&4 lancaUer farming. Saturday Sepl 7b. 19/6 Maulfair shows HAHHI.sm’fU, Dale Maulfair, 31. of Jonestown HI. allowing under FKA l>*m>rra. won the grand and arnlor rhampionahipa In Ayrshire judging com petition at Ihr 31 at I’rnn avKanla Junior I)alr> Show on Monda> with Masonic Homni S M Prince**." a .> >rar-old Th'* winning row La sired by ' Mackavr Super Maestro " The name animal wan Judged reserve grand champion at lant year's Junior show The non of Mr and Mrn Paul Maulfair, he also won the grand cham pionship in the Ayrshire fitting and showmanship contest Patty Ockcr, 19, of Shlp pcnsburg R 5, showed reserve grand and reserve senior championships m Ayrshire classes, with a 2- ycar-old, “Joy’s Victory Joyce ’’ The same animal won junior champion honors at the show last year The cow is sired by “Reidnma Deubler’s Victory ” Pattie, a 4-H member the past 10 years, is the daughter of Mr. 1 ■- " ■ FERTILIZE Your WHEAT With ORTHO UNIPEL FERTILIZER L —• UNIFORM COATED PELLETS - for even drilling s Dbtho • CLEAN AND EASY TO HANDLE will UNIPEL not clog up dnlls 10-20-20 , CONTAINS FAST ACTING AND /| n r*!li,or\ LONG LASTING NITROGEN AND (fertilizer) phosphorus • HIGH ANALYSIS - less handling and fewer stops while planting OTHER ANALYSIS AVAILABLE 20-10-10 13-34-10 16-16-16 AVAILABLE IN BULK OR BAGS CALL TODAY AND PLACE YOUR ORDER SMOKETOWN, PA PH: 717-299-2571 and Mra John Orker She also won maatrr fitter and showman award* Hetty iMehl, 16. of Bedford H 4. raptured the Junior championship with Maamic Homes Mi Harriet I-ee." a senior yearling Showing as an FKA member, Hetty exhibited the reserve Junior champion at the 15T72 Junior show The animal is sired by "Mar-Hal Hi Kick " She Ls the daughter of Mr and Mrs William Diehl Brenda Maulfair, 17, younger sister of Dale, who showed the grand champion, won the reserve junior championship with “Maulfair Acres Classic Natalie,” a senior calf The heifer is sired by "Oak Ridge Flashy Classic." Brenda also wen master fitter and showman awards Following is a more detailed review of the placmgs Junior Calf 1 Ellen Young, West Grove; 2. Christopher Barron, Somerset; 3. Rose Ayrshire champ Clubb, New Freedom, 4 Betty Diehl, Bedford. 5 Kristina Esbenshade, QuarryvlUc (( Intermediate Call 1 ‘ Diane Maulfalr, Jonestown; 2. Roger Brant, Mt Union; 3. William Ocker, Shtppensburg; 4. Verla VanDergrift, Wells boro Senior Calf 1. Brenda Maulfair, Jonestown; 2. Warren Sch muck, Peach Bottom; 3 John Bander, Portersville; 4. Dennis Martm, Stevens. Junior Calf 1. Diane Maulfair, 2. Dennis Martin, 3. Wendy Stewart, Bradford County; 4. Esther Jones, Mars. HOG PRODUCERS! Get Top Price for Your Hogs at New Holland Sold in sorted lots the auction way. See them weighed and sold and pick up your check. SALE EVERY MONDAY 8:00 A.M. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. Phone 717-354-4341 Daily Market Report Phone 717-354-7288 Abe Diffenbach Manager WITH NEW HOLLAND LIQUID-TIGHT TANK 145-350 BUSHELS. SPERRY NEW HOLLfiND TfSNK SPREADERS keep your barn area tidy, the roadway clean and your neighbors happy! Here's the spreader we'll stand behind l No drip l No trail l Plus, Sperry New Holland spreaders have a solid warranty. • Liquid-tight steel tank l • All-weather operation l • 145 to 350-bu size l LH. Brubaker, Inc. I. G. Ag Sales C. 350 Strasbure Pike Silverdale PA 18982 Lancaster 215-257-5136 397-5179 Hermit K. Kistler Lynnport PA 215-298 3270 ASK ABOUT FREE FINANCE ON HAY AND FORAGE EQUIPMENT UNTIL MARCH 1, 1977 Senior Yearling 1 Betty Diehl, Bedford, 2. Karen Schmuck, Peach Bottom, 3 Debbie Rader, Connoqucncsslng. Two Year Olds 1. Pattle Ocker, Ship pensburg; 2. Ellen Young, West Grove; 3. Edward Kulp, Pottstown; 4. Brenda Maulfair, 5 Susan Kulp, Pottstown. 3 and 4 Year Olds 1 Dale Maulfair, Jonestown; 2. William Ocker, 3. Debra Thomas, Saegertown. 5 Years and Over 1. Dale Maulfair, 2. John Bauder, 3. Pattie Ocker. Albert J. Noss & Son, Inc. RD2 Oley, PA 215-987-6257 Andrews gulden PennAg HKKSHKV • W H An drew*. Jr . elected president of the PennAg Indu»trle» Association at that group's annual meeting here last week Andrew* 1* president of 11 () Andrew* & Son*. Inr , a feed and fer tiliser firm In Maplcton I>epo(, Pa Other newl>-elected of ficers and the firm* they represent arc first vice president. William K Ryan. Jesse C‘ Stewart Co . Pitt sburgh. second vice president, Robert I, Wclndcl, Agway, Inc , Harrisburg, third vice president, D Jay Wolgcmuth, Wolgemuth Bros . Mount Joy, treasurer, John J Hess, 11, John J Hess, Inc, Paradise Two new directors were elected They are William L Brubaker, Organic Plant Food Co, I .an caster, for a three-year term, and Joseph a —i\ aA —tadJL | "Ever since I started using MeNess Silage toaster she just can't seem to wait." ASK THE MAN WHO HAS USED McNESS SILAGE BOOSTER The one that does everything you expect Avoid heat toss and seepage Save hundreds of dollars worth of nutrients Save hundreds of dollars in first cost Only $l9O. for a 20 x 60 (corn silage) Great for high moisture corn, haylage & hay Use only Vz lb. per ton. Enzymes multiply and spread like foam shave out of a can. Noncorrosive - ingredients guaranteed CONTACT McNESS Box 140 East Earl, PA Call collect 215-445-6983 YOU HAVE A CHOICE! STRONG BOXES 108-358 BUSHELS. Sperry New Holland Hard-To-Hurt Sides Are Backed . By Hard-To-Beat Guarantee! VVj Bonded Protection by Sperry New Holland gives you new sides free if they ever rust through while the rest of the spreader is still operational. Applies to any owner, not just the original buyer Capacities from 108 to 358 bushels. E. Wiley & Son, Inc. 101 S Lime St Quarryville, PA 786-2895 Roy A. Brubaker 700WoodcrestAve Lititz PA 626-7766 I. Stehr, .Stehr Ilroa Mill. Inr . Pitman, for a two-year term Director* re-elected were Nell Andre. Andre tt Son. Montrose. Morris K Brown. Jr, K M Brown's Sons, Inc . Blrdaboro, Gerald H Hess. Young's, Inc , Roaring Spring, and R Phillips. Phillips Feed Service. Inc , Bath ERTH-RITE SOIL CONDITIONER MAXICROP LIQUID PLANT FEEDING FEED-RITE Vitamin (, Mineral lor livestock and poultry ZOOK & RANCK, INC. ROl.Gap. PA 17527 Phone 717 442 4171 Stanley A. Klopp, Inc. Bernville PA 215-488-1500 215 488-1510 A.B.C. Groff, Inc. 110 S Railroad Ave New Holland 354-4191
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