the gathering which numbered approximately 200, Penn field Feeds Corporation gave the young Holstein dairyman from the Solanco area a handsome prize. Also receiving recognition -In this issue Only about one-third of those attending the meeting i were farmers, and media ? personnel dominated the 1 first portion of the question ; and answer session which 5 focused mainly on statements made by Feltner in his opening address. - »• _ [Continued on ftge 16] where these teachers toured Cloisterdale and Victor Weaver, and then returned to the Farm and Home Center for a demonstration on eggs and poultry. They were also given promotion material to hand out to their students. [Continued on Page 17] and prizes from Pennfield i for their work with dairy J breed projects were Lois 1 Wanner, Brown Swiss; « Warren Schmuck, Ayrshire; Connie Balmer, Guernseys; and Ellen Schmuck, Jerseys. Honored for having had junior breed champions this [Continued on Page 13] $4.00 Per Y«ar