Lancaiter Farming, Saturday, Oct. 9. 1976 24 Kauffman family wins Be st Udder 1 Paul Howung, 2 Russel Kline, 3 Robert Kauffman, 4 Linda Kauffman 1. Robert Kauffman for both Junior and senior divisions Beat Three Females 1. Robert Kauffman, 2. Ronald Hershey Dairy Herd 1. Robert Kauffman, 2. Paul Homing, 3. Russel Kline, 4 Don Hershey. Dam and Daughter Pairs 1. Robert Kauffman, 2. Linda Kauffman, 3. Russel Kline Officers BLUE BALL, Pa. - Of ficers for three locals of Inter-State Milk Producers were elected recently at the annual meeting, here. In addition, it was the occasion for the presentation of 25- year membership awards. The dairymen recognized for membership were: John B. Ranck, Jr., New Holland R 3; Clarence M. Hoover, New Holland R 3; and Roy Benner, Gap Rl. Congratulating the men for their membership awards, Inter-State’s general manager, Dr James Honan, commented that it is that sort of dedication which has made Inter-State successful and such continued support is needed in the future as well. New officers of the Gap Heard 'he good ews? r m * ~V > (Continued (torn Ptgt 1| Get of Sire elected local are as follows; Melvin J. Martin, president; Nor man L. Hershey, vice president; J. Kenneth Hershey, secretary treasurer; and Roy Brenner, Marvin E. Hershey, and Raymond Hoover, all delegates. The alternate delegates for the year are Menno L. Eby, Jr., Glenn D. Hershey, and Saimuel M. Martin, Jr. Heading the New-Holland- Leola local is Naaman Stoltzfus. Vice presidential duties go to David S. Fisher, while Walter C. Martin serves as secretary treasurer. Serving as delegates are John R. Groff, Walter C. Martin, and Kenneth Skiles. Alternate delegates are David S. * %♦' : Jr a- Robert and Linda Kauffman with their champion Hoisteins at the Manheim Fair. Fisher, Elam B. Stoltzfus and Naaman Stoltzfus. Paradise local’s officers are Jacob S. Dienner, president; Elvin W. Groff, vice president; and J. Richard Herr, secretary treasurer. Lewis H. Denlinger and Melvin Eby are the delegates while Jacob Dienner and Elvin Groff stand by as alternates. Extension agents place in national contest NEWARK, Del - Three Delaware Cooperative Extension Service county agricultural agents have been named state winners in the 1976 Public Information Awards Program. The national contest is sponsored annually by the National The busines Between 1972 and 1973 an old friend of the commer cial egg producer quietly slipped from view. Some folks called her the best feathered friend they ever had. They’ve missed the “old” B-300 sorely in the last few years. And they’ve told us so. When the “old” B-300 - we call her the B-300V - re tired from Random Sample Testing in 1973, she had an unmatched record of consistent performance. More importantly, she was a legend In her time...ln the your poultry house. She made businessmen out of thousands of poultrymen. She was the standard to which competitive strains compared their performance. The B-300V was nearly perfect for the times. But we knew that times were changing. We knew that tomor row’s top layer had to have a stronger eggshell. We were committed to making the B-300V tomorrow’s top layer Tomorrow is here. For the past 5 years, the B-300V has been In a con centrated program of eggshell improvement. It has paid off in results...without sacrificing the performance that made her your lop choice in the “good old days.” Dust off your old records and take another look. Better yet, ask your Babcock distributor for his latest performance data on the B-300V. Try a flock. Compare it to the best of your present stocks. V\te know you’re going to be pleasantly surprised. The businessman’s bird is back...and better than ever before. The B-300V. Something new is hatching at your Babcock distributor’s.. .today! Association of County Agricultural Agents (NACCA) and Amchem Products, Inc. Two of the state winners went on to place second and third in their classes in regional competition. William Henderson, BABCOCK FARMS/p.o. box 285/lititz, pa. 17! Sussex county agricultural extension agent at the University of Delaware substation in Georgetown, was a state winner who also placed second in the Nor theast region. His entry was a radio tape in the radio program class. The Nor theast region consists of Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont. <5 n f p/PHO