Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 25, 1976, Image 68
6ft Uincnt*' farming. Saturday. S«pt ?S. IV/6 Glackin gUAHHVVIIJ>- Jeff Glarkln, Quarry vllle lU. had the grand champion pair of hog* shown at the Solanro fair on Srplember 16 Ilia purebred I’aland China lightweight animal* weighed approximately 300 pounds a piece Hands H a n c k , Quarryville, was close behind (Hackin According to John HrnkH, judge for the event, Glackm's animals lopped Ranck's primarily bccuu-w of the depth and width of the hams While Ranck had longer animals, (Hackin'* hogs had better developed ham areas Jeff and his brothers, Tim and Joe, usually work together when they show their hogs, and Last year Joe's animals took the grand champion title of the show. Whereas the dairy show had a smaller turnout of animals this year, the swine show entries went the other direction. Forty-eight head were shown, which is a larger amount than last year. “The quality of the top animals is very good,” remarked Henkel. The results of the show are as follows; Lawn Tractor with Snow Thrower Inch-deep snows or knee-high drifts, nothing handles snow removal like a John Deere Lawn and Garden Tractor with snow thrower Pick a tractor from 8 to 19 9 horsepower Then team it with a snow thrower, 32 to 46 inches wide All throwers have a 12-inch diameter auger And a reversible cutting edge for extra wear The swivel discharge chute lets you control direction of throw from the driver’s seat A. B. C. GROFF, INC. LANDIS BROS. INC. New Holland 717-354-4191 Lancaster, PA 717-393-3906 ADAMSTOWN EQUIPMENT INC. Mohn!on,RD2, PA 19540 (near Adamstown) Phone (2151484-4391 has top hogs at Solanco Jeff Glackm. QuarryviUe R 3, is 16 The champions were a pair of shown with his champion pair of hogs purebred Poland China lightweight shown at the Solanco Fair September hogs. MARKET CLASSES Lightweight 1. Jeff Glackm, 2 Joe Glackm, 3 Bethany Hum mer. Middleweight 1. Tun Glackm, 2. Laveme Wiker. Heavyweight 1. Randy Ranck, 2. Mike Hastings, 3. Daryl Mc- Michael. &e.y s Strange Stickup A man walked into the dentist’s office with a towel wrapped around his jaw and knotted on top of his head, it covered most of his face "My word,” laughed the elderly dentist, “I haven’t seen anyone with a tooth ache wearing a getup like that for 40 years ” “What Toothache,” was the gar bled reply, “this is a stick up” Air Compressors Put air power to work with a John Deere Compressor Models from 1/3 to 2 hp Spray paint, operate air tools, inflate tires and let compressed air provide the muscle Champion Pen of Two 1. Jeff Glackm, 2. Randy Ranck. Showman 1. Randy Ranck, 2. Joe Glackin, 3. Tim Glackm. □{□Ml E| HI Foster feeding, less work, better profits! Farm-Eze conveyor bunk feeder There's a Farm-Eze Feeder just right for your operation, and it's so quiet, safe and simple-to operate, you'll wonder how you ever got along without it! Get a minimum of 250 pounds of feed per minute. The exclusive Farm-Eze plow provides an even feed distribution for each foot of bunk regardless of length. And the Fatm-Eze comes in lengths to 165'. 1 Vi hp motor. Ask Agway about designing a work-saving, time saving Farm-Eze system for you. Fitting 1. Bethany Hummer, Morris Young. Pen of Four 1. Bobby Work, 2. Steve Todd, 3. Morris Young. AVONDALE SUPPLY CENTER LANCASTER SUPPLY Junction US 1 & 41 1027 DillerviHe Rd. Avondale, PA Lancaster, PA 215-268-8238 717-397-4761 CHAPMAN STORE TEMPLE SUPPLY YORK WEST STORE RD2, Wescosville, PA N. sth St. ttifhway 26 W. Market St. 215-395-3381 Tempt. PA York, PA 215-929-5264 717-792-2674 Meat output WASHINGTON. D C, - U S commercial red meat production war up sharply during July At 3 billion pound*, output wax never per cent more than a year earlier, and one per cent more than the July 1974 total Beef output, at 2 1 billion pounds, was up 10 per cent from a year ago, nine per cent abovi July 1974 Veal output, at 62 billion pounds, was down 19 per cent from a year earlier Pork production, at 846 million pounds, was up four per cent from a year ago, but 16 per cent below that of July 1974 Mutton-lamb production, at 28 million pounds, was down 12 per cent from a year earlier. USED HARVESTORE CALL (717) 354-4051 UNLOADER ★ Giant 30-inch impeller throws down tons of silage per hour from 20'-30' dia. silos. ★ Exclusive, big 36-square inch collector ring throat pro motes high-volume discharge. ★ Exclusive auger design. Diameter steps up at impeller to increase silage velocity. increased Th* Jan -July total*' Beef, at U 7 billion pound*, up K) per cent from a year earlier, veal, W million pound*, up five per rent, port, 6 5 billion pound*, down four per cent, and lamb-mutton, 2W million pound*, up five per cent from the 1975 pace fe FOR SALE 2027-1750 % r