lanca*t*f far mm* Saturday Sc 30 S *1 <&< >.• Vi 1795 |j)«l--.,r 1750 i r i 3 r• (,j I r mr< 1<95 f“r Pair r n 1795 J D Hay I L"n 1100 /« C B " »tf 1700 Ml HO H 95 JO S V n-rt 3p‘ artap'et 1750 ) D ’JC'u-.Mr 1395 Sn» VatJe-. -e r n ‘ 'fi! 11795 ) I) 1195 0 »er Ra*e 1195 A C 3 r‘ Pa*e H 95 J D 3 p! 'li’i rncwr H 95 (2i Heis'm 10 Stackyards I>r r'l Choice I<ooo HessM 10 stack never 1800 (2i J D 3 pi newer sickle clean Choice 1395 NH <69 Haybme 12675 N H 905 SP Haybme 12500 l2i Cub sic«le newer 1125 Lamco self unloading Wagon 3 beater 15 New Kasten Wagon self unloading New 8 Ton Wagons(new) J D 216 unloading wagon 3beaters rebuilt (2) New Flat wagon New 15 Feeder Rack Lamco unloading wagon 14 Heavy Gear Flot Tires Lamco 16 Bo* 3 beater roof new 8 ton gear Gehl 800 Recutter SOLD $1750 Gehl Blower $475 (2) N H 26 Blower Choice $695 Kools Recutter Coming In CORNPICKERS JO 227 Nl 2x30 Shelter Ml 2*30 8 Roll Picker Nl Grinders for Mtd Pickers N 1 #lOl Row Oliver #5l row SOLD New Corn Cribs N I 323 1 row N I 325 30 12 roll 2 row SOLD (2) N 1 324 40 12 Roil 2 row N I husking bed attach 12 roll (2) 2 row 40 shelter Shelters for pickers (5) N I 2 r owmtd 12 roll (4) N I 2iowmtd 8 roll (5) J D 237 Oliver 73HW/12 Roll bed Nl 2 Row Mtd 12 roll brand new Nl 721 726 727 husking beds (3) Int 234 s Nl 323 1 row new CONSTRUCTION Sweeper attachment Wisconsin 3KW Generator set new J D 450 Winch Industrial 4 wheel carts Fork Lift Forks (set) Snow Blower New 3 pt Woodsphtter Gilson Leaf Vacuum Mach Cham Drive Truck w/Crane Int Truck built in 1920 s Ripper for JD 440-1010 2010 350 450 Schramm 150 Air Compressor (2) Wayne 540 Self propelled Sweeper Sit on Models choice $2OOO Cat Dozer blade (D 6 or D 7) $750 General 4 WD Crane SOLD $2500 (2) 3 pt Aeroator - new $4OO-$475 (2) Used cement mixers, $lOO & up 10 KW Generator Set-80 AMP $950 New Rollbar 4 post $4OO New Ford HD 3 pt blades New 8' 3 pt stone rakes New Landscape boxes (25) Backhoe & Loader buckets AC Ripper Attachment (HD6) JD 350 Winch (2) Huber Mamtamer New Undercarriages New Seat Cushions Truck Crane Int (2) Air Compressors Forklift forks for Crawler Forklift Forks for big loader ~: S WENGERS' INC. ctVftW «i A\j ' H South Race St.,Myerstown,PA 17067, just off Route 501 and 422 in Myerstown. PHONE: Days 717-866-2138, Nights 717-866-7147. WAGONS roof 10 ion gear $395 $l5OO choice $75 each $B5 $275 $450-$495 $l5OO & up Call $2500 $2OO-$6OO >1 7b. 19/6 WE TRY TO DEAL YOUR WAY $2950 $2250 $450 $2500 $595 575 $1750 $3250 o*2tlona 1700 $3750 Case! 740 Deselw/ROPS 600 Hours $6OOO Ford 340 w/ROPS clean $3750 ScooDTsob le D 350 w/cab extras $l7 500 Hough 30R w/cab $4OOO Michigan 55 Senes 3 w/iSOLD ean $l2OOO (2) A C Dl5 w/Loader & Tamper $3500 Cat 922 Cab Turbo $lO 000 Ford 3500 w/3 pt clean $4500 Hough 50C w /cab i forks clean $14,500 Mich 175 Series 2 $BOOO AC 6x3oForCil AC F 430 (2) AC 4x4oForC (3) N I 3x30 stripper head $650 $2900 $2900 Call $875 $875 $575 675 $2350 $3300 $3OOO & us> $875 Int 733 3x30 quick tach A C GL44O low profile (3)AC 4x4oforCll M F 33 3x30 quick tach sharp J D 343 3x30 quick tach sharp (2) N I 2 row stripper plate head (3) N I 2 row corn head for Uni (2) AC 4x30 For Cll clean (2) N I 4x30 for Uni System Gram head for J D 45 10 $2400 asst prices from $l5OO From $750 choice $l5OO $1750 $7OOO Call from $l5OO $3350 (2) Grain Head (or 300 M F Gram Head for Int 13 (4) AC 2 row for E (2) AC 2 row for A AC 3 row (or A (2) AC 2Row For Elil orK clean J D 10 (3) J 0 210 clean for 45 or 55 (3) J D 205 for 40 or 45 (5) J D 234 for 45 or 55 JD 235 J D 313 clean for 45 or 55 $3OO JD 334f0r95 105 J D 435 for 95 105 JD 443f0r440066007700 JD 643 for 6600 7700 (7) Int 227 tor 91-93-203 205-315 (2) Int 327WN Int 630WN tor 503 SOLD $3OO $6OO $275 $3OOO $2OOO (2) Int 10'gramheads Int 203 cab tor combine MF 22 $lOOO 13) MF 222 (2) M F 24 M F 43 - clean $l9OO (2) M F 422 MF 622 M F 510 quick tach gram head (demo) $1395 Lots more on stock We can tmd any head you need J D 450 winch - clean $B7OO (3)JO 3506 way 54900-56500 J D 3508 w/ROPS & winch $B5OO J D 1010 $2250 Cat 04 $3500 Int TD24 $2500 Cat 22 runs $3OO Int TDIS $7500 A C HD6 $3900 Cat 02 w/PTO clean $lBOO $475-550 $5O & up $lOOO $l5OO $750 $l5OO ,-<;i *' 1 K(rj r ‘-fP-fi -peec V*'r ”»r I*soo ) ><■’ Va - pec'e-J Cira' 1)000 1 <7f ‘irt( as Ria.’ff at FO'X) •*■«■•. AkMW 17400 , </( Sf>, M'-'eCarln t'tdfti at fu it AM*W 15750 (u‘'M',a- (uf -.M I'aded a- AM I M 11500 i'Wi* V? a' (lejn 7 rtf * AM(M 14000 rtf •s<3* , hCa"'e Packs eut W-‘ 20 O'Xi -*■ 17500 ,1, rsf, r ft,o Dump 7 speed trat Chont 17500 !-<■'< , SO''fmi croc 400 ~ le-. 1595 l7OO - t L - 7 »‘eei (*( .e nr'c’cycle 1/95 , r *£s *' 10 •‘■Ml dump tin* gr r d PA *'cker 17600 ' atM" ‘y I’ft up‘ruck 11750 i?t 1A74 f*-e,y Cheyenne P.t*up PS PB Auto Chwct 13100 j r ‘6? F ft* 1 G'Jif Dump tough 1100 19F! I r - d Shelby Gl3soCcnvettb!e 4speed iba»p 14100 l f t73 Cad lac Sedan DcViltc 14900 1575 CFeyyMrn'eCarlo loaded sharp landau at 14950 1973 Jeep 4AI) Pickuq,aulo 1)000 19 73 Chevy ..aguna vcryctean at mags 13200 1967 Vo'»swagenfaslback 'roni end damage 1350 1969 f a* I? 4 Conv 1900 (7 1 1974 100 Cycle choice 1350 1930 Wcdcl A Fcrd Coupe w/rumble seal 14000 n AC 655 1972 $5500 Cat 933 flrecte'ec Inc $5BOO J D 350 $4500 J 0 3508 $6900 Cat 933 $3400 AC HD6w/Rmper $3900 AC HD3 $2500 COMBINES Int 205 M F 300 w/Cab $3500 $3OOO $l6OO & up $2500 Int 76 pull type clean $7OO N I 701 urn tractor $3500 (2) Int 203 choice $2OOO Int 93 w/Cab 10 clean Gleaner E 111 w/Cab $2OOO $3500 $2500 $2BOO $3OOO $2OOO $5OO & up $3200 $3500 10 $9500 Nl 701 umcab har vaster 2 row har vester head 2 row picker head 3 row picker head $B5OO JD 40 10 ft $3500 J D 45 squareback $4500 lot 403 w/cab $7500 MC 82 pull type $l5OO Choice $1295 $795 From $795 From $495 $1975 excellent $3500 MF 410 cab 13 hume 422 corn $7900 JD 30 pull type $lOOO AC C w/4x40 Corn & Gram SHARP $lO,OOO ACCII coming in ACAw2 heads coming in NI 710 uni com $2250 $395 $675 & up $875 & up $675 & up $1475 $2250 $750 & up $1475 $4500 $5750 bine coming in AC GleanerKKS $13750 (2) Int 127 s Choice $6OO ACCII Cab $B5OO $695 & up $1675 & up $395 $695 & up $5OO $495 [all with mowers) JD 2101974 $1475 Cub Cadet 123 $1250 J D 56 $475 AC 210 1973 $l2OO MF 10 $lOOO A C Bl $395, $395 & up $l9OO & up $4OOO $875 & up $679 Towmotor $1350 Case 580 21 $6750 Int 340 sharp $5OOO Case Crawler Forklift Clark Hyster El; 1006 100 hour. ricehe-l Mf 1130 WF vety clean M! r vpet9ow/cab Ml 10M«/Cab WF 3p! It) 3070 t-de console Wl eice'leni It>(s 4000 tale model Iryooe clean (3( I c'd 5000 WF PS I aiKail MIA Diesel lei 660 Diesel Case IA Shatp 1 7 1 Case 1030 CH O.rsrls Cate 100 D 3pt Cracked Block Cate 600 C 3pi CateSC«/3p! Fool Clutch Cate 530 w7Cab WF SOLO Case 830 CK 3pi WF clean CatcSOO WF PS Live PTO Cate 730 Gas long9oo 50hours excellent New Long 1100 New Long 900 cab air Hew Long 560 New Long 445 4WD w/loader Nfw Long 460 New Long 360 Farmalt 230 wFH SOLD I2| Farmall 656 Diesel Hydro Clean FarmalJ 300 Gas Sharp Farmall Cub very clean hyd starter (2| Farmall 40CD Farmatl 450 D FH PS TA Clean Farmall 400 G FH PS TA Good Farmall Super C clean good tires Farmall 7060 3pt clean TA 540 & Farmall C FH WF Farmall 240 Farmall 756 Rollover cab WF sharp turbo SOLD Farmall 560 D FH clean (3) Farmall 504 Hi clearance poor (3) Farmall H one with loader Farmall Cub late FH w/Mott mower Farmall M w/390 Ford V 8 Lengthened Frame Farmall Super AV w/Cult clean Farmall M (2)Ford9oo Gas PS 3pt LivePTO FordNAA WF 3pt extra clean new paint Ford 800 (2) Ford 4000 (2) Ford 8N 3pt WF (2)Ford9N 3pt WF JD 730 D DirectEie J D 820 2 cyl Diesel sharp J D 830 2 Cyl Diesel J D 2010 gas 3pt JD 50 JD 620w/JD 45 loader J 0 720 Diesel 3pt PS live PTO AC Dl9w3pt WF Diesel Cab - 2000 hours ACC w/Mower AC Bw/mower cult cornplanter etc clean AC 1600 w/fnd mower like new-400 hours AC Dl7 gas-WF AC DIO w/Plow & cultivator clean AC WC SOLD AC WD Fordson Major Diesel clean PS 3pt pulley Int 434 Diesel - clean -WF- 3 pt 1971 model lot 340 Gas -WF- 3 pt PS-Clean WTS Int 404 w, side mower Oliver 77 Oliver 770-Trv Gas, 3 pt Oliver 1950 GM w/Duals - sharp -WF 3pt Oliver 1855 new rubber-WF 3pt MH 444 Fer k 2OWF-3pt Coming In $4500 $3500 J D 43 Sheller (2) Int 234 Shelters MM ModelD PTO Ml Uni System 722-729-729 A MM EPTO - Good MM 1210 PTO Good (2) J D Sheller for 227 4237 N I Shelters for mtd & pull pickers $2500 $B5O $5OO Woods bale buster FARM TRACTORS CORIMSHELLERS $l6OO SIOOOJIIOO $2700 52500 51250 $5400 Coming In $B5O $9750 $4OOO $950 $6OO & up $2500 $2500 $2OOO lights 1000 SOLD $l3OO Choice $1875 $2OOO $2lOO $1250-$2350 Choice $950 $BOO Coming $3500 $2350 s24oo** $9OO $l5OO $l9OO $4500 $6OO $1675 $3900 $2250 $1975 $250 $895 $1750 $3250 $2700 $l5OO Coming In $lO5O $B5OO $B5OO Coming In $875 $375 $1250 $2OOO CALL $2OOO $2OOO Choice $495 CALL $295
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers