ATTEMtiOM All PHONE NUMBERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY YOUR AREA CODE. Moil Box Market Cor Sale - Cobbler and [aiahdln potatoea. 50 lb 200 leroy Martin. RD 3 ; c w Holland PA 17557, Ph 174548511 Wanted - Narrow front end ,r John Deere 3020. For Sale Registered heifer calve* h 609-259-2567 Panted - 200 Leghorn mllets; also chisel plow and [ail chopper. Ph: 717-859- r r ee to Take Away - 2-car 2- itory frame garage in Lancaster; also 12 ft. double luty meat case. Ph: 717-299- r anted - Holstein heifer lives, purebred, from good tcord dams. Ph: 717-786- 'or Sale - Used Radiator. 4” x 24”. 2 % thick, good ondition. L. S. Fisher, 2807 hurch Rd., Bird-in-Hand, •a. 17505 for Sale - acres standing «m. Ph: 717-354-9602 TIPPY USDA Sire Summary [May 1976] 7«Dtrs [6l Herds] 15509 M 3.57% 553 F Pred Diff.’74 +SB3M +3F Repeatability 81%; Dollar Difference +s34 HFAft Type Summary {May 1976] Audua| Age fldj. 82.5 83.4 82.4 83.3 80.3 80.3 +1.56 TPI+262 39 Class Dtrs.Avg. 27Prs Dtrs.Avg. 27Prs OamsAvg. PDT [74% Rpty.] aAa 321564 tall, long, smooth r ump^/^/ DOUBLE PLUS / Area Representatives: 60. Chester Co. & Del. Don Taylor 717-529-2212 No. Chester Co. & Lane. Co. Aaron Stoltzfus 717-442-4074 Cumberland Co. Jeff Reasner 717-776-5181 COUNSEL BOX4S.RD2, COCHRANVILLE, PA 19330 'INFORMATION - 215-932-2607 Mail Box Market For Sale - 8 acre* of com. $l9O per acre, good for picking or silage Near the Buck. Ph 717-284-4725 For Sale - John Deere 4- bottom automatic reset plow with Midwest harrow, good condition; Ford tractor 060 with wheel weights; 2-whcel trailer. Ph; 215-2864841 For Sale - Red and White Holstein heifer, registered Intermediate, due Oct. 22, $550. Ph: 717-284-4342 Rye for sale, $4.00 per bushel. Philip Hayes, 215- 932-8736 For Sale - 14 hole Ontario disc grain drill; Case offset disc and cultlpacker. Ph: 717-653-5902 For Sale - Six acres standing field com for picking. Also will trade two 4-lug rubber wheels for steel. Samuel S. Click, 99 Quarry Rd., Leola, PA 17540 For Sale - 150 yearling chickens, $l.OO each. Jacob S. King, 1 mile east of Quarryville. Moil Bo> Morkvf For Sale - Approximatelv 1W ton* old car com (all after 6 i* M . 215-267-SMO For Sale - Office trailer, 8 ft * 28 ft. WO Plow, single bottom 16". disc s'3'’. 1100 each 215-869-2764 after 7 P M Sell or Trade - Brittany Spaniel. AKC, 9 wks or AKC Beagle pup Ph 717-367-2001 For Sale • New Idea 2-row □leker shelter (Super Shcller), pull type, 38” centers, excellent condition, also Harvestore grinder blower. 717-349-7348 Wanted - Top quality hay Tony Rudinskt, Rudlnski Bro . Pine Island, NY 10969, Ph. 914-258-4459 For Sale - Keahond puppies, males $5, females $lO each. Ph 717-6255397 For Sale - English Setters, 6 wks, FDSB registered; guaranteed hunters, $65. 717- 523-6337 For Sale - Bam cleaner, shuttle type, for 38 stan chions; two 3 HP drives. Must sell - best offer. Elverson, 215-286-9886 For Sale - 30 feederpigs, 40 - 45 lb. average. Wanted - Woodworking band saw and sander. 717-733-2584 For Sale - Rabbit pens, self cleaning, self feeders, auto, waterers. Like new. Ph: 717- 656-6133 Wanted - Wide front end or single wheel for Fannall C or 200 series. Ph: 717-569-9961 For Sale - 90 Special MH combine. Custom corn shelling with C 2 gleaner, 4 row narrow. East Peter sburg area. Call 717-898-6691 For Sale - Oliver 83H two row corn picker, good condition, $l5OO. Ph: 717-354- 9323 at 6:30 A.M. For Sale - McCormick mower with hydraulic hookup, A-l condition. Christian F. Stoltzfus, RD 1 Box 212 A, Strasburg PA along White Oak Rd. For Sale - No. 50 com sheller for John Deere mounted cornpicker. Harold Hun sicker, Hunsicker Rd., Telford, PA. Call after 6 P.M. 215723-3443 Wanted - AKC registered female Collie pup, Lassie type. Lee Anne Semmel, RD 1, Lehighton, PA 18235, Ph; 215377-1189 evenings For Sale - 10 ft. Owatonna windrower, self propelled; 20 ft. auger unloader for Harvestore. Call 814-228-3488 For Sale - Two galvanized, one aluminum, gates; ap proximately 40 steel posts, 75 cents; 100 wooden posts 65 cents per post. Ph; 215595 3791 For Sale - New Holland bin wagon on steel. A. S. Zook, RD 1, New Providence, PA 17560 Muscovy drakes, $3.00; hens, $2.00; rabbits for freezer. Ph: 717-9952495 For Sale - Silomatic unloader, 12 ft. silo, $150; 375 gal. milk tank only, $5O. Ph: 717-687-6361 For Sale - Ontario 14 hole grain drill, good shape, $450. Ph ; 215682-6441 For Sale - Registered Morgan colt, black with three white socks and star. Will mature over 15 Hands; gentle. Best offer. Ph: 215- 679-6324 Moil Box Morfcat For Sale - Balbo Rye Wanted Direct cut head for 50, 55, 550 International forage harvester 717-528- 4475 Wonted - Radiator for Massey Harris number 20 or 22 tractor 717-677-8003 For Sale - Jersey family cow, 3uict, good milker Just fresh ohn W Hoover, Bowmansvillc, Pa For Sale - 2 four week old German .Shepherd puppies 810 00 male. Male 1 yr. old German Shepherd male $5 00 Lebanon 273-6018 For Sale - Holstein heifers; New wagon with McCurdy grain bin. Also car com. 717- 442-4510 For Sale - 1964 Dodge 500 with 14’bed GVW 17000 $6OO. Wanted - Barley. Call evenings 717-292-4693 For Sale - Ontario 11 hoe grain drill, wooden wheels. Best offer. Also 8 geese. 717- 235-3197 For Sale - Oliver two row com picker model No. 3, good condition $6OO. 215-863- §591 For Sale - By Owner 400 ac. beef and swine farm, Tioga Co. Sell “lock, stock and barrell”. Excellent deer hunting, trout stream, pond. 717-324-5724 or 717-324-2365 Wanted to Buy - 2 or 4 8:25x20-12 Ply truck tires, new or used, no recaps. 717- 3454109 For Sale - Purebred charolais bull, polled-s; hk Charolais-Hereford Heifer, bred Charolais with papers; Cross-Angus cow, bred Charolais, good milker. 215 562-2681, evenings and weekends Wanted - Used Grinder- Mixer. Must be in good condition. Garfield Van- Derpool, Towanda, RD No. 3, Pa. 18848 717-2656328 For Sale - 12,000 watt generator w-PTO; IHC Hay Conditioners, Models 2A and 33; wheel casting for “M"; IHC hydraulic cylinder, one way; Holstein Heifer due Oct. 29. 215847-5232 at night For Sale - 35 foot Van trailer aluminum for storage ideal for grain storage, good condition. 215933-8247 after 5 P.M. For Sale - Three H.P. elec, motor 3 phase. Price $30.00. One H.P. elec, motor, 3 Ehase $lO.OO Lester follinger, Denver RDI, Pa. at Fivepointville. 215-445- 4971 For Sale - Warm Morning Heatrola Model 400 in good condition, also upholstery work done. Daniel S. Stoltzfus, Narvon, Pa. RD No. 1, Box 133, 17555 Wanted - Good used kitchen range. 717-6556808 For Sale - Red Coat seed wheat from last year cer tified seed. 717-354-9134 For Sale - Dry poultry manure from brouerhouses. Delivered and dumped on your farm in 12 to 15 ton loads. Next delivery Oct. 14. 215484-4883 For Sale - No. 24 N. H. table blower; two sets wagon sides and false endgates, com plete; unloading gear unit. 215273-3095 For Sale - 238 Detroit tower unit, recently rebuilt, $3200; int 500 crawler-loader hi good condition, $5600 Contact Moses B. Click, RD 1 Willow Street PA 17584 Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Seip 25.1976- Moil Box Market For Sale -1955 IH R-130 truck, 11,000 lb gross, 9 ft dump bed. fitted canvass top, good condition 11095 1966 Cncv •* ton pickup 1596 IH 4-row rotary hoc 2 pt (495 717-896-0491 For Sale - John Deere 13x7 grain drill. Model FBB priced reasonable 215-445- 6073 For Sale - 3 Suffolk Yearling Rams. 717-665-2387 For Sale - 13x7 Oliver disk grain drill and M.C. 7 ft rotary scythe, used Mc- Cormick 1 PR picker. Ellas S. Beller, RD No 1, Leola, Pa. 17540 Musser School Road. Wanted - Fox snapper, 2 row, 40 inch head for Fox IF 546 harvester. 717-2594)772 Angus Breeding Bull, 35 cents per pound. 215-689-9266 For Sale - A good starter herd of beet cattle, 4 hereford cows, 1 Angus with 4 calves $l5OO. 717-533-3144 For Sale - 10 White Rock pullets $2.25 each. Also Pedigreed New Zealand White rabbits. Excellent breeding stock. 717-528-8268 For Sale - 6 pigs 8 weeks, Yorkshire and Duroc $32. or all at $29. each. After 6 P.M. 717-244-9524 For Sale - Oliver 770 tractor with mounted 2 row picker Also New Idea single row flicker No. 323. Both ready or the field. Reason for selling, going to shilling. 717- 564-3495 Lancaster Farming SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE CHANGE OF ADDRESS? Please give us 2 weeks advance notice. Attach the label from your old address, write in your new address below. ENTERING A NEW SUBSCRIPTION? Check the box and fill in your name and address below. Attach with your check in the amount of $4.00. Payment must accompany order. (To order gift subscriptions please attach a separate sheet.) I 1 When writing us about your subscription | I please attach your Lancaster Farming | I mailing label here and mail the whole form | 1 10 UNCASTER FARMING, 1 j P. 0.266, LITITZ, PA 17543 j L 1 PLEASE SEND LANCASTER FARMING $4.00 1 YEAR ENCLOSED IS A □ CHECK, DCASH □MONEY ORDER ( )NEW SUBSCRIPTION ( )RENEWAL ( )CHANGE OF ADDRESS NAME [please print) ADDRESS CITY COUNTY STATE ZIP CODE Mail Box Market For Sale - John Deere com sheller No. 43, 3 pt. PTO, very good condition. Ph; 717- 285-5413 For Sale - One 19” Papec, good condition; one 12A New Idea manure spreader for parts. Amos L. Better, Loop Rd., RD 3 Quarryville PA 17566 For Sale - Windpower 15-25 KW - PTO alternator, like new; 400 amp double throw switch; 20 Little Giant brooders; boiler; 600 ft. black pipe; 600 ft. copper pipe. 717-733-2846 39
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