('hrysan them urns bloom ing at Rutgers University ki.kminc; TON, NJ - October Is chrysanthemum time at the Uutßers Display Garden Itolh early ami late flowering varieties ran he seen in a colorful array of yellow, while, pink, ml. and hronre blooms The garden is located off Hyders Just cast of U S Houtc 1 overpass in New Hruruswck The yellow varieties to be seen are Havsic. Golden Tranquility, and Sunburst (nshion Included in the white varieties arc F’cnßuin, Baby Tears, and Minnwhitc The pinks arc Grandchild, I’.lcgant Cushion, and Stardom The red and bronze varieties were selected for flowering in October Cooler weather permits the darker colors to develop without fading The garden is open ever> da> until dusk Hefore ( ulting fo kiip mi nnguc from (caring when sou slire it hrudi the side s of the km(< with rooking oil lx fore cut I mg Barbecue planned NORRISTOWN. Pa . The Montgomery County 4-H Clubs will hold their annual i hicken bar-b que dinner from 4pm to B p m on f)ctobcr 16th at the 4-H (enter, Snyder Rond and Valley Forge Roads, Ijin sdalc, adjacent to North Penn High School Dinner will be served from 4 to 8 p m and w ill feature a huge full course meal Prices arc J 2 00 to $3 75 complete L.mc.'nter Farming. Saturday Oct 7 1976 The < osl depends on the sire dinner chosen All proceeds wall go to the 4-11 development fund to help maintain the center, which is used by youngsters from the entire county The public, all 4-H members, and their families arc invited For those who cannot stay and enjoy the evening's fun and festivities, •i "take-out” counter is providrd whrrr 4-M rri will Ixix dlnnrn Hili n tmr of the man) actlvllir* whirl) will hr sponsored and prc.vntrd by MonlKomrry ( ounty 4-11 throughout Ihr \rar A brrf dinner n frhcdulrd (or Inter this \rar Don 1 rrrhr.it To < ii! down on fuel bill