Form Equipment UUO EQUtMHNI ('i 1000 KirYM'n t*K kr.'f :h trpr-in m ? rc* • •df con head V 3 000 fr>« V,prt 6 K»rvn!c «'l rc-» corn ‘>nd SISOO Gf l l IH 84 H>iyr.‘« »/I rm con htafl J1?S0 loi ?CA ? i&w •de corn hf»d Ue nr» Jl3OO Fo« 2 (Cm unde con •‘fid o'd sty* S5OO Olivet 565 4B 14 Cush Tno Semi n!d Plow Oliver 565 4B 16 Cush Trip Semi m'd P1o» Oliver 568 SB 16 Hyd Reset Serru m'd Plow NEW EQUIPMENT Fox 2100 Harvester 540 RPM w/1 row corn head (belt or chain) Fox 2200 Harvester 540 RPM elec knife sharpener w/2-row corn head (belt or chain) Fox 2300 Harvester 1000 RPM elec knife shar pener w/2 row corn head (Belt or chain) Fox 656 Forage Blower White 2 TO Diesel Tractor White 285 Diesel Tractor White 2150 Diesel Tractor w/cab & air cond White 252 Disc Harrow 128 USED TRACTOR Oliver 77 Gas Oliver 880 Gas PS 3 pt hitch 62 HP Oliver 1250 Gas Utility 3 pt USED TRACTOR ENGINES Oliver Super 77 Dsl Oliver 770 Dsl Oliver 770 Gas Wise 4 cyl comp w/clutch SPEEDY BAR-LOK Com Cribs 900 or 1200 Bushel In Stock FARMERSVILIE EQUIPMENT, INC. RD2, Ephrata, Pa. 717-354-4271 Store Hours: Daily 7 30-5 30 Sat 7 30-3.00 Insurance GEORGE H, STERNER AGENCY General Insurance Representing Old Guard Mutual Insurance Co. Friend of the Farmers Since 1896 Call (215) 754-7728 for low rates. Custom Work Combining of Small Grain and Corn, 36” to 40” rows. Will travel for large acreage. Inquire about other custom work. Grant Cunningham, 215-368-0560 Custom combining, hauling, and round baling corn baler. Ph: 215-869-3068. Custom Silo Filling and High Moisture Com. 717-442-8312 Custom Work with self propelled Harvester, 2-row wide and 3-row narrow head plus snapper head for high moisture com. 717-898-2886 Combining com, 4-row 36” to 40” or 6-row 30”; also grain sorghum and soybeans, 13 ft. head. Will travel for large acreage or neighborhood work. 717-933- 8695. Cuilom Work Will mairt >our ao)bwm* on jour farm with portable rrvaaler Self-contained with own generator and auger* Dale I. Srhnupp. 717-865- 2534 Custom combining corn, wide or narrow row Quakcrlown area, or will travel for large acreage Windy Spring Karma. Im 215-536-8624 Cold Storage Insulation Fruits - Vegetables SPRAYED ON URETHANE FOAM. Ideal for tem perature and humidity control. Continuous coating no seams - no adhesive For free estimates call CONESTOGA CHEMICALS & PLASTICS, INC. 397-3724. After 5.00 p m. call 872-2233 Custom hoof trimming with tilt table. Sam Wylie, Oc torara Farm, Nottingham, Pa. 215-032-8923 NOTICE: Custom sawing and planning. Also slabwood, sawed locust posts and hardwood lumber For Sale. MOYER’S SAW MILL RD No. 2 AnnvUle, Pa. Phone 717-865-3822 Custom corn shelling in Lititz area. Wide or narrow rows. Trucks available to haul grain. Call 717-8268014 Livestock and Custom Hauling - Hay, Straw & corn. Also for sale 500 gal. milk tank. Oliver 550. 1965 House Trailer for Sale. PH: 626-6904 CUSTOM ROUND BALING Hay, Corn Fodder CORN PICKING Within 15 miles of Oxford, PA Ph ; 215-932-5231 Help Wanted Farmer - General ex- Sjrience, 120 acres, Lehigh ounty. Write Lancaster Farming, Box 266 Z, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Experienced man for general farm work. Write Box 2668 C-o Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa 17543 Wanted - Experienced person for 40 cow dairy farm in Northern Harford County Maryland. Write: Springdale Farm, Box 296, White Hall, MD 21161 or phone (301) 357-5726 Farmer Wanted - Must be mechanically inclined and be able to operate all types of farm equipment. Job also involves poultry breeding farm work. 8 room home with all conveniences available. Hospitalization and paid vacation. Geo. M. Anthony and Sons, Strausstown, Pa. 19559, Phone 215488-6211 A NEW PARTY-PLAN CO. STARTING THIS AREA. Part-time (2) evenings weekly. Do Home- Decorating and Floral Designing Shows. Earn $5O to $lOO per show! Qualified Managers also Needed. Call anytime, (1-215) 433-2211 or (1-215) 435-6711 Man wanted with experience in mechanical & electrical maintenance of Farm Machinery. Must be able to weld. Call 717-866-5708 for appointment Experienced farm worker, must know how to milk cows. Top wages. References required. 201-879-5851 Halp Wonfad Help Wanted ( onlnrt Farmens-Farmer with apare time or nome farm background helnful Potential outstanding Writ« Box 266 A. c-o lancaater Farming. IJUU. Pa 17543 Married Christian man to work on a dairy farm House and privileges Must have references ITi 717-653-5155 "ACT NOW - Turn spare lime into US' Be a SANTA's Demonstrator, earn com mittions up to 30 percent - OR - have a Toy & Gift Parly in your home and cam FREE Gifts' Our 29th year' Call or write SANTA's Parties, Avon. Conn 06001 Phone 1 (203 ) 673-3455 ALSO BOOKING PARTIES ” Milking Herdsman, must be qualified in herd health. Strictly milking, no field work. Adequate time off. Top salary & benefits. Call after 6 P.M 215-827-9384 Mamed person needed to help milk in milking parlor ana general farm work. Experience necessary. House available. Located along 322 east of Honey Brook, PA. Ph. 215-265-3442 Wanted - Experienced hard working cattle manager. Must have knowledge in all phases of ranching operations. Must be willing to put in the hours to get the job done. References needed. Call 717-252-1525 after 8 P.M. 252-3925 Dairy farm help wanted; experienced, ambitious and reliable. Milking, field work and repairs. Modern equipment. House, pay and benefits provided. Ph: 215- 948-5274 Full time man for dairy farm, experienced in milking and handling farm machinery. Call 215-6884097. HELP WANTED Reliable Person Wanted for Candling and Packing in Egg Processing Plant Full Time. Will Tram if Necessary. APPLY: PENNFIELD FARMS Schoeneck Rd. Ephrata, PA 17522 I s $ for Newspaper Office. | % Some Typing. Advertising experience helpful, but not 1 1 necessary. I SECRETARY LANCASTER FARMING Phone 626-1164 or 394-3047 Help Wonted Wanted l.xperienred person (or 40 cow dairy farm in eastern Pennsylvania for milking and field work Very pleasant living quarters and good salary Write Box 266 X. c o lancaslcr Farming Newspaper. I-illti. Pa 17543 Wanted Older person or couple with general farm and some hog experience Small furnished house and other benefits Salary negotiable 301-f/R-3567 Married person for dairy and general farm work, ex perienced Good salary and benefits House, shop and horse stables Strasburg area 717-687-8525 Couple for maintenance work on farm and small industrial plant Modern furnished house, good salary and fringe benefits Steady work. Call 215-8554741 HERDSMAN WANTED Married For 100 cow Registered Holstein Herd in Northeast Pennsylvania. Modem facilities, 6- day week, 8 room tenant house, 1 week paid vacation. Must be ex perienced in milking and all phases of Reid work. Wages com parable to any operation this size. Must furnish 2 current references. ARCHIE L WILLIAMS Mostly Valley View Farm RD2, Box 62 Leßaysville, Pa. Phone 717-744-2152 I I ancaster farming Saturday Sept 2b 1976 ?7 Help Wontad Wanted Young couple lo rent farm and house, some equipment available located t uierne ( ounty along Susquehanna River Hov Jirandau. 60 Union, New Holland. Pn 717-354-6056 RELIEF MIIJvING Need a Break 7 labor Temporarily a Problem 7 For Experienced and Dependable Relief Milking Contact SCOT MORROW Drumorc, PA 717-254-2919 Trucks '73 International Truck- Tractor Model 1800, 5 speed over drive, can be lengthen for dump, 45,000 mi., $6500; '67 W Model 1000 Ford 717-273-6018 For Sale - 1968 Chev. 21,000 gross wt., 2 speed axle with 15% ft. Eby cattle rack, good shape. Call 215-756-6511 T ruck* ynr Sale 1771 (*hr\ *« ton stake (**h with 4 wheel drl\r. ideal farm truck, "15.000 miles, excellent condition 215-437-2510 nftcr 5 P M For .Sale - 1766 While Mustang tandem axle dump truck, with aluminum box Fxcellcnt for hauling grain *2475 00 or best offer 717-733- 1650 after 6 00 P M 1975 Ford LN7OO - 5 speed trans -2 sp rear - 26’ roll Back bed (Super 10 Ton)-110 gal fuel cap -4800 miles Total *l2,soo 703-338-7424 For Sale - 6 ton Farm Truck, 1952 Chev 2 speed axle, 12 foot grain boay, hydraulic lift, inspected running order Best offer. L C Derstlne, 791 Old 63. Harleyville, Pa. 215- 256-8487 For Sale - 21’ Eby built truck body. Cattle & grain bmation body with a web 717-733-8559 For Sale -1971 Mack model F7BSST raod tractor with wet line. Ph: 717-382-4254 1971 Dodge cattle truck, 12 ft, bed. Ph: 717-786-3394
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers