— Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Oct 2. 1976 102 Cumberland Co. 4-H leaders’ service honored CARIJSIJC, Pa - Cum berland County 4-H leaders were recognized for their service at a pork roast in the Second Presbyterian Church, Carlisle, earlier this month Those recognized were. Mrs C C Carlisle R 2, for 25 years of service, Merle E Miller. Carlisle R 9, and Mrs Ixiroy Jones, Ncwville R 1 for 20 years; Mrs. Everett Warner and Mrs. John Ocker II for 15 years; Mrs. Arthur Sheaffer, Mrs. George Heberlig, Barbara Robert, and William Leib for 10 years Fourteen 4-H leaders were recognized for five years of service. They were: Mrs Creedm Comman, Catherine Yorlets, Jane Pooler, Mrs Kenneth Wolfe, Mrs. Francis Oiler, Nancy Swarner, Robert Holtry, Creedm Cornman, Mark Naugle, John Ocker 111, Paul Com man, C. Richard Kutz, Mike Berkheimer, and Earl Swarner. First year leaders were: Janet Jamison, Debbie Hemminger, Jeanette Magnotta, Mrs. Edgar Hoover, Linda Nickey, Karl Marchut, Beverly Marchut, Eileen Hosfelt, Janet Horn, Fred Deitch, Carol Bumiss, Mrs. C. C. Leidigh receives the 4-H Service Recognition Award for 25 years of service from Mrs. Floyd Hemminger, chairperson of the Cum berland County 4-H RDE Committee. Bob Jones, Suzanne Mclnlcy. Patsy Conca, Shirley Wright, Kathy Copcnhavcr. Don Warner, David Mains, Martha Jones, Sara Swartz, Tern Davis, Brenda Johnson, Bcltyc Wright, Mrs I/)Uis Rodgers, Rosclla Walton, Sam Addcrson, Carole Ramsey, Thomas Davis, Carol Bell, and Bobby Baltimore Mr. and Mrs Richard Kutz prepared the meal by roasting a 150 pound pig which had been stuffed with bread stuffing County 4-H council members and parents helped with the serving. Th(* evening's program included presen tations by State 4-H com petition medalists Pattie Ocker presented a demon stration on dairy cattle management and hygene titled, “Don’t Let The Dam Break”. Three 4-H’ers, Sheree Mams, Wendy Mams, and Greg Williams, presented a skit dramatizing the potential dangers of buying items from door-to door salesmen. The skit was titled “The Door-To-Door Rip-Off”. Alan Wentz, 4-H agent, spoke to the leaders, thanking them for their self cclulizing service to the youth of Cumberland County He pointed out that the United States was one of the few places in the world where organizations like 4-H could survive because government has given its citizens support and the opportunity to informally educate youth <2» Instant A —Qi ' ) cr / M. iy. g'—, > .cognition Awards to two person of the Cumberland County 4- 20-year 4-H leaders, Merle E. Miller H RDE Committee presents 4-H and Mrs. Leroy Jones. CAif EASTIi TAKE THE PROBLEMS OUT OF RAISING CALVES - INCREASE YOUR PROFITS. Now you can get AGSTAR ..quality in a complete, ready to-use, factory-built nursery building. Sizes are available with stalls for up to 32 calves delivered complete with slotted flooring, water heater, sink, ventilation system, heat er and just about everything else you need to make your good calf management pay off. Clip this ad and mail in for information, or contact the distributor named below who serves your area. BANK FINANCING & LEASING AVAILABL^^y^ ABSTAR STAR AG Ft I PRODUCTS / f