Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 23, 1976, Image 47

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    Ladies Have
O '
Lancaster Home Economist
Sewing Shortcuts
Everyone likes shortcuts,
especially people who
construct their own gar
ments. Here are some
sewing shortcuts you may
not have tried.-1 hope you
will try them. They do not
mean that you will be
sacrificing quality.
Set the sleeve in a garment
before sewing side seams or
You Heard?
By Doris Thomas
sleeve seams. In this way
you can work with the
garment flat and it is easier
to handle. To finish, sew up
side seam and underarm
sleeve seam all in one
Fusibles can really
shorten work when used for
interfacings, hems, applying
trims, backing pockets,
mending, reinforcement and
many other shortcuts.
Avoid snagging terrycloth
with the presser foot on the
sewing machine by wrap
ping cellophane tape around
the prongs of the presser
To make it easier to run
elastic through a drawstring
casing, machine baste both
seam allowances in the
casing area to the garment
before sewing the casing.
Bastings can be moved later
if they show.
Another trick for a" 5
drawstring casing to keep
the elastic from rolling is to
distribute the fullness evenly
or as needed. Then ‘‘stitch in
the ditch” of each seam,
through elastic and fabric.
One of the biggest short
cuts is having a pattern that
fits. Use it over and over and
vary necklines, pockets and
other details. No one but you
will know it is the same
pattern. It will always fit
well and can be sewn
As you plan your sewing,
plan to color coordinate your
clothes so that each garment
can be worn in many ways. It
will save you lots of sewing
time and money, too,
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Oct 23,1976 —
because you will not need as -
many items in your war
drobe. -
Freeze Sandwiches
To Save Time
Because much of the work
of making sandwiches is
getting out all the equipment
and ingredients, making
several at one time can be a
time-saver. Since lunches
often have to be packed
during the early morning
rush, the shifting of sand
wich making to a different
time of day can also be
helpful. Freezing sand
wiches in quantity can help
with both time saving and
rescheduling the job.
Here are some tips on
freezing sandwiches that will
give you satisfactory results.
Some foods are just as
good after freezing as before
while others are not. A-l
breads keep good quality in a
home freezer. Fillings that
freeze well are Cheddar or
cream cheese, sliced or
ground red meat or poultry,
fish, cooked egg yolks,
peanut butter, nut pastes,
olives and pickles. Pimento
cheese sandwiches are ideal
for freezing. Raw
vegetables, whites of hard
cooked eggs, fruit jellies and
mayonnaise do not keep good
quality when frozen.
Vegetables lose their
crispness, cooked egg whites
become tough, mayonnaise
and jellies soak into the
bread and make it soggy.
To prepare sandwiches for
freezing, spread inside of
each piece of day-old bread
from edge-to-edge with soft
butter or margarine. This
helps to keep bread from
absorbing moisture from the
filling. Fill the sandwiches
and wrap in moisture-vapor
resistant material. Seal and
label as to kind of filling and
freeze at once.
Thaw frozen sandwiches in
Junior Cooking
[Continued from Page 46]
2 tablespoons vanilla
4 cups sugar
2 quarts cream
4 or 6 eggs, beaten
6 or 7 junket tablets
Scald milk, add remaining
it beacon
pM special
Growing puppies, dogs that are especially
active, high-strung breeds and dogs subjected
to environmental stresses need the extra pro
tein they'll get from BEACON High Protein
Dog Food.
From now until October 30, you can buy a
25-lb bag of BEACON High Protein Dog
Food for 300 less than the regular price.
Beacon Feeds, York, PA Phone 717-843-9033
their- sealed wrappings to
keep them from absorbing
moisture from the air. A
package of two frozen
sandwiches thaws at normal
room temperature in three to
four hours; in hot weather
thawing time is shorter.
When you take frozen sand
wiches on a long trip, you
may need to pack them in an
insulated bag; but if they
won’t be out of the freezer for
more than two or three hours
before mealtime, a card
board box makes an ac
ceptable carrying case.
Carry lettuce, and
mayonnaise separately and
add them to frozen sand
wiches at serving time. They
may be packed in same
container with the frozen
sandwiches where they will
stay cold until eating time.
Pension Insurance
If the company you work for
has established pension or
profit-sharing programs for
your retirement, a new Fed
eral Government corpor
ation has been established
to protect you if the fund
goes broke Pension Benefit
Guaranty Corporation in
sures the pensions of ap
proximately 23 million work
ers by guaranteeing cer
tain .normal retirement age
benefits, early retirement
benefits, disability benefits
and death benefits accord
ing to guidelines it has es
ingredients but add junket
which has been dissolved in
one-fourth cup cold water
Wilma Wenger
Lititz, Pa.