L-'ocaiter f.iinm* Saturday S*pl ?5 1976 Moil Bo* MorVeT for Sale ■ lade Model David Bradley Silo filler 14 in with 60 ft pipe, complete in A 1 condition Apply to Mahlon / Zimmerman, 320 K Main M . l-eola. I’* PH 717-656- 63T9 For Snip • Grade Nubian Hilh, 2month* old. Muscovy ducks, rabbits, banty's. pony PH 717-334-2020 For Sale-Int 28 Disc harrow 18" discs $175. New Vac-A- Wav seed and grain cleaner $135 717-354-7113 For Sale - By owner. 65 head Purebred and Hi-Gradc Holsleins Reason (or selling have sold the farm Call M Karl Harbaugh, 717-762-3024 John Deere 450 crawler loader TD9 power unit; 6 ft camper lop. 215-777-0052 or 215-775-0606 For Sale - Oliver Superior 12 Disc grain drill on steel wheels in good condition $3OO. '67 Dodge Cornet, 6 cyl $7OO 717-733-1636 For Sale - New Idea 2-row mounted com picker, 12 roll husking bed, mounted sheller for any New Idea picker 2 year old. 717-284- 4618 For Sale - 44 acres of good silage com. 215-856-7619 after 9:30 P.M. For Sale - Old single cylinder gas engines. 717-656-9570 For Sale - Oliver Superior 16 hole disc drill, 24 ft. single chain conveyor. 717-867-2914 Wanted to Rent - House and bam for a few cattle or will rent a small farm. 717-626- 0719 For Sale - Chihuahua pups $40.00. 3 year old male Chihuahua, black $15.00. Reuben Fisher, between Georgetown and Nickel Mines For Sale - 20 ft. Silo-Matic silo unloader; 8 year old Sorrel saddle bred driving horse with snap. Daniel K. King, RD No. 3 Quarryville, Pa. American LaMancha Amyr DD Sesaw at stud. Satoh 23 H.P. tractor with loader, 100 hrs. 215-489-9015 Wanted - Silage conveyor approx. 8 to 10 ft. long, ap prox. 12 to 16” wide. 717-653- 4470 For Sale -10 bushel Red Coat Seed Wheat, cleaned and treated. 717-626-4240 Wanted - Broom making equipment. Call 814-695-9003 For Sale - A Calf feeder, in perfect working condition. Feeds up to 25 calves. Call 717-354-8360 For Rent - Storage space in barn for trailers, snowmobiles, farm equip ment, etc. Manheim area. 717-665-3770 For Sale - 1 Registered Holstein Service age bull. Dam - Selling Rockman, G.P., 5 record avg. 17768 M, 626 F, Sire: Whittier Farms Apollo Rocket, Price $450. PH: 717-354-7510 For Sale -1 PR Com Picker, Round metal hay rack like nev (2) 12 hole round hog feeders WD 9 Diesel on steel, belt pulley. A.K. Beiler, Strasburg South, to Stoney Hill Rd. For Sale - 100 Yearling Babcock layers, 75 cents a piece. 717-354-9985 Fdr Sale - Int. 856 Diesel. Int, 706 Diesel. Int. 316 Auto, reset plow. 215-445-6816 Moil Bo* Morket Yot Sale ■ JD 3010 DSI, tractor, 3 pt quirk hitch Y rame wt», wheel wt* . overhauled, original paint F*ceUent condition JDI- 120 4 btm plow 14" as Ls reasonable, bead offer I’M 717-682-3414 For Sale - 1968 Olds Cutlas rp outside white iasidc red (-an be driven Make offer Call 717-267-2036 Super MT A Int 440 baler with kicker, custom built horse jumps 1-215-255-4378 For Sale - Kerosene room heater Eosv spin dry washing machine 717-284- 2791 Feeder Pigs for sale PH 717-838-3336 Blue Tick Beagles For Sale Also mixed comes Free. PH: 717-529-2396 For Sale - 1970 Frelghtliner, 335 cummins, RT0913, 4 11 rears, 186” wheel-base, 97,000 miles since completely overhauled, Pa. inspection, air condition unit. PH: 717- 749-5010 Free Loan: Dorset ram until Dec. 15, 2 work horses until Feb. 22 John K. Stoltzfus, Ronks, Rl, Box 56, Pa. 17572 For Sale - AC 782 Chopper, wide and narrow heads, IH grain track, 18 foot bed 717- 548-2340 For Sale - Int. 1-row puli type com picker, new husking rolls. Priced right. Good cond. Phone 717-286-9380 Wanted to Buy - Belt pulley to front end loader 1970-4000 Ford. Reuben Edwards, R 2 Berwick, Pa. 18603 PH: 717- 752-2272 For Sale - 1971 350 Honda scrambler, excellent con dition. 215-767-7720 For Sale - Mounted 2 row corn picker, good cond. No. 319 mounted gathering unit. No. 322 12-roll mounted husking unit. 717-354-9634 or 717-678-8025 Duroc Boars, reasonable. Real nice, fast growing. Ready for service. Some large enough for sows. Also some younger. PH: 717-733- 6694 For Sale - Registered Holstein second can heifer, just fresh, out of excellent dam. Reasonable price. 717- 5694)700 For Sale - John Deere 10 ft. transport disk. 717-684-8330 For Sale - 1968 Nova, ex cellent condition 6-cyiinder, 3 speed, 58,000 miles. Must sell immediately, $1095. 717- 569-2579 For Sale - New Idea mounted picker. Excellent condition, 12 roll husking bed, J.D. “3010” or “3020” mounting brackets. 717-665-3109 AKC Cocker Spaniel Stud Service Available. 717-733- 6074 Wanted - 8 Good used non siphoning water bowls. 717- 354-7423 For Sale - Allis Table blower with pipe. JD Hay tedder. PH- 717-345-8815 For Sale - NI 323 Com Picker, good condition. Call 717-548-3466 after 5 o’clock Purebred German Shepherd puppies for sale. Black & Silver. Real Nice. 717-872- 4509 For Sale - White Vantress roasters, 5 to 6 lbs. PH: 717- 626-6517 Moil Bo* Morkef Fur Sale Standing corn h> the acre 717-865-4743 For Sale • Farmall H with rultivalor* & (artcr manure loader F'nrmall 230 fast hlfrh with cultivators I’M 717-786-7185 Wanted - Used Pc and Wire Com Crib. 600-1000 bo (all 717-333-6711 or 285-3208 For Sale • 1 Small red & while Holstein heifer, fresh, make good family cow 717- 442-4481 Wanted - Used silo unloader, prefer Jamesway 215-683- /943 For Sale - 384 Lcyland tractor, price >4,900 00. 717- 933-8388 For Sale - 2 year old Reg. Elevation son out of V.G. Kingpin daughter with 20,000 milk,BooF. $5OO. PH: 301-452- 5527 For Sale - PTO tram, gear box, flail cylinder, web, sprockets, and hood for New Idea 213 flail type spreader. $35. 215-495-7265 For Sale - John Deere KB A Disc, good condition. Asking $245. John Rexroth, RDI, Mt. Wolf, 717-266-4638 For Sale - New Holland Gravity Bin, no running gear. $150.00. PH: 215-286- 5694 For Sale - Tires - New Tractor (2) 8.3x24 - Spreader; Rib (2) 750x24, Tread (2) 750x24. Rib (1) 900x24, Used: Rib (4) 900x24. 215-267-5209 For Sale - Marvin window units 2 over 2,6 units 28x28,2 units 32x28. AH units are new. Will sell below list price. PH: 717-442-4437 For Sale - Herd of 16 Holstein cows $5OO. a piece. 717-665- 5983 Wanted - Bred gilts to come in soon. 717-284-2444 Wanted - 12” or 16” wood planer in running order, state price in first letter. Centerville Blacksmith Shop, RDI Box 201, Gor donville, PA 17529 Cen terville Rd. Wanted - 4000 to 6000 bales of good horse hay for a fair price. My farm is on Rt. 78 in Warren, NJ 201-647-3775 For Sale - 89 Yamaha, 100 endro good cond., 5,200 miles $195. PH; 717-786-7960 For Sale - Wood Bros. Bale Buster, like new. Also 6 can top loading Surge Milk Cooler in working condition, $30.00. Phone Leb. 717-273- 6683 after 5 P.M. Wanted - Cider Press, wood cook stove, log splitter. Bill Thomas, 703 N. Overlook Dr., Alexandria, VA 22305 - 703-548-9138 For Sale - 1 set of 16 inch Papec or Gehl cutter knives best quality $36.00. Also 1 set of Buzzard No. 600 cutter knives. Ephraim Miller 1 mile west of Christiana Route 372 Wanted - Old Foot pumped player piano. Any condition. Call 609-692-2108 1963 Chevy Panel Truck, Good Engine, Inspected $295. PH: Intercourse 717-768-8291 For Sale - Big two story bam available for storage. Hay, Straw, boats, campers, misc. Denver area. 717-733- 1650 after 6:00 P.M. For Sale - 780 Allis Chalmers harvester, good condition. PH: 717-789-3175 Moil Bo* Morkat For Sale Frcuh & clone springing Meg Holstein cow* & heifer* Clifford I>eV«n, Itm. Milton, Fa 717-742-7008 For Sale - M M U Tractor WOO with pulley and P T O Good PH 717-/55-4278 Army McCellan saddle* bought, sold and repaired. Want cavalry horse equipment with US markings W F Hennings, 234 Miller Rd . Sinking Spring, PA 19608 215-878-1123 Wanted to Buy - In ternational 2 row pull type com planter on steel with double disc seed openers and rope pull clutch. PH 717-345- 4109 For Sale - 5 bot. semi mounted, spring trip plow, can be made into 4 bot., good cond. Wanted - Double throw electric switch box, 200 to 400 amp Call evenings (717)367- 7196 For Sale - 9 crossbred Charolais cows with larger calves at side. $475. each 301- 833-3494 For Sale - 730 Case Comfort Kmg with cab, excellent condition. 8 ton electric wagon. 165 bu. Gravity bin with Case Wagon. 717-776- 5672 Wanted - Cult, for Farmall M, belt driven hammermill. JD 2 bottom tnp-mt. plows m gd. cond. Bam beam loom. For Sale - Int. draw-bar mount sycle bar mower to hydra, cylinder. P. Gatski, R 3 Benton 717-458-4364 after 6 For Sale - 6 yr. Standard bred. Driving horse. Good size. Also 2 ram lambs. Andy J. D. Miller, Wyoming, Dela. R 1 For Sale - ’6B Malibu Chevy, low mileage. Recently new tires. Must see to appreciate. Call 717-442-4171 or 442-4949 For Sale - 1968 Datsun S.W. $750. Lancaster Level Flo Distributor and Gooseneck for 20’ Silo $75. Charles H. Hess, 717-284-4647 For Sale - 2 Cheviot ewes. 717-872-8464 For Sale - Rye Seed, Ger mination tested. 717-665-3132 Wanted - Starter for John Deere power unit Model HA92 Delco 1109616. John K. Stoltzfus, RDI, Box 212, Bird-in-Hand, Pa. For Sale - FHB4 Gehl Har vester in good condition. 215- 445-6947 For Sale - Healthy Yorkshire Boars, Service Age. 717-354- 9370 John S. Nolt For Sale - 1962 Chev II Auto $l5O. 717-872-2722 Jason B. Siegrist For Sale - Com sheller with pulley. 12 hole round hog feeder. Ear com. Daniel S. Kauffman, 1% miles north of Strasburg RD NO, 1 For Sale - No. 34 Harvester 2- row narrow head, 540 and 1000 PTO. 717-626-4359 For Sale - Billion cultimulcher 10 ft. 4” in board model; Also 10 ft. Pittsburgh Disc with furrow fillers both in excellent condition. 717-548-3402 For Sale - Pioneer 3369 A com. annrox. 15 acres m field for picking or silage. Chester County. 215-436-4931 For Sale -1974 Impala 2 door hardtop, power, air, clean ulterior, one owner $2550.00 or best offer. Also 1967 Dodge Monaco $250.00. 215-445-6983 Moil Bo* Morkat For Sale - Gehl Forage Ho* without running gear lYicc reasonable 287-7349 For Sale - Wood Broa single row com picker. Price 82/5 Also livestock rack* for short bed pickup |l5 and oats by the bushel 717-469-2887 For Sale - 5 year old driving horse Carriage or buggy, lots of snap. Mans horse Abo Wanted - used registers for coal furnace, round & square. PH: 717-856-5712 WAIVER OF FINANCE LOUISVILLE TRACTORS MOWER CONDITIONERS BALERS FORAGE BOXES BLOWERS MOWERS RAKES r SEE THE NEW ‘ 86 SERIES TRACTORS NOW ON DISPLAY NEW SPECIAL Int 990 Mower Conditioner 9 Ft *3,550.00 NEW & USED COMBINES NEW 915 Diesel Hydro D with 6 row Cornhead USED I.H. 403 Hydro w-Cab, 4 Row Corn Head, Grain Platform In Stock - Immediate Delivery NEW TRACTORS 574 D 674 D 866 D USED TRACTORS, TRUCKS & EQUIPMENT 63 Int. 1800 V-345, 5-speed, N K No. 66 Engine Driven 9:00 tires, 26000 tag, Baler $l3OO Papec Blower 58 Ford, F-800, V-8, P.S. 56 Blower $1895 Int. No. 56 4 row planter Super M/TA Diesel d ° ubl ? **,nsec,icides » r ion ic„,.n. n ti adjustable frame AC 190 [Excellen!| . q 494.4 a rnw Ferguson 20 w/Sauder loader Jonn , J“ re 434 fl ’ 4 row w/cul,,vators Howard 3 pt. hitch backhoe t ‘ armall n 13 x 7 J.D. Grain Drill Farmall 350 17 x 7 J.D. Gram Drill Farmall A w/Sickle Bar Mower 13 x 7 Oliver Superior Grain 1-504 G Farmall M w/side MID Sickle Bar Mower Farmall 656 G Farmall 300 1 460 Oliver 4 Bot. 16" Auto Reset Plow Moil Box Marker Wanted ■ A wire com crib to hold 30 T or more Speedy brand preferred Benuel S Slollzfus, HDI Bo* 122. Holtwood, PA 17532 Wanted • Cuatom Corn picking and xhclllng 36" to 42" rows Jonestown and Annvtilcareas (717 ) 867-1496 For Sale - PTO Int com binder with long and short carrier 1400 00. Also No 7 Int silage cutter (200 00, both in ex. cond. Joe E. Stoltzfus, Vi mi. cast of Wakefield along Rtc. 272 (1 only) 1086 D 1486 D Drill Calhoun Forage Box Grove Forage Box Int. 125 Bu P.T.O. Spreader I.H. 550 plow 5-16", new bottoms I.H. No. 37 Disk Harrow 350 Disk Harrow 11 tt.-6 I.H. 470 12 ft disk
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