ATTENTION ALL PHONE NUMBERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY YOUR AREA CODE. Mail Box Market to Buy - Cheap ir running or :able condition. At ents if available. PH: (-6272 Sale - Registered 'an Horses, 2 stallions, 1 ig, 2 yearlings and 1 ing, good snow and ig prospects. Inquire to i King, Box 505, Rt. 1 disc, Pa. 17562 experienced couple irately wishes to rent farm for 35 to 55 cows tring of ’77. Penn State late. Please call 717- >0 Sale - 24 ft. Smoker dor $75.00. Wanted to - 8 to 10 ft. disc richer. 717-733-8434 o build a tier cow use ALL m m breedin Is! Diamond-S Dividend Roblhom Voyageur Veediction St Croixco Pioneer Major Lime Hollow Burkgov Roburke Double Ned Harveycrest'Walkway Semog Diane Dynamo Long-Haven Kingstead Admiral Florendel Ivanhoe Loren - Twin Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation Stillwell Ollic Olhver Round Oak Rockman St Croixco Veediction Ron 7H160 7H174 7H137 7H919 7H152 7H507 7H182 7H924 7H58 7H193 7H147 7H676 7H196 7H2149 7H350 7H504 7H127 Coldspnngs Stylemaster Amoa Carlin Arlmda Reflector Long-Haven Rumpus - Twin N-Del-Cee Dutchman Knob Lick Go ~ 7H166 7H151 7H154 7H145 7H171 7H207 7H327 7H285 Sungold Kingpin Percy Burke Bailand Posch Fond Matt - Twin Hulong Gay Apollo Nine Edeal Pmonia Matt Tippy Beanehaven Magadlction Wel-Hi Triune Nate - Twin Shadyvale Pearl Pride Woodbine Pearl Comet 7H403 7H477 7H138 7H156 7H242 7H314 7H430 7H187 7HIBB 7H131 7H2007 7H415 E-Z Acres Orlo Skydean Qlandell Arllnda Chief Kin-Vale Tidy Champ - Twin Lime Hollow Admiral OeKol Leebar Drummer Kingpin Mlcah Long Haven Fayne King Winter E-Z Acres- Dagan J Sears E-Z Acres Sears Dean Star Fire Arlmda Elm Holtex Record Atlas Skagvale Bold Inheritance Paclamar Triune Cosmo 7H503 7H195 "'H2023 7H206 7H431 7H2035 Collms-Crest Royal J Wapa Arhnda Conductor Paulo-Bro Mlattr Watt Green-Meadow Contort Huberview Monarch Skagvale Startrek 7H146 7H2003 7H190 7H217 Round Oak Apollo Virginian Sunnyside Governor U K Sensation Le-Ocl Triune Dean Study what’s available and we think you’ll decide who has the ‘Select Sires’! Area Representatives: So. Chester Co. & Del. Don Taylor 717-529-2212 No. Chester Co. & Lane. Co. Aaron Stoltzfus 717-442-4074 Cumberland Co. A® %l All Jeff Reasner 717-776-5181 Mail Box Market For Sale - Oliver 770 Diesel engine for parts. Also radiator for same. Wanted - Roll-away chicken nests. Eli Zimmerman, RDI, Reinholds, Pa. Wanted - Reg. Holstein calves from 1 month to 13 months old. - For Sale - International T 340 crawler with 4 in 1 bucket. 717-626-2074 For Sale - ’67 International % ton pickup, heavy duty, 8 ft. steel bed $650. 717-768-3695 For Sale - 30-06 Deer Rifle with four power scope 7 & gun case. Also 2 Suffolk rams, 12 ewes. PH: 717-665- 2387 PRODUCTION (US DA 5/76) Repty. PD Milk - PDsss 66% + 797 + 48 60% + 781 + 54 81% + 662 + 56 99% + 984 + 87 72% + 986 + 69 47% + 819 + 61 59% +1134 . + 64 93% + 937 + 89 99% +1256 +lO3 62% + 689 + 60 86% + 746 + 68 93% +1247 + 79 64% 44% 82% 66% 87% 57% 47% 76% 72% 92% 99% ' 30% 65% 62% 90% 97% 45% 55% 66% 62% 50% 42% 78% 78% 92% 53% 47% Moil Box Market Wanted - Wooden tub - 4’ or 5’ in diameter, to hold water. Call (717) 626-0028 or write “TUB” Box No. 148, Lititz, Pa. 17543 For Sale -1 yr. old Billy goat, altered. $25. PH: 717-569- 9328 For Sale -16’. 18’ & 24’ silo roofs, 24’ tripod. Calhoun forage wagon. 70’ Badger Shuttle feeder, 18’ Starline Electric Distributor. 25’ of used silo chute. PH: 717-933- 4616 For Sale -1971 Chevrolet step van, 6 cyl. stick, 46,000 miles, good condition-$1250 or best offer. Ph: 717-898-2389 For Sale -1953 Dodge truck - T license (11,000 lbs. gross weight), $3OO or best offer. Ph: 717-273-6419. For Sale - 2 year old registered Holstein heifer, due to fresher 10-25-76, bred to Elevation son Fultonway Exception. Heifer was an FFA project. Ph: 717-867- 2142 or 717-867-2762. + 47 + 38 + 76 + 61 + 81 + 630 + 459 + 953 + 843 +lO3B +lO2 + 46 + 45 + 34 + 66 + 67 + 41 + 22 +1192 + 611 + 706 + 583 + 947 + 943 + 628 + 427 + 30 +lO7 + 36 + 52 + 76 + 32 + 382 + 1303 - 656 + 800 + 852 + 643 + 76 + 27 +lO2 + 84 + 937 + 520 +1239 +llB6 <) mem COUNSEL 80X46.RD2. COCHRANVILLE, PA 19330 INFORMATION - 215-932-2607 Moil Box Market- For Sale - Holstein heifers, Ph- 717-4424510. For Sale - 5 months old heavy broilers. Wanted - In ternational belt-driven hammer mill. Jacob S. Glick, R. D. 2, Quarryviile, Pa. For Sale -10 A horse drawn manure spreader in new condition to be sold at David Good’s sale - October 20. For Sale - One Holstein heifer, due Nov. 13. Ph; 717- 249-1712. For Sale - Farmall Cub, excellent condition, less than 15 hours on tractor, cultivators, snow blade, two way plow with fast hitch - All for best offer over $3500.00. Ph: 717469-2413. For Sale - Holstein bull, 17 rao. Sire Harrisburg Gay Ideal; Dam, Pennstate Ivanhoe Star DHIA 305 D; 17.233 M-43 : 734 F. Also, ARC Dalmation puppies. Ph: 717- 964-3350. For Sale - Kick baler wagon - best offer. Ph: 717-949-3259 after 5:00 PM TYPE (HFAA 5/76) Reply. PDT +0 63 -1 04 56% 96% -014 +1 51 59% 98% -0 41 -0 87 81% 73% +0 92 +Ol3 -1 47 +0 26 -1 04 57% 35% 57% 51% 54% +1 56 74% -0 94 +1 16 80% 78% +Ol4 +0 41 47% 33% -0 43 -0 53 -0 41 58% 71% 80% -0 64 -1 82 +0 08 67% 85% 32% +0 27 +0 81 53% 59% -0 37 36% +0 85 +0 51 67% 73% I. i; f ■» ‘ ft k.i M* aAa :!f ( ■mi 123654 126543 126543 134526 I 142356 ’| 145632 146253 152634 152643 a 153264 / 153642 / 165432 ; •» ' ~ hm m'- fff i ,v Ik 213456 231564 234165 241653 243165 1 / v V '({ 314526 321456 321456 321564 324165 341526 341562 345162 r l 413526 423516 432156 432165 432165 432516 432516 435612 436512 456123 462135 465231 531462 534162 541362 543621 546312 564312 612543 615234 642153 654213 t! Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Oct. 16,1976—47 Moil Box Market For Sale - White Mountain chickens, averaging 4-6 lbs., will sell live $2.50 or dressed $3.50. Ph; 717-2844666 For Sale - Electric heaters, Electromode 220 volt, 1850 watt, thermostat controller. 45 used sheets of heavy corrugated tin, 28” x 10’. Ph; 717-949-3261. For Sale - Anderson hot water coal stoker, summer and winter hook-up. 130,000 BTU - all controls included - $9O; leather drive belts, 6” wide, 30 ft. long - $lO. Ph; 717-3674621. For Sale - 11 year old light carriage horse, old man’s horse - $375. Wanted - 3 pt. box to put on back of tractor to haul feed. Aaron Zim merman, R.D. 1, New Holland, 17557 For Sale - AKC Registered Collie puppies, beautiful sable and white, 7 weeks old. PH: 814-349-5180. For Sale - mounted 2-row MHD corn picker with mounted sprockets for FarmalHOO; good condition. Ph: 215-285-6453. For Sale -1 heifer with calf at side, milking good. Also, two springing heifers. One McCormick "round driven corn binder, excellent condition, One New Holland forage wagon. Ph: '>ls-562- 7239. For Sale -108 acre farm with campground in Southern Lancaster Vo., - Call after 5 PM - 215-384-5256. Lancaster Farming SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE CHANGE OF ADDRESS? Please give us 2 weeks advance notice. Attach the label from your old address, write in your new address below. {' ENTERING A NEW SUBSCRIPTION? Check the box and fill in your name and address below. Attach with your check in the amount of $4.00. Payment must accompany order. (To order gift subscriptions please attach a separate sheet.) ! 1 When writing us about your subscription I please attach your Lancaster Farming | I mailing label here and mail the whole form | 1 10 UNCASTER FARMING, I j P. 0.266, LITITZ, PA 17543 j L J PLEASE SEND LANCASTER FARMING $4.00 1 YEAR ENCLOSED IS A □ CHECK, □CASH □ MONEY ORDER ( )NEW SUBSCRIPTION - ( )RENEWAL ( )CHANGE OF ADDRESS NAME [please print] ADDRESS CITY COUNTY STATE.. ZIP CODE FREE Subscribers to Lancaster Farming will receive one advertisement Free each month in our Mail Box Market. Subscribers using the Mail Box Market will be governed by the following rules: Limit your advertisement to 20 words; area code must be added to phone number; all advertisements must be in our hands by Wednesday at 5:00 P.M. or same will be held over for next week’s paper; no business advertisements accepted. Moil Box Market For Sale - Warm morning coal stove, Nov. 400, good condition. Elmer S. Zook, R. D. 1, Drumore, Pa. 17518 For Sale - Butcher furnace without iron kettle. Also, rabbit hutches with stainless steel waters and trays; ideal for young rabbits. Elam M. Ebersol, 558 Gibbons Road, Bird-in-Hand, Pa. 17505. For Sale - 1966 Chevrolet 6 cylinder, ton pickup. Ph: 717-235-1543. For Sale - N.I. No. 7 one row com picket, reaLgood shape, $6OO. Ph: 717-993-2295.
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