2R- l« nutter Farmfn*. Saturday. Sept 75. 1976 Situation* Wonted Young experienced rouplr desperately wishes lo rmt tidin' farm for 35 to 55 row* for Spring of 77 I’mn Slate graduate Picnic mil 717- 273-9520 Family wishes lo rent (nrm house or one-family home in the Lancaster vicinity Please call 212-273-0599 Two young married brothers desiring to rent dairy farm large enough lo feed and house 60 cows Slocked and equipped or bare Call 215- 723-1031 or 215-368-4864 Young married farmer willing to take over, rent or manage a farm ex perienced in beef, hogs, dairy, crops and field work Industrious and sober Honald Naudus, II Penn svlvania Avenue, Fleming ton-New Jerey 08822 Phone (201) 782-0170 after 6 P M Pets WANTED TO BUY Puppies, 7 to 9 weeks old, in litter lots. Pure breeds and half breeds. Cash money paid. Will pickup every Wed nesday. For resale in my pet shop. Write to Charles Hackett, 3743 N. sth Street, Philadelphia, PA 19140 or call before 8 p.m. Mon., Tues., & Thurs. only. 215-229- 0449. Give breed-age color when writing. Also some kind of direction. Thank you. Notice Sept. 30, Oct. 1 and 2 - All Day Porch Sale - All new merchandise; Noritake china, electric lights, glassware, bedspreads, many more items. All merchandise 10 percent off regular pnce. Leah Fisher, Butter Rd., Leola, PA 17540 Dairy Equipment For Sale - 400 gal. Tolan Milk tank. Best offer. 215-488-7350 Wanted - Bulk milk tank, all stainless, expansion type, 150 to 225 gallon capacity, without refrigerant unit. Call Newville, Pa. 776-5797 For Sale - 30 stanchions with water bowls and pipe; 375 gal. Milk-keeper tank; Universal vac. pump with electric motor, 3 units, automatic wash system, 1%” glass pipeline, release jar; Stable cleaner with elevator, chain, motor, rollers, comers, etc. com plete. Priced to sell. Phone 717-548-3386 For Sale - Model 2084 King Zero Ice Builder with 5 H.P. Carrier Compressor. 215-863- 4557 3 unit DeLaval Bucket Milking system w-No. 75 pump and controller 1 used Surge pipeline 1 used DeLaval pipeline SHENK’S FARM SERVICE 501 E. Woods Drive Litite, PA 17543 717-626-1151 Ans. Service 717-733-1224 For Sale - Topline Dumping Station, 3 years old. 82 gal. Mor-Flo glass lined water heater. Good condition. 717- 687-8159 Dairy Equipment 300 gal (iirtoo milk tank, good condition 440 gal F.sro tank, good corn! 540 gal Ksco tank, good cond Star 12-can, open front milk cooler, good cond r- 11. AUK ra KLMTHK IN( Lll Paradise, PA k Phone 717-687-767 G Poultry & Supplies For Sale - Chicken crates, catching net, porclain cage water trough with hangers. Any reasonable offer. 215- 562-4920 For Sale - 2600 Babcock Pullets, 20 weeks old Oct. 1 Debeaked. Daniel P. Kauffman, RD2, Honey Brook, Pa. 19344. Attention Poultrymen using nests. We have the ideal nest material. Clean, easy to use, low cost and it stays in. Call 717-653-1568 FREE for Hauling - Eggs, Rejects and Chez from hatchery. Great pig feed. Ph; 215-696-0505 between 9-5 Mon. thru Fri. For Sale - Cage house feed cart with motor, Hart cup lines. Feed trough & other poultry equipment. 717-656- 9634 or 656-6965 LONGENECKER'S HATCHERY, INC. Box 307, Elizabethtown, PA PH; (717) 367-1545 Hubbard Leghorns DeKalb Warren Sex-Link CHICKS & STARTED PULLETS SEX LINK LEGHORN f-eb 1 1977 - 800 Jan 7. 1977 800 -SMAa 00 HATCHERY ____ RDI Brodbecks PA17308 * Hubbards ty White Leghorns % y ' Poultry & Suppliai liv'd poultry equipment fountain*. feeder*. metal next* and brooder ’dm e 717- inft-8028 after SPM B^hisex Euribird HiSEX Leghorn HISEX Chicks and Pullets Arc Available From The Newly Organized Franchise I & I Hatchery Of Lancaster, Inc. Box 181 C RD4 Manhcim, Pa. 17545 Russell A. Mease, Pres Phone (717) 665-7014 SHAVER D j LAYERS GREIDER LEGHORN FARMS, INC. Phone 653-1855 MOUNT JOY RDI, PA WANTED LEGHORN FOWL PICK UP AT FARM OR CALL TO RESERVE DAY FOR RECEIVING I. M. SECHLER & SONS POULTRY Strausstown, PA 215-488-1188 Hubbards Golden Comets Rhode Is Reds Barred Rocks HATCHING YEAR ROUND PULLETS 1 Ready to Lay - Now Available 1 - ALSO - GUINEAS - DUCKS - TURKEYS Poultry & Supplies 1 - Massey 85 Gas $3500.00 1 - Int. 414 Diesel Make Offer 1 - Allis B w/cull. $950.00 1 -John Deere G 3 point $950 00 1 • Massey 35 diesel $2850.00 1 - Cub tractor, plow, cult, snow blade $1950.00 1 - John Deere 4020 - W.F End 1 - Int. 3414 Diesel 3 pt. hitch Ind. Ldr. 1 - Ford 5000 Diesel w/Loader & Cab Sharp, 1 - owner Call $7500 John Deere 4010 $6850 International 806 $5500 1 - John Deere 3020 D , 1972 Side Control canopy, row crop $7950 RUBBER TIRE LOADERS TLI6-AC HR Hough VISITORS Always Welcome 1-503 Gallon 1 -104 Gallion - Diesel sharp White Rocks Sex Links SCHAEFFERSTOWN EQUIPMENT CO. SCHAEFFERSTOWN, PA Vz Mile N. of Schaefferstown on Rt. 419 Phone 717-949-6529 - Ask for Lee or Ralph FARM TRACTORS SKID LOADERS 1-1740 Case 1-1737 Case G. 2J.D.24 1 - Gallion 3 to 5 ton $1850.00 tandem 1 - Vibro plus I‘A ton $1500.00 tandem Ford Lane Spreader Box $2550.00 Layton Spreader Box $3250.00 New Tires & Batteries For Sale! £ WHOLESALERS WELCOME £ LET OUR 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE WORK FOR YOU Poultry A Suppliat lib «CS $4950.00 $3500.00 $3750.00 ea, $6500.00 $3500.00 $4500.00 gas $3500.00 For Sale • HOSpeyw type J cm) hot water boiler, bumi pen coal. Sent* • room home can be hooked up with no electric, like new, aiao old both tub, hopper and vituotu china woah bowl SO year* old In Rood condition Cell 73d -6626 Art* Code 215. Paul D Ncsler. Krmpton Kl)2, J’o 19329 Poultry 8. Supplier One PA-70 Paige Candler & Grader with Automatic Packing System Excellent Condition. 717-299-0828 Two How Seymour Washer, SH2 Candler, 13 CPH Egomatic Grader, 18-20 Case Kuhl Washer and Wyland Grader Modern Poultry Supplies, Ivincaster, 717-299- 0828 For Sale - New crr cartons, (misprints) $2O a thousand Call for delivery or pickup 717-665-3511 HOURS: Mon. thru Fri. 7:30t09:30P.M. Sat. 7:30 to 3 P.M CRAWLER LOADERS READY TO WORK 1 ■ 450 i.D Crawler Loader Backhoe $10,500 $6500 $3800.00 $3850 00 $13,500.00 peddle steer $5000.00 3 - 350 J.D. Crawler Loaders 1-1010 J.D. Diesel 1 - 310 Case Diesel " 1 - Cat. 955 H 1-Cat 933 F 1 - 2010 J D Diesel w/Backhoe loader 12010 J.D. w/Ripper CRAWLER DOZERS READY TO WORK 1 - 450 Case, 6 way angle, A5lB $3500 1-600 Case Diesel $2BOO 1-HDSA.C. $2700 BACKHOE LOADERS READY TO WORK 3 - Case 580 Diesels 1-Case 680 Diesel [lB9 hours] 1 - Case 5808 Diesel 1 - Case 530 Diesel 1- Case 530 Gas 1 - Wilshire Riding Sweeper 4 pt. width $1500.00 1 - 3 pi. Hitch Sweeper 6 ft. width $400.00 Mi»<en«n»ww« $6000.00 $4800.00 $6OOO to $6500.00 $8250.00 $12,900.00 $3500.00 $3250.00
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