Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 25, 1976, Image 93

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    100 million volts are
F4)mm» sarr. rtk t» u* *rmnk .rtirw i» * r«>
ttaaiag aertra af tUrira aa the weather me af the tnaal
i*nwM *MI vital farm oa Earth.
Ever since man flrat looked Into the *ky and ut a light
ning bolt crash through the forest. he ha* been awed by iU
power and ability to destroy
Today we look at lightning and thunder through scientific
ryes, but generation* before us associated the rumble and
flash of fire with "the gods " In cither case. llghtnmg has
always been something which we respect and for good
It is estimated that lightning kills about ISO persons per
year. Injures an additional 250, and causes property losses in
excess of $lOO million Few farmers have not fell the
destruction that lightning can produce in Just a flash Hams
have been ignited, rattle have been killed, and majestic trees
have been left scattered across pretty landscaped lawns
Destructive and frightening as lightning is. there is an
expression some people use which wouid dare “the gods” to
strike them with that tongue of fire “May lightning strike me
down " they say, fully realizing that the chances of it
happening are pretty slim. And that they arc
But the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad
ministration, (NOAA), has calculated that some 1800
thunderstorms are in progress over the Earth’s surface at
any given moment, and that lightning strikes the Earth 100
limes each second Thus, lightning has become the killer and
destroyer of more lives and property than tornadoes and
Huskee Gives You More!
• Full 6 x 6" Poles
• American made steel or aluminum
• Spacious Doors
• Factory Assembled Trusses
• Top grade lumber throughout
• Eave heights to 19'
A Thrive Center controlled environment building means heavier
healthier animals, reduced labor and feed costs and almost no
manure handling or odor. They pay for themselves in no time 1
Lititz ’ PA
Phone (717) 626-5204
for 15’x24'door
Also Ask About Our
NOAA. * branch of the I? A Commrrrc fyepartmcnt. is
studying lightning intensively My using sophisticated
equipment on land and aea. and In the Kir. scientist* »rr
attempting to learn what r*u*r* thunderstorms *ml what
might be done to lemen their killer attitude*
All new STEEL "pole bam”
- economical, strong,
versatile, attractive.
Steel Buildings
And Grain Storage
R.D. 4, Lebanon, PA 17042
Phone: (717) 867-4139
LartouUr Farming. Saturday S«p! 25.1976
So far no completely acceptable theory on the cau»c of
lightning h»» been forwarded A brochure on the subject,
pubtiahrd by the !>eparlment of (ommetre says
lightning U a secondary effect of electrification within a
thunderstorm cloud system Updraft* of warm, moist air
rising into cold air can cauae small cumulus cloud* to grow
into the large cumulonimbus cloud system* wr associate
with thunderstorm* The*e turbulent cloud ») stem.* lower
above their companions, and dominate the atmospheric
circulation and electrical field over a wide area The tran
sition from a small cloud to a turbulent, electrified giant can
occur In as little as 50 minutes
As a thunderstorm cumulonimbus develops, interactions of
charged particles, external and internal electrical fields, and
complex energy exchanges produce a large electrical field
within the cloud It la believed that electrical charge is im
portant to formation of raindrops and ice crystals, and that
thunderstorm electrification closely follows precipitation
The distribution of electricity in a thunderstorm cloud Is
usually a concentration of posiliv e charge in the frozen upper
layers, and a large negative charge around a positive area in
the lower portions of the cloud
The earth Li normally negatively charged with respect to
the atmosphere As the thunderstorm passes over the
ground, the negative charge in the base of the cloud induces a
positive charge on the ground below and several miles
around the storm The ground charge follows the storm like
an electrical shadow, growing stronger as the negative cloud
charge increases The attraction between positive and
negative charges makes the positive ground current flow up
buildings, trees, and other elevated objects in an effort to
establish a flow of current But air, which is a poor conductor
of electricity, insulates the cloud and ground charges,
preventing a flow of currcntuntil large electrical charges are
built up ”
A point is eventually reached when the electrical charges
can no longer be contained. Then lightning strikes with
electrical power which can be as high as 100 million volts.
Just how that happens, and why we hear thunder will be the
subject of next week's “Weather Report.”
Cattle increased
Cattle and calves on feed
Sept. 1 for slaughter market
in the seven states preparing
monthly estimates totaled
6,432,000 head, up eight per
cent from last year’s record
low number for Sept. 1 but
still six per cent less than the
same date in 1974, according
to the Crop Reporting Board.
The number on feed Sept. 1
was above last year in five of
the seven states.
August placements of
cattle and calves on feed in
the seven states totaled
1,404,000, 10 per cent more
than last year and 16 per cent
above the same month m
1974. Placements were above
last year in six of the seven
Fed cattle marketed
during August totaled
• Made of 14 Gauge Steel
• Longer Taper for Easier Flow
• All welded seams which make it water proof and
rodent proof
• Can be installed inside or outside building
• Most installations can be made without auger.
Also see us for all your grain handling nee
1,586,000, 31 per cent more
than 1975 and 22 per cent
more than two years ago.
Marketings were above
August 1975 in all States
except Arizona which was
Other disappearance
during August totaled 52,000,i
compared with 43,000 in the
same month a year ago.
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