26—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Oct. 23, 1976 Walter Shaub, Lancaster County the incubator In the poultry Poultry Association president, gives niall at the Park City farm promotion, interested onlookers a close view of Promotion r „ .. . One such craft is explained | Continued from Page i] on page Qf m response,” said Marian Another crowd pleaser Brenneman, chairman of the was jjj e minting contest on women’s committee. There Tuesday afternoon. Crowds were times during the week gathered to watch farmers in when as many as 50 women action, and get a glimpse of would gather around the the pretty dairy princesses craft tables at one time to present.-Peggy Staub, state learn how to do some of the princess, and Debra creative things the farm Kreider, Lancaster County women were demonstrating, dairy princess, were both in Brownstown Vo-Tech School designed this floral display which set off the FFA exhibit at the Park City promotion. WHITE WASHING with DAIRY WHITE -DRIES WHITE -DOES NOT RUB OFF EASILY -NO WET FLOORS -IS COMPATIBLE WITH DISINFECTANT AND FLY SPRAYS -WASHES OFF WINDOWS & PIPELINES EASILY. Also Barn Cleaning Service Available With Compressed Air To have your barn cleaned with air it will clean off dust, cob webs & lot of the old lime. This will keep your barn looking cleaner & whiter longer. MAYNARD L. BEITZEL Witmer, PA 17585 717-392-7227 If no answer call Willard Beitzel 717-733-6357 We will take on work within 100 mile radius of Lancaster. Barn spraying our business, not a sideline. Spraying Since 1961 attendance to grace the occasion. Helen Wivell noted that she was amazed at how well the animals in the dairy mall adjusted to the commotion of Park City. There was a different cow and calf pair every day, and each pair remained relatively calm during their one-day stint. In the poultry mall there was another big attraction - an incubator. Every day new eggs were placed in the incubator so that a new brood of chickens was: hatched daily. The poultry mall, set up by the Lancaster County Poultry Association, also recruited the “Old Sheriff,” Bobby Mon tgomery, from WGCB FM from 3-6 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday. Broaadcasting from a 186 Hydro In ternational Harvester from C. B. Hoober and Son, Inc., Montgomery conducted a typical show which included interviews with passers-by. POL-BARN 40*x88'xW with framed opening for 15 x 24 door The craft demonstrations were one demonstrations were held every day. of the most popular areas of the Park Here, Mrs. Lois Brubaker shows two City farm promotion last week. The shoppers how to macrame. The FFA chapters of Lancaster County were also represented daily at the mall. Their display consisted of a movie, “Food for America,” and slide presentation. The FFA members who manned the display seemed to think it was successful since many shoppers were attracted by the movie and would stop to watch. In the large farm equip ment mall, a lesson in ecology was taught. At the New Holland harvester display, a mock cornfield was set up with litter near the wheels of the machine. A sign on the harvester said, “One bottle can ruin this tire. Cost of replacement - $200.” There were also sigps on the other machinery stating the cost of each, among many other enlightening facts. The county Extension [Continued on Page 30] QITONSET. FEED BINS GRAIN BINS , WET CORN r yt, HOLDING TANKS FOR THIS YEAR’S DRYING SEASON FEED BIN SIZES 2.9 TON TO 164.5 TON GRAIN BIN SIZES 1200 BU. TO 75,000 BU. CAPACITY FULL LINE PARTS DEPT. LEASING AVAILABLE WE SELL, SERVICE and INSTALL □ E. M. HERR EQUIPMENT, INC. R.D.I, WILLOW STREET, PA LANCASTER CO. 717-464-3321 VERNON E. MYER Ail new STEEL "pole bam” - economical, strong, versatile, attractive. Steel Buildings And Gram Storage R.D. 4, Lebanon, PA 17042 Phone: (717) 867-4139