Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 25, 1976, Image 4
Lancaster Varmint. Saturday. Sept 25. 1976 4 Poultry Market Reports Weekly New York Egg Made! From Mood#). September 20 to Friday, September 24 Mon Turn. Wed Thor* Fri WHITK Kx Urge Urge 74 72 S 3 49 31 Mediums Pullets Pccwccs BROWN Urge 78 75 74 74 74 Mediums Unquoted Pullets Unquoted Pee wees Unquoted Off Grade Large 67 66 66 S 6 66 Checks 46 48 46 48 46 Tone Large about steady, Mediums irregular Copyright 1976 Urncr Barry Publications New England Weekly Shell Egg Report Tuesday, September 21,1976 No Market Report Available At Press Tune. NEST RUN EGGS Prices are from Egg Clearinghouse, Inc, (ECI) Durham, N H. and reflect trading prices for gradeable nest run eggs (GNR) on ECI, a nationwide trading center for producers, packers and marketers. GNR eggs are classified by weight in 30-dozen cases, and traded in lots of either 300 or 750 cases. Prices are FOB buyers dock, and are computed Tuesday and Thursday of each week This week’s prices for each classification were New Weight Per Case 51 lbs. 48 lbs. 45 lbs. 42 lbs. 39 lbs. 48 lbs. 48 lbs. Classification Extra Large Class 1 - Large Class 2 - Large Class 3 - Medium Class 4 - Small Breaking Stock Checks Philadelphia Eggs Wednesday, Sept 22,1976 Market steady. Demand just fair with a few retail features. Supplies adequate on all sizes. Prices to retailers: Sales to volume buyers, consumer grades white eggs in cartons,' delivered; Store door; A Extra Large 75-76%; A Large 74-75%; A Medium 64- 66%. 74 72 63 Tuesday Thursday Eastern Pa. & N.J. Poultry Wednesday, Sept 22 Prices steady. Farm of ferings slightly short of a fair demand at the processor level. Several plants not operating at full capacity. Offerings of heavy type light despite the approaching Hebrew Holidays. Prices paid at farm: Light type hens 13-14%; mostly 14- 14% in Pa., mostly 14-14% in NJ. Heavy type hens TFEWR. Delmarva Poultry Wednesday, Sept. 22,1»7» Demand very light for ready to cook loads with fillin business dull Un dertone weak with early sales at 37 cents plant grade New York basis for next week. Slaughter schedules moderate and offerings generally ample. Sires mostly in the desired range Negotiated trucllot prices 2-3 lb. ready to cook broiler fryers for delivery next week: US Grade A 38; Plant Grade 37. Current broiler-fryer negotiated - prices for im mediate includes mostly multiple drop shipments to New York City from Delmarva. RANGE: US Grade A 41- 42; Plant Grade 39-41; Premium X US Grade A 46; Premium X Plant Grade 44. WTD. AVG. US Grade A 41.19; Plant Grade 40.04; Premium X US Grade A 46.00; Premium X Plant Grade 44.00. X-Includes Special Ser vices, selected competitive brands, etc. FogelsviUe Poultry Sale of Sept 21,1976 Hem, heavy type 15-23, mostly 15-14; Pullets 12-49, mostly 44-49; Roasters 12%- 46; Ducks 25%-S5, mostly 40- 46; Drakes 25-44, mostly 40- 44; Rabbits 15-40%, mostly 35-40; Guineas 89-1.08; Pigeons (per pr.) 90-3.51. Total coops sold 318. Auction Day - Tuesday each week at 11:30 a.m. Poultry Received - Mon. 7 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., Tuesday 7 a.m. to 12 noon. Directions - Take Rt. 22 thruway. Exit at Fogelsville Exit, North to stop light in Fogelsville, turn left, proceed one block, turn left, again at Cracker Barrel Restaurant. Auction right side 100 feet from your last left turn. Baltimore Eggs Wednesday, September 22 No market report available at press time. fe Hay Markets New Holland New Holland Sales Stables Hay, Straw And Ear Com Monday, Sept. 2ft 11 A.M, 59 Loads Mix Hay 42 to 76. Alfalfa 70 to 97, 1 outstanding load 121 00; Alfalfa Mixed 66 to 72; Timothy 37 to 79; Straw 60 to 70, some down to 50, IS Loads of Ear Com 87 to 101, mostly 90 to 94; Oats. 1 65 per bu. Regional Hay (All hay No. 2 and better, prices paid by dealers at the farm, price per ton.) Hay 8t Straw slow, steady. Alfalfa 65.00-75.00; Mixed hay 55.00-65.00; Timothy hay 55.00-60.00; Straw 40.00- 50.00; Mulch 20.00-28.00. Harvey Z. Martin Leola,PA Hay, Straw And Grain Wednesday, Sept 22 38 Loads. Two loads alfalfa 76 and 83; timothy 55-80; 1 load clover 55; mixed hay 38.50- 65; straw 47-69; ear corn 90- 92.50; 1 load new com 59; oats 1.70 bu. Green Dragon September 17,1976 Price* Per Ton: 17 loads hay. Alfalfa, couple 64.00 & 81.00; Mixed hay, few 50.00- 70.00 some down to 40,00; Straw, 7 loads 43.0063.00, 1 load 74.00; Com, 6 loads 94.00-99.50. ! Producers Pride is a operative that was begun by egg producers and is controlled by egg producers. It's an organ!- jjpzation that works exclusively for its ducer members. nr When you join Producers Pride, you be come part owner of the'business. And since we're not a giant co-op, your voice as an owner important. We're small—fewer than 200 producers—but Hi we have the volume to service a growing market. And our markets are growing, thanks to the dedicated efforts of a small hard-working and very capable staff. We are your friends and neighbors in the egg business. We enjoy being independent, and we enjoy having a guaranteed market for our eggs. We're looking for a few more good members. If you're looking for an organization like Producers Pride, {ust fill in the coupon and mail it. N \ address Carlisle, Pa. September 11. It7l CATTI-E 117 Compared with last Tuesday's market. Choice slaughter steers 37 60-3135, (rood 54 0036 60. Standard 28 0030 85, Utility 25 00-27 50 One Good slaughter heifer at 53 85, Standard 24.25-27 75 Utility It High Drcsalng Cutter slaughter cows 25 10-28 85, one at 27 50, Cutters 22 25- 23 00, Canners 19 50-21 85, Sheila down to 25 50 Few Good slaughter bullocks 30 8531 75, Standard 28 10- 29 50 Calves 164. Good vcalcra 44 5031 50, Standard & Good 110-130 lbs 33 00-40 00, 90-110 lbs 20 50-29.50, Standard 70- 90 lbs. 18 00-21.00. HOGS 312. US No. 1-2 200- 240 lbs barrows L gilts 37.50- 38.25, No. 13 200-230 lbs 38 1037.25. No. 23 195-260 OUR TOP DANVILLE LIVESTOCK MARKET Horse Sale 2nd Sat Every Month 10:30 AM OWNER: MELVIN M. LEHMAN 717-964-3621 Res. 717-275-2880 Bus. PRODUCERS PRIDE INC. I 1741 Valley Forge Road, Worcester, Pa 19490 / of layers N Oirlinlc Auction GOAL IS GETTING DOLLAR FOR YOU SHIP TO THE Old Rt. 11 Danville, Pa. Phone (717) 275-2880 SALE EVERY MONDAY 2 P.M. ✓ floor lb- 32 7543 00 US No 300-300 Um mwt Tlt&Xl No 24 30CWB0 lb— 20 2S 00 Hour* n 00-23 SO KKKDKR PIGS in No 14 2545 tba («drr pi 19 SO-22 00 per Solid. No SW-0 lb- 25 004100. {, Utility 20 lb* 12 00 per hci SHEEP 39 Good 75-1001 »prtnfl slaughter bunba 38 39 00 - /