Kaol latota H Amfr«WT»l with Mobile Home Park Montour Co IS Am Hoef Farm, atooe farm houar and rancher in llerka Co 152 Am- General 1139.000 Clinton Co ITS Arre*. 3 liirnu. Clinton Co 146 Acre General farm. Irmcalone and Hagenrtrmn noil 1135.000 Open for offer* Clinton Co Nittanj Valle) • IS Arrr General Farm, real nice, lilo Hi2s. limestone noil. Centre Co Penn* Valle> • Centre Hall 150 Acre Dairy Farm. 20x60 alio limestone anil. Centre Co 73 Acre*, Mountain -stream, trout pond 178.000 Clinton to 128 Arre General $65,000 l.>commit Co 56 Acre General 855.000 Northumberland Co 95 Acre* Heef I- arm & exceptional nice house $155,000 Columbia Co 80 Acres, no building*. $BO,OOO Columbia Co WITWER REAL ESTATE 717-733-4138 Ephrata, Pa '•LARGE DAIRY OPERATOIN" Ninety seven acres of beautiful land in southern York County with dairy operation, for the big man $225,000 Call BATHON, 518 South Main, Shrewsbury. 717-235-3881 or Leon 757-3535 USED TRACTORS F 1206 D F 560 G 741 Ford F 504 Gas F 544 G Gear I 544 G Hydro Uliity CALL DICK BOMBERGER Call Us. It Could Be We Have It FENCER MATERIAL FENCE POSTS Round Posts Angle Posts ROLLS OF FENCE WIRE Starting at $10.95 Super 12 12 VOLT BATTERY *64.50 Other Size Fencers Available In Stock ■ RADIO CONTROLLED TRUCKS FOR DETTER SERVICE ■ HI C. B. HOOBER & SON INC. |l| ■■ m® INTERCOURSE, PENN A. authorized ups station ■ ■ NB® R«ol Ictot* CALL Moil Box Market For Sale - Registered Holstein heifer. Due to freshen October 10. Asking $7OO Also several young boar hogs at $lOO. Call 301- 34*3819 Deere • 60 G 3300 B Loader F 656 D F “C” w-CuH. F 460 Gas FULL LINE OF INTERNATIONAL FENCERS SUPER 100 *69.95 For Sale - Dining Boom Suite, matched veneer finishing, china cloaet with glass in door, buffet, server and table with mirror lop ITicc $2OO PH 213-838-8661 For Sale - Eskimo Spitz puppies Melvin A Bellcr, RDI Box 280, Gap, Pa 17527 lame Quarry Ro For Sale -1 No 4 Oliver Com picker (Mounted-type) 3250 215-589-46G0 For Sale - One Grade Holstein Heifer calf. Sire 15H120 Gay. PH- 717-442-4446 For Sale - 1972 Champion 4 Horse Gooseneck trailer, extra wide, w-side boxes, 4 ft. dressing room, saddle comp, new brakes, Also 2 year old Reg Quarter Horse gelding. CaU after 5:00 P.M. 215-967-6887 FENCING KNOBS FENCING GATE HANDLES Moil Box MorV«t Wanted Saw mill, (arm tj-pc, to cut 12 (t log* rendition not Important, reasonably prlrrd fall collect evenings 203-228-2708 ILLS Combination & Plain USED TILLAGE Kewanee Disk - 20 ft. IH-470 Disk - 1310” Miller Offset -12' IH-37 Disk - 10’3” IH-48 Disk - IS’ Deere - KBA Disk - 11’ MEET GRATZ SUIT MANAGER - REFRIGERATION DEPT. WAIVER OF FINANCE ON TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT SOLD WITH TRACTORS INTEREST FREE —3-1-77 (717) 768-8231 Moil Bos Market For Sale I Brooder house II ft by 14 ft plus addition of 9ft b> 11 ft 1173 00 J Warren Shearer. 426 W Penn Ave , Wemenrvllle. PA 19565 For Sale - 1 Beg Hereford with 2 mo beetalo calf, 2 Heg Hereford* & 2 Holsteins bred to beefalo ready to call 717 '*s7-2129 For Sale - Snow Blower 175 00 and front end loader 3400 00 Fils John Deere 110 Tractor very good condition Robesonia - 215-693-6085 Wanted - Three to six can, front-ins load, milk cooler Good condition For Sale - 1947 U-tag Sludebaker Truck PH 717-386-5124 For Sale-565 gal Esco tank. 325 gal Girton tank, 64 cow Universal pipeline, 72 Ford Econolinc van, farm milk Slate cooler, Clay clcctnc igh level feed cart, 2 DeLaval Milkers (412) 834- 3162 or 925-3897 I GE E IH-60 Plow - 2F ■ 16" IH-531 Plow - 3F-mtd. IH-540 Plow - 4F 16” - Semi IH-700 Auto Plow - 4F - 16" IH-700 Auto Plow - SF - 16” IH-700 Auto Plow - 6F - 16” . i HI Lancaster Farming Saturday Sept 25.1976 Moil Box Morktl Moil Box Morkat Wanted to Buy - The large type soybeans grown in Jjinrasler Co gardens Will pay fl 15 per lb dry beans If not this year, grow (or me next year F.ll I. Slollzfus. 63 Strasburg Pike, Ijmcaster. Pa 17602 For Sale - Fox Model 0249 Snapper head, good con dition PH 717-259-0105 For Sale Tractor, wide front end with * antPd 7jtl4 , ow oVC rhcad loader at 2 bottom plow & 2 door For Sale - Holstein bull wheel farm frailer. Rood KUm B Sloltzfus, Mess Kd , condition 717-442-4279 Ix-ol«, PA 17540 hor Sale - 2 Cheviot ewes p or c . pccdcr Pigs & (yearling), 2 reg Suffolk crushed com ewes (aged) - all cxrmed to ( rom u* fields PH 717-872- reg Suffolk ram; (215) 598- 760 l evenings _ c . „ _ For Sale - Farmall Super H *i* transport augers, 40x6 & s ' 26*6 IHNo 15 com chopper Call evenings 717-868-3302 Wo°d shaper. PH. p or Sale -JD 227 2 row 215-683-7994 mounted com picker, J 250 Call 717-665-5513 155 Spreader 47 Baler w-Eng. - excellent 440 Baler w-Throwet • ex cellent 46 Baler w-Eng. - Good Hesston No. 30 Hay Stacker Lely Fert. Spreader New Idea one-row Picker IH IPR Picker NEW GIRTON TANKS 300 GAL 500 - GAL 400 - GAL 600 - GAL DIESEL NEW DIESEL AT OLD PRICES 9^ ST 2- 30 HP. MORE HORSEPOWER ST 3 - 30 HP. FOR LESS MONEY YOUR LISTER DIESEL DEALER FOR 15 YEARS ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 24-Hour Service - Contact Gratz M. Suit at C. B. Hoober & Son, Phone 768-8231 After 5:00 P.M. Phone 768-8555 Ford Jubilee USED EQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS For Sale Beagles AKC. 7 works |33 Broke Babbit dogs f 75 t-eopard Cur Coon hound pups 340 PH 717-464- 3230 f or Sale - 2 Bison calves. 4 It 3mo 3430 ea 1 female, I yr 3530 1 female. 8 yrs 3650 717- 725-4317 J- or Salr • 36 Disc JI) Inn sport iwc harrow 717-665-71 Si 71Si Gety Blower • 4S" 213 N.H. Baler-wire tie 1033 N.H. Bale Wagon No. 10 Grain Drill 915 D Combine w-6 Row Comhead 4 13’ Platform 4400 J.D. Combine w-Heads 315 Int. Combine w-Heads •It: 37
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