—Lancaster Farming, Saturday? Oct. 16, 1976 46 Moil Box Market t?or Sale - AKC German Shepherd Pups. John R. Zimmerman, Cabin Drive, Hinkletown, Pennsylvania, 17522 For Sale - Belgians - Two 2 year blondes, halter broke; one yearling, one well broke mare; horse drawn equip ment. Ph: 716-593-3326, Gordon Prior, R. D. 4, Wellsville, N.Y. 14895 For Sale - 7 registered Berkshire pigs, 7 weeks old, 3 sows and 4 boars. Ph: 717- 862-3197. For Sale - Chinchillas, cages and supplies. Ph: 717-687- 7283 afterji PM. For Sale - Massey Harris pony tractor, with plow, cultivator, harrow, culti packer and snow blade. Hydraulic Lift, good shape. Ph: 215-267-6636. For Sale - sawed locust posts 5x5 tapered to 3x5,7 ft. long - $3.50 at The Saw mill on Prescott Rd., Robert R. Royer, Route 1, Lebanon, Pa., 17042 For Sale - 5 year old sad dlebred, broke to drive in traffic, safe and sound, PH: 717-656-8964. For Sale - 250 Babcock 21 week old range grown pullets, will sell any amount in small lots, $2.50 each. Aaron M. Wenger, Route 1, Leola, Pa. For Sale - I.H. 3 plows trailer No. 60 tripback; single front wheel for J. D. tractor; New Idea loader No. 505 ; 2 row tobacco planter; Oliver 60 tractor with cultivators; WD AUis-Chalmers tractor. PH: 733-8708. For Sale - Smoker 24 ft. elevator, $145; New Idea 10 ft. fertilizer spreader, $450; Brillion 9 ft. cultipacker with large 4 in. axle, $395. Ph: 717- 548-2559. For Sale - J. Deere No. 5 stalk chopper to fit 2040 T baler. With or without baler. Also, %” recutter screen for 38 JD Harvester. John J. Hess, R. 5, Gettysburg. Ph: 717-334-8553. For Sale - NI haycrusher, New Holland hay crusher, J. Deere spring harrow, :ultipacker, McCormick Oeermg cultivator, Oliver Raydex trailer plow, New Holland flail chopper (needs some repair). Ph: 717-786- 3618. For Sale - Purebred German Shepherd pups, 7 wks. old; 2 miles SE of Quarryville, Dry Wells, Rd., Johanthan Hershberger. For Sale Cultimucher, 10’4” inboard Model. Also, Pittsburgh disc 10’ with farrow fillers. Both like new. Ph: 717-548-3402. Wanted to rent - farm with or without buildings to farm com, 1977. Cadi rent. Ph: 717-285-5024. For Sale - 30 bu. Pennrod barley, certified 776. $5.50 per bu. Ph: 215488-6835. For Sale - Muscovy ducks, Live or dressed. Ph: 717-393- 1154. Wanted - McDeenng Oliver 2-way ndmg plow, steel or cash iron bottoms. Jonas E. Zook, R. D. 3, Box 193, Quarryville, Pa. 17566 Wanted - Parties to raise Holstein heifer calves for us We can finance feed costs Also, several springing heifers for sale. Loggoor Farms, Box 145, Cordovus, Pa. 17311 Moil Box Market For Sale - Canary singers and hens at Nine 'Points along Rte. 896. John Z. Ebersol, R.l, Box 46, Christiana, Pa. 17509. For Sale - clean Pine shavings, 35 cents per bag. Ph: 394-7793. Wanted - tank sutiable for hauling water for sprayer, 1500 to 2000 gallon size. Ph: 717-473-9417. For Sale - VE-4 Wisconsin engine with clutch and starter in new condition. Also, blacksmith forge blower. Titus Z. Martin, R.D. 2, East Earl, Pa., 1 mile north of Goodville. For Sale - 1968 Volkswagen bug, rebuilt engine, good running condition, must sell - $750. Call 933-4795. For Sale - ARC Newfoun dland, 16 months old, maje, 33 in.'tall - $75. Stud service available, three studs to choose from. Vicki Todd, Ph: 717-432-5894. For Sale - 20 Starcraft calf pens-$175.8 ft. International transport disc. $483.00 Ph: 717-354-8238. For Sale - Euclid overhead traveling hoist on 50 ft. eye beam, 16 ft. high 24” self made table saw. Ben R. Weiler, Kirkwood, Pa. For Sale - 6 wk. old AKC collie “puppies. Robert Kreider, 717-284-4776. For Sale - Rye. PH: 717-786- 3936. For Sale - 20 bu. Redcoat seed wheat, 20 bu. Abe seed wheat, from certified seed last year. PH: 215-286-5434. For Sale - 35 acres standing com in Millersvdle area. PH: 717-872-6282 after 6:00 PM. For Sale - 700 capons, ap proximately 10 lbs. Joel Click, Route 3, Quarryville, Pa. V* mile west of Georgetown on Furnace Rd. For Sale - 3-16 Ford 130 high clearance 3 pt. plow. Also, fertilizer and seed broad caster, 550 lb. capacity, 3 pt. (brand new) - $270. PH: 717- 345-4563 For Sale - 4 service age bulls, sired by - Each 114 - Hl2O - Hl4O Ph; 665-6930. For Sale - Two sets Clay calf pens used 6 months. Also, walk-in cooler door and frame and 3 HP compressor. PH: 814-674-8498. For Sale - 3 yr. Registered Holstein bull by Prestige of Lakehurst out of daughter of Charmer, VGB6 with 1800 M 305. Grant Parker, New Haven, Vermont 05472, Phone: 802-453-3291. Brillion For Sale - IH 403 combine with cab; 13 ft. floating cutter-head control pickup head, good tires - $4,500; IH 40 disk harrow with new 20” discs on rear - $l2OO. PH; 717- 229-2050. Wanted - Small dump wagon to haul manure from bam cleaner to pile. PH; 215-445- 5720 For Sale - 202 New Holland , and 10A New Idea spreader, 50HP Leroy power unit. Elias S. Beiler, R.D.I, Leola, Pa., 17540, Musser School road. For Sale - 400 gal Mojonnier tank with 3 h p. comp, and Unicon cooling unit, will sell together or separately PH -717-597-8848. For Sale - 36 ft Farmec bale elevator Ph 717-299-2536 Mail Box Market Attention Goat Owners; Stud service, registered purebred Nubian Buck, exceptional dairy and show charac teristics. Misty-Del Nubians, Townsend, Del. Ph: 302-653- 7132. For Sale - lumber; also, metal cupboard and toilet. Will take best offer. PH: 384- 7842. For Sale - Dorset Cross ram, 1 year old, Myron King, Lebanon, Pa., Ph: 717-272- 0683. For Sale - Remington 16 ga, .semi-auto., like new - $l4O, Ph: 215-445-4272. For Sale - John Deere grain drill; 17 disc. Model F. 8., Ph: 717-626-5505. For Sale - Yearlings, red chickens, good layers & fine eating. Ready now; $l.OO each. Ph; 215-445-6297. For Sale - Registered Jersey cow, bred, milking 30-35 lbs.; Contact 927-6697 after 5:00 PM. For Sale - John Deere G, fair condition, Serial No. 58726 - $550. John M. Stoltzfus, R. D. 1, Narvon, Pa., 3 miles NE of White Horse. Wanted - someone to custom bale my' com fodder. Ph: 215-682-7811. For Sale - International 234 mounted corn picker in excellent condition, with mounting brackets to fit F 504 or F 656. Call after 5:30 PM - 215-856-7542. For Sale - Feeder pigs, 3 way’ cross - $3O-$35 each. Also, Jamesway steel bam win down, good condition, $3O each. Ph: 215-383-5110 For Sale - Used 66 passenger school bus, 1968 Ford, 261 engine with air brakes. Call: day 397-8939, evenings 394- 1578. Lost - 2 black steers between Terre Hill and New Holland. Contact Elam S. Nolt, R. D. 1, East Earl, Pa. For Sale - Disc - primary tillage, 22’6” - 24” blades - $7,000, Ph: 717-872-7190 after 10:00 Pm. For Sale - Barsoy barley, certified; Arthur 71, wheat, certified; Redcoat wheat, certified. Ph: 717-367-3177 For Sale - John Deere, Vanßrundt, to use or for parts -15 disc grain drill on rubber-$75. Ph: 717-653-5332 Chihuahua terrier dog, golden brown with black intermixed - $lO stud service. Ph: 717-284-2507. For Sale - Wincroft cook stove, good condition $175. Call 717-367-7354 after 6:00 PM For Sale - J. Deere 10 ft. tool bar with shovels and 3 pt. hook up. Price, $lOO. Ph: 717- 284-2443. For Sale - Registered American saddlebred pleasure horse. Chestnut mare, 15-2 hands, 6 years old. Ph: 717-684-2074 or 717- 684-2487. Wanted - chicken slats 11’ long - Contact Levi S. Stoltzfus, Hess Road, Leola, Pa. For Sale - Heavy broilers - Enos King, Jr., R. D. 3, Quarryville, 1 mile east of Greentree along Minnich Rd. For Sale - 2 row Oliver corn picker, pull type, 73H. Ph: 626-6695. Wanted to buy - 2 or 4, 8 25 x 20 12 ply truck tires, new or used, no recap. Ph: 717-345- 4109 Mail Box Market Ready To Go-- Full Eskimo Spitz puppies. PH; 717-733- 7424 Free - AKC registered Alaskan Malamute female, 2Vz years old. Ph: 717-354- 02G4. For Sale - Farkuhar boiler on wheels with 32 3” flues; boiler measures 37” in diameter with new enclosed cab, good working condition. To be sold at David H. Good sale Oct. 20. For Sale - 8 x 43 Skyline mobile home, electric heat, skirting, good condition. Ph: 717-548-2286. For Sale - Cap for pickup truck with 8’ bed. $l5O or best offer. Ph: 717-285-5526 For Sale - 2 Polled Hereford Bulls, 18 mo. old - Approx. 1000 lb. each, excellent in dividuals, 201-236-2268 evening. Wanted - 3 pt. hitch for D-21 Allis V. Chalmers. Mervin Kreider, Annville, Pa, Call 717-8674394 For Sale - Truck 5500 Series GMC, 1969 Flatbed 57000 miles, 2 speed rear, 21,000 GVW, es. condition. $2lOO. PH: 215-869-8928 For Sale -1” to 3” Dry Basswood 8’ to 10’ long. PH; 717-865-3822 For Sale - 300 Plastic jugs, good for cider. 4 C Iron hot water radiators. $25.00 each. PH; Hershey 533-2468 For Sale - Pool Table, 4¥2xB feet, good shape. Phone Elizabethtown 717-367-5257 For Sale - Plastic Pipeline for 50 stalls - DeLaval - with 4 milk units. Price - $2,200. Call Tom Poulos 201-361-0878 For Sale - 45 Feeder Pigs; Jersey family cow, with papers; J.D. 101 Corn picker; J.D. 16A Flail chopper. Call 301-692-5184 Wanted - 30-35 ga. Electric chicken scalder. Lester P. Reimer, Bangor, Pa. RD2 18013 215-588-5826 For Sale - Used E. F. M. Stoker with controls. A-l condition. Call after 6 P.M. Phone 717-7544101 For Sale - Eskimo pups, 6 weeks old. Samuel K. Stoltzfus, 550 Beechdale Rd., Bird-in-Hand, Pa, 17505 For Sale - 30 heifers from 6 to 11 months old. 8 year old horse, chestnut gelding, 100 ner cent broke andsound. Also skid loader for rental. Ben M. Stoltzfus. 215-273-3691 For Sale - Grade Hosltein heifers, springing. AC Belt driven silage blower. PH: 717464-3919 For Sale - Craftsman Power Mower in good condition. Also Briess & Stratton Sale & Service. Home evenings & Saturdays. John L. Stoltzfus, 2447 Stumptown Road, Bird-in Hand, Pa. For Sale - Registered Holstein Service age bull sired by Rocket. Dam sired bv Bootmaker with 24.000 M at 2 years 365 days. PH: 717- 665-7233 For Sale - Potatoes, Field run $3.00 a hundred. Also pony, broke to drive $4O. 717- 733-1048. For Sale - Behlen 300 bu. Portable Grain Dryer, PTO operated. LP Gas fired, ex. condition. $3200. Harrisburg area. 717-896-8836 or 717-896- 8085 For Sale - TD 340 Int. Crawler with loader. Samuel F King, Paradise Lane, Honks, R 2, Pa Mail Box Market Fall Bantam Sale - Rocks, Wyandoltes, Leghorns, etc. David'Knisely, Rl, Felton, Pa. (Cross Roads Boro) PH: (717) 993-6849 For Sale - 1 DeLaval milk bucket, complete new type, also 5 sets of new lines. Wanted -15,000 or 20,000 watt generator with pto on trailer. PH: 717-582-8346 For Sale - Mueller 400 gal. bulk tank 2 yr. old. $1200.00. Call eve. 201-369-4784 For Sale - International 2 row compicker for H or M Farmall. Good condition, first S2OOrN:H. 352 Grinder- Mixer, like new. Millersburg 717-692-4501 WAIVER OF FINANCE LOUISVILLE TRACTORS MOWER CONDITIONERS BALERS FORAGE BOXES BLOWERS MOWERS RAKES FALL TILLAGE TOOLS * . 770 D.H. -10’4 & 12’ No, 55 Chisel Plows, 500 D.H. -12’5 & 14’ MID & Trailing <475 D.H. - 13’5 & Packer Mulchers . 11’6 - 315 Packer Mulchertk JMEW TRACTORS 674 D 866 D CHECK THESE TWO SPECIALS $7650.00 56200.00. 574 D 3300 Compact Loader New Warranty MrtflWfflW NEW - 915 Diesel Hydro D with 6 row Cornhead In Stock - Immediate Delivery NEW SPECIAL Ini 990 Mower Conditioner 9 Ft ’3,550.00 USED TRACTORS, TRUCKS & EQUIPMENT 63 Int 1800 V-345,5 speed, 9 00 tires, 26000 tag. $l3OO 68 Ford, FBOO, WB, PS. $1895 TD6 PTO Loader, Excellent Condition TD9 91 Series Drdp Loader, engine and power tram, overhauled Ferguson 20 w/Sauder loader 430 Deere w/cultiwalors Farmall 656 G. 3 Pt. Hitch, Very Low Hours Farmall H Farmall 350 Farmall A w/Sickle Bar Mower 1540 G Farmall M w/side MTO Sickle Bar Mower Farmall 656 G Farmall 300 Mail Box Market 1 For Sale - Approx. 750 Wheat for feed. Can deliver. '* Phone 717-546-5708 For Sale - Standing Oak & poplar trees, 20 gal. gas tank tor truck, 2 tires mounted 855-15, 2 truck tires - 750-16, Dogwood trees - you dig. Phone 215-269-0759 Neck pumpkin retail outlet wanted. Beautiful, thick necked, average size over 15 pounds. PH: 215-562-7761 For Sale - MF backhoe will mount on industrial tractor or 3 pt. hitch. .Walnut dried, 4 > years, 4 to 12 inch in 100 bd. ft.' lots. Eve. and Weekends. 717-444-3344 PLUS 1086 D 1486 D (1 only) Oliver 4 Bot 16" Auto Reset Plow NH. No 6b Engine Driven Baler Papec Blower I.H 56 Blower Calhoun Forage Box Grove Forage Box John Deere 494-A, 4 row planter Howard 3 pt hitch backhoe 13 x 7 J.D Gram Drill 17 x 7 J D. Grain Drill 13 x 7 Oliver Superior Gram Drill Int. 125 Bu P.T 0. Spreader IH. 550 plow 5-16”, new bottoms IH. No. 37 Disk Harrow 350 Disk Harrow 11 ft -6 I.H 470 12 ft disk. •f
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